German Jews ask Trump to help in creating the German FOX News.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
It is well-known that Merkel's gang created two things:

1. The united hard core commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts
2. The New Pravda ( all MS presstitutes )

Merkel and her DDR 2.0 suck, even German Jews ask Trump to help.

We need a German FOX NEWS!"

An open letter from the JÜDISCHE RUNDSCHAU to US Ambassador Richard Grenell

By Oliver Veld

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

for decades the USA has been helping peoples who have to live in states without sufficient freedom or diversity of opinion. So that, for example, Russians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Turkmen or Iranians are not only dependent on the tendentious news of the government media dominating in their countries, the Americans have thankfully installed Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. For the people of Cuba, the American Radio/TV Martí broadcasts a variety of programmes to help them form their own opinions.
Meanwhile, Germany is once again one of those states in which the majority of the media scene does not report independently of political parties. Almost all important positions at television stations, radio stations, press companies and journalism schools are occupied by Red-Green party soldiers. This development is particularly evident in the case of public broadcasting corporations, the "Spiegel", the "Zeit" and the "Süddeutsche Zeitung". It is therefore not surprising that this cartel-like group of media collaborates in many "campaigns" and "investigations".
If a politician, such as Philipp Amthor of the CDU recently, quite correctly names Muslim immigration as the greatest current threat to Germany's Jews, then the media will take him under fire in a concerted action and press him to retract or modify his statement. A group of journalists wants to determine how the term "anti-Semitism" may be used. Young journalists are trained accordingly at an early stage. The cultural journalism course at the University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin, for example, where radical left-wing journalists are lecturing, has announced a state-sponsored seminar on anti-Semitism for 13 February, without mentioning the greatest and most rapidly increasing danger to Jews in a single word.
The majority of the German media convey a completely distorted picture of reality. US President Trump repaired the American-Israeli relationship, buried the unpopular TTIP agreement, defeated the IS butchers in the Middle East, successfully kept the dictators of North Korea and Iran in check, prevented illegal immigration of terrorists and some seriously criminal migrants to the USA, improved Obama's disastrous health care system, was the first in a long time to give new impetus to the Middle East peace process and achieved the lowest unemployment rate in his country for 50 years! But apart from the JEWISCHE RUNDSCHAU there were very few media that reported on these huge successes of the President. German journalists almost exclusively talk badly about the elected head of our most important ally - above all the makers of the ARD "Tagesthemen".
Trump as the "greatest threat to world peace"
The result of the reporting is not surprising: Although President Trump is stopping or preventing acts of war all over the world, according to a survey by the opinion institute YouGov last December he is the greatest threat to world peace in the eyes of the Germans - far ahead of Vladimir Putin, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and China's President Xi Jinping.
ARD and ZDF regularly brazenly demand more fees - but not in order to finance a more balanced, non-partisan and better-researched journalism. On the contrary: On the one hand, they are paying nonsensical new stations like Tagesschau24, ZDFneo or ONE, through which they can slip their "attitude" to even more people. On the other hand, our fee money is used to support many of the GEZ journalists' "comrades-in-arms". For example, ZDF is one of the main sponsors of the new left-wing radical racket comedy "The Kangaroo Chronicles", in which everything revolves around defaming one of the parties elected to the Bundestag with naive toddler comedy. It is a scandal that radio fees, which all viewers have to pay unwillingly, are misappropriated for such a creation.
It is similarly scandalous that fees continue to flow to the politically radical film producer Nico Hofmann and his production company UFA. Hoffmann's tendentious attitude was already openly evident in 2018 with the publication of his book "Mehr Haltung, bitte! Now he is planning a so-called "Diversity Summit" in Cologne on 23 March. It remains to be hoped that Hofmann and Co. will not use their "Diversity" initiatives to bring even more people with a dubious relationship to anti-Semitism into the German media business.
The encrusted antidemocratic nepotism of the local media scene, in which agitators who have been brought into line provide each other with money and support, must be broken up.
The Americans are to be envied. They have a head of government who is a true friend of the Jews and who recognises and averts dangers for them in good time. They have a stable president who does not do what journalists want, but what benefits the people of his country.
The American people are lucky to be informed more neutrally about the work of their president and also to see their own opinions represented more strongly in the media. A large part of the more balanced reporting in the USA has the channel FOX NEWS. It also lets people have their say whose opinions are almost completely ignored in German television programs.

Dear Mr Grenell, as after the Second World War, we need another programme to promote democracy in Germany. We need a German equivalent to the American FOX NEWS. Please help us! Please save the diversity of opinion in the Federal Republic and the threatened German-American relations!

It is well-known that Merkel's gang created two things:

1. The united hard core commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts
2. The New Pravda ( all MS presstitutes )

Merkel and her DDR 2.0 suck, even German Jews ask Trump to help.

We need a German FOX NEWS!"

An open letter from the JÜDISCHE RUNDSCHAU to US Ambassador Richard Grenell

By Oliver Veld

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

for decades the USA has been helping peoples who have to live in states without sufficient freedom or diversity of opinion. So that, for example, Russians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Turkmen or Iranians are not only dependent on the tendentious news of the government media dominating in their countries, the Americans have thankfully installed Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. For the people of Cuba, the American Radio/TV Martí broadcasts a variety of programmes to help them form their own opinions.
Meanwhile, Germany is once again one of those states in which the majority of the media scene does not report independently of political parties. Almost all important positions at television stations, radio stations, press companies and journalism schools are occupied by Red-Green party soldiers. This development is particularly evident in the case of public broadcasting corporations, the "Spiegel", the "Zeit" and the "Süddeutsche Zeitung". It is therefore not surprising that this cartel-like group of media collaborates in many "campaigns" and "investigations".
If a politician, such as Philipp Amthor of the CDU recently, quite correctly names Muslim immigration as the greatest current threat to Germany's Jews, then the media will take him under fire in a concerted action and press him to retract or modify his statement. A group of journalists wants to determine how the term "anti-Semitism" may be used. Young journalists are trained accordingly at an early stage. The cultural journalism course at the University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin, for example, where radical left-wing journalists are lecturing, has announced a state-sponsored seminar on anti-Semitism for 13 February, without mentioning the greatest and most rapidly increasing danger to Jews in a single word.
The majority of the German media convey a completely distorted picture of reality. US President Trump repaired the American-Israeli relationship, buried the unpopular TTIP agreement, defeated the IS butchers in the Middle East, successfully kept the dictators of North Korea and Iran in check, prevented illegal immigration of terrorists and some seriously criminal migrants to the USA, improved Obama's disastrous health care system, was the first in a long time to give new impetus to the Middle East peace process and achieved the lowest unemployment rate in his country for 50 years! But apart from the JEWISCHE RUNDSCHAU there were very few media that reported on these huge successes of the President. German journalists almost exclusively talk badly about the elected head of our most important ally - above all the makers of the ARD "Tagesthemen".
Trump as the "greatest threat to world peace"
The result of the reporting is not surprising: Although President Trump is stopping or preventing acts of war all over the world, according to a survey by the opinion institute YouGov last December he is the greatest threat to world peace in the eyes of the Germans - far ahead of Vladimir Putin, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and China's President Xi Jinping.
ARD and ZDF regularly brazenly demand more fees - but not in order to finance a more balanced, non-partisan and better-researched journalism. On the contrary: On the one hand, they are paying nonsensical new stations like Tagesschau24, ZDFneo or ONE, through which they can slip their "attitude" to even more people. On the other hand, our fee money is used to support many of the GEZ journalists' "comrades-in-arms". For example, ZDF is one of the main sponsors of the new left-wing radical racket comedy "The Kangaroo Chronicles", in which everything revolves around defaming one of the parties elected to the Bundestag with naive toddler comedy. It is a scandal that radio fees, which all viewers have to pay unwillingly, are misappropriated for such a creation.
It is similarly scandalous that fees continue to flow to the politically radical film producer Nico Hofmann and his production company UFA. Hoffmann's tendentious attitude was already openly evident in 2018 with the publication of his book "Mehr Haltung, bitte! Now he is planning a so-called "Diversity Summit" in Cologne on 23 March. It remains to be hoped that Hofmann and Co. will not use their "Diversity" initiatives to bring even more people with a dubious relationship to anti-Semitism into the German media business.
The encrusted antidemocratic nepotism of the local media scene, in which agitators who have been brought into line provide each other with money and support, must be broken up.
The Americans are to be envied. They have a head of government who is a true friend of the Jews and who recognises and averts dangers for them in good time. They have a stable president who does not do what journalists want, but what benefits the people of his country.
The American people are lucky to be informed more neutrally about the work of their president and also to see their own opinions represented more strongly in the media. A large part of the more balanced reporting in the USA has the channel FOX NEWS. It also lets people have their say whose opinions are almost completely ignored in German television programs.

Dear Mr Grenell, as after the Second World War, we need another programme to promote democracy in Germany. We need a German equivalent to the American FOX NEWS. Please help us! Please save the diversity of opinion in the Federal Republic and the threatened German-American relations!

Try for Fox News As it existed 10 years ago

the current management is not very conservative
It is well-known that Merkel's gang created two things:

1. The united hard core commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts
2. The New Pravda ( all MS presstitutes )

Merkel and her DDR 2.0 suck, even German Jews ask Trump to help.

We need a German FOX NEWS!"

An open letter from the JÜDISCHE RUNDSCHAU to US Ambassador Richard Grenell

By Oliver Veld

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

for decades the USA has been helping peoples who have to live in states without sufficient freedom or diversity of opinion. So that, for example, Russians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Turkmen or Iranians are not only dependent on the tendentious news of the government media dominating in their countries, the Americans have thankfully installed Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. For the people of Cuba, the American Radio/TV Martí broadcasts a variety of programmes to help them form their own opinions.
Meanwhile, Germany is once again one of those states in which the majority of the media scene does not report independently of political parties. Almost all important positions at television stations, radio stations, press companies and journalism schools are occupied by Red-Green party soldiers. This development is particularly evident in the case of public broadcasting corporations, the "Spiegel", the "Zeit" and the "Süddeutsche Zeitung". It is therefore not surprising that this cartel-like group of media collaborates in many "campaigns" and "investigations".
If a politician, such as Philipp Amthor of the CDU recently, quite correctly names Muslim immigration as the greatest current threat to Germany's Jews, then the media will take him under fire in a concerted action and press him to retract or modify his statement. A group of journalists wants to determine how the term "anti-Semitism" may be used. Young journalists are trained accordingly at an early stage. The cultural journalism course at the University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin, for example, where radical left-wing journalists are lecturing, has announced a state-sponsored seminar on anti-Semitism for 13 February, without mentioning the greatest and most rapidly increasing danger to Jews in a single word.
The majority of the German media convey a completely distorted picture of reality. US President Trump repaired the American-Israeli relationship, buried the unpopular TTIP agreement, defeated the IS butchers in the Middle East, successfully kept the dictators of North Korea and Iran in check, prevented illegal immigration of terrorists and some seriously criminal migrants to the USA, improved Obama's disastrous health care system, was the first in a long time to give new impetus to the Middle East peace process and achieved the lowest unemployment rate in his country for 50 years! But apart from the JEWISCHE RUNDSCHAU there were very few media that reported on these huge successes of the President. German journalists almost exclusively talk badly about the elected head of our most important ally - above all the makers of the ARD "Tagesthemen".
Trump as the "greatest threat to world peace"
The result of the reporting is not surprising: Although President Trump is stopping or preventing acts of war all over the world, according to a survey by the opinion institute YouGov last December he is the greatest threat to world peace in the eyes of the Germans - far ahead of Vladimir Putin, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and China's President Xi Jinping.
ARD and ZDF regularly brazenly demand more fees - but not in order to finance a more balanced, non-partisan and better-researched journalism. On the contrary: On the one hand, they are paying nonsensical new stations like Tagesschau24, ZDFneo or ONE, through which they can slip their "attitude" to even more people. On the other hand, our fee money is used to support many of the GEZ journalists' "comrades-in-arms". For example, ZDF is one of the main sponsors of the new left-wing radical racket comedy "The Kangaroo Chronicles", in which everything revolves around defaming one of the parties elected to the Bundestag with naive toddler comedy. It is a scandal that radio fees, which all viewers have to pay unwillingly, are misappropriated for such a creation.
It is similarly scandalous that fees continue to flow to the politically radical film producer Nico Hofmann and his production company UFA. Hoffmann's tendentious attitude was already openly evident in 2018 with the publication of his book "Mehr Haltung, bitte! Now he is planning a so-called "Diversity Summit" in Cologne on 23 March. It remains to be hoped that Hofmann and Co. will not use their "Diversity" initiatives to bring even more people with a dubious relationship to anti-Semitism into the German media business.
The encrusted antidemocratic nepotism of the local media scene, in which agitators who have been brought into line provide each other with money and support, must be broken up.
The Americans are to be envied. They have a head of government who is a true friend of the Jews and who recognises and averts dangers for them in good time. They have a stable president who does not do what journalists want, but what benefits the people of his country.
The American people are lucky to be informed more neutrally about the work of their president and also to see their own opinions represented more strongly in the media. A large part of the more balanced reporting in the USA has the channel FOX NEWS. It also lets people have their say whose opinions are almost completely ignored in German television programs.

Dear Mr Grenell, as after the Second World War, we need another programme to promote democracy in Germany. We need a German equivalent to the American FOX NEWS. Please help us! Please save the diversity of opinion in the Federal Republic and the threatened German-American relations!

Try for Fox News As it existed 10 years ago

the current management is not very conservative

Therefore I very seldom watch FOX now.
But in comparison with Merkel's MS presstitutes it is the source of pure unbiased truth
It is well-known that Merkel's gang created two things:

1. The united hard core commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts
2. The New Pravda ( all MS presstitutes )

Merkel and her DDR 2.0 suck, even German Jews ask Trump to help.

We need a German FOX NEWS!"

An open letter from the JÜDISCHE RUNDSCHAU to US Ambassador Richard Grenell

By Oliver Veld

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

for decades the USA has been helping peoples who have to live in states without sufficient freedom or diversity of opinion. So that, for example, Russians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Turkmen or Iranians are not only dependent on the tendentious news of the government media dominating in their countries, the Americans have thankfully installed Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. For the people of Cuba, the American Radio/TV Martí broadcasts a variety of programmes to help them form their own opinions.
Meanwhile, Germany is once again one of those states in which the majority of the media scene does not report independently of political parties. Almost all important positions at television stations, radio stations, press companies and journalism schools are occupied by Red-Green party soldiers. This development is particularly evident in the case of public broadcasting corporations, the "Spiegel", the "Zeit" and the "Süddeutsche Zeitung". It is therefore not surprising that this cartel-like group of media collaborates in many "campaigns" and "investigations".
If a politician, such as Philipp Amthor of the CDU recently, quite correctly names Muslim immigration as the greatest current threat to Germany's Jews, then the media will take him under fire in a concerted action and press him to retract or modify his statement. A group of journalists wants to determine how the term "anti-Semitism" may be used. Young journalists are trained accordingly at an early stage. The cultural journalism course at the University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin, for example, where radical left-wing journalists are lecturing, has announced a state-sponsored seminar on anti-Semitism for 13 February, without mentioning the greatest and most rapidly increasing danger to Jews in a single word.
The majority of the German media convey a completely distorted picture of reality. US President Trump repaired the American-Israeli relationship, buried the unpopular TTIP agreement, defeated the IS butchers in the Middle East, successfully kept the dictators of North Korea and Iran in check, prevented illegal immigration of terrorists and some seriously criminal migrants to the USA, improved Obama's disastrous health care system, was the first in a long time to give new impetus to the Middle East peace process and achieved the lowest unemployment rate in his country for 50 years! But apart from the JEWISCHE RUNDSCHAU there were very few media that reported on these huge successes of the President. German journalists almost exclusively talk badly about the elected head of our most important ally - above all the makers of the ARD "Tagesthemen".
Trump as the "greatest threat to world peace"
The result of the reporting is not surprising: Although President Trump is stopping or preventing acts of war all over the world, according to a survey by the opinion institute YouGov last December he is the greatest threat to world peace in the eyes of the Germans - far ahead of Vladimir Putin, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and China's President Xi Jinping.
ARD and ZDF regularly brazenly demand more fees - but not in order to finance a more balanced, non-partisan and better-researched journalism. On the contrary: On the one hand, they are paying nonsensical new stations like Tagesschau24, ZDFneo or ONE, through which they can slip their "attitude" to even more people. On the other hand, our fee money is used to support many of the GEZ journalists' "comrades-in-arms". For example, ZDF is one of the main sponsors of the new left-wing radical racket comedy "The Kangaroo Chronicles", in which everything revolves around defaming one of the parties elected to the Bundestag with naive toddler comedy. It is a scandal that radio fees, which all viewers have to pay unwillingly, are misappropriated for such a creation.
It is similarly scandalous that fees continue to flow to the politically radical film producer Nico Hofmann and his production company UFA. Hoffmann's tendentious attitude was already openly evident in 2018 with the publication of his book "Mehr Haltung, bitte! Now he is planning a so-called "Diversity Summit" in Cologne on 23 March. It remains to be hoped that Hofmann and Co. will not use their "Diversity" initiatives to bring even more people with a dubious relationship to anti-Semitism into the German media business.
The encrusted antidemocratic nepotism of the local media scene, in which agitators who have been brought into line provide each other with money and support, must be broken up.
The Americans are to be envied. They have a head of government who is a true friend of the Jews and who recognises and averts dangers for them in good time. They have a stable president who does not do what journalists want, but what benefits the people of his country.
The American people are lucky to be informed more neutrally about the work of their president and also to see their own opinions represented more strongly in the media. A large part of the more balanced reporting in the USA has the channel FOX NEWS. It also lets people have their say whose opinions are almost completely ignored in German television programs.

Dear Mr Grenell, as after the Second World War, we need another programme to promote democracy in Germany. We need a German equivalent to the American FOX NEWS. Please help us! Please save the diversity of opinion in the Federal Republic and the threatened German-American relations!

Try for Fox News As it existed 10 years ago

the current management is not very conservative
I'm a fan of Australia's Sky News
It is well-known that Merkel's gang created two things:

1. The united hard core commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts
2. The New Pravda ( all MS presstitutes )

Merkel and her DDR 2.0 suck, even German Jews ask Trump to help.

We need a German FOX NEWS!"

An open letter from the JÜDISCHE RUNDSCHAU to US Ambassador Richard Grenell

By Oliver Veld

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

for decades the USA has been helping peoples who have to live in states without sufficient freedom or diversity of opinion. So that, for example, Russians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Turkmen or Iranians are not only dependent on the tendentious news of the government media dominating in their countries, the Americans have thankfully installed Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. For the people of Cuba, the American Radio/TV Martí broadcasts a variety of programmes to help them form their own opinions.
Meanwhile, Germany is once again one of those states in which the majority of the media scene does not report independently of political parties. Almost all important positions at television stations, radio stations, press companies and journalism schools are occupied by Red-Green party soldiers. This development is particularly evident in the case of public broadcasting corporations, the "Spiegel", the "Zeit" and the "Süddeutsche Zeitung". It is therefore not surprising that this cartel-like group of media collaborates in many "campaigns" and "investigations".
If a politician, such as Philipp Amthor of the CDU recently, quite correctly names Muslim immigration as the greatest current threat to Germany's Jews, then the media will take him under fire in a concerted action and press him to retract or modify his statement. A group of journalists wants to determine how the term "anti-Semitism" may be used. Young journalists are trained accordingly at an early stage. The cultural journalism course at the University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin, for example, where radical left-wing journalists are lecturing, has announced a state-sponsored seminar on anti-Semitism for 13 February, without mentioning the greatest and most rapidly increasing danger to Jews in a single word.
The majority of the German media convey a completely distorted picture of reality. US President Trump repaired the American-Israeli relationship, buried the unpopular TTIP agreement, defeated the IS butchers in the Middle East, successfully kept the dictators of North Korea and Iran in check, prevented illegal immigration of terrorists and some seriously criminal migrants to the USA, improved Obama's disastrous health care system, was the first in a long time to give new impetus to the Middle East peace process and achieved the lowest unemployment rate in his country for 50 years! But apart from the JEWISCHE RUNDSCHAU there were very few media that reported on these huge successes of the President. German journalists almost exclusively talk badly about the elected head of our most important ally - above all the makers of the ARD "Tagesthemen".
Trump as the "greatest threat to world peace"
The result of the reporting is not surprising: Although President Trump is stopping or preventing acts of war all over the world, according to a survey by the opinion institute YouGov last December he is the greatest threat to world peace in the eyes of the Germans - far ahead of Vladimir Putin, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and China's President Xi Jinping.
ARD and ZDF regularly brazenly demand more fees - but not in order to finance a more balanced, non-partisan and better-researched journalism. On the contrary: On the one hand, they are paying nonsensical new stations like Tagesschau24, ZDFneo or ONE, through which they can slip their "attitude" to even more people. On the other hand, our fee money is used to support many of the GEZ journalists' "comrades-in-arms". For example, ZDF is one of the main sponsors of the new left-wing radical racket comedy "The Kangaroo Chronicles", in which everything revolves around defaming one of the parties elected to the Bundestag with naive toddler comedy. It is a scandal that radio fees, which all viewers have to pay unwillingly, are misappropriated for such a creation.
It is similarly scandalous that fees continue to flow to the politically radical film producer Nico Hofmann and his production company UFA. Hoffmann's tendentious attitude was already openly evident in 2018 with the publication of his book "Mehr Haltung, bitte! Now he is planning a so-called "Diversity Summit" in Cologne on 23 March. It remains to be hoped that Hofmann and Co. will not use their "Diversity" initiatives to bring even more people with a dubious relationship to anti-Semitism into the German media business.
The encrusted antidemocratic nepotism of the local media scene, in which agitators who have been brought into line provide each other with money and support, must be broken up.
The Americans are to be envied. They have a head of government who is a true friend of the Jews and who recognises and averts dangers for them in good time. They have a stable president who does not do what journalists want, but what benefits the people of his country.
The American people are lucky to be informed more neutrally about the work of their president and also to see their own opinions represented more strongly in the media. A large part of the more balanced reporting in the USA has the channel FOX NEWS. It also lets people have their say whose opinions are almost completely ignored in German television programs.

Dear Mr Grenell, as after the Second World War, we need another programme to promote democracy in Germany. We need a German equivalent to the American FOX NEWS. Please help us! Please save the diversity of opinion in the Federal Republic and the threatened German-American relations!

Try for Fox News As it existed 10 years ago

the current management is not very conservative

Therefore I very seldom watch FOX now.
But in comparison with Merkel's MS presstitutes it is the source of pure unbiased truth
Its still better than the other networks
It is well-known that Merkel's gang created two things:

1. The united hard core commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts
2. The New Pravda ( all MS presstitutes )

Merkel and her DDR 2.0 suck, even German Jews ask Trump to help.

We need a German FOX NEWS!"

An open letter from the JÜDISCHE RUNDSCHAU to US Ambassador Richard Grenell

By Oliver Veld

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

for decades the USA has been helping peoples who have to live in states without sufficient freedom or diversity of opinion. So that, for example, Russians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Turkmen or Iranians are not only dependent on the tendentious news of the government media dominating in their countries, the Americans have thankfully installed Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. For the people of Cuba, the American Radio/TV Martí broadcasts a variety of programmes to help them form their own opinions.
Meanwhile, Germany is once again one of those states in which the majority of the media scene does not report independently of political parties. Almost all important positions at television stations, radio stations, press companies and journalism schools are occupied by Red-Green party soldiers. This development is particularly evident in the case of public broadcasting corporations, the "Spiegel", the "Zeit" and the "Süddeutsche Zeitung". It is therefore not surprising that this cartel-like group of media collaborates in many "campaigns" and "investigations".
If a politician, such as Philipp Amthor of the CDU recently, quite correctly names Muslim immigration as the greatest current threat to Germany's Jews, then the media will take him under fire in a concerted action and press him to retract or modify his statement. A group of journalists wants to determine how the term "anti-Semitism" may be used. Young journalists are trained accordingly at an early stage. The cultural journalism course at the University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin, for example, where radical left-wing journalists are lecturing, has announced a state-sponsored seminar on anti-Semitism for 13 February, without mentioning the greatest and most rapidly increasing danger to Jews in a single word.
The majority of the German media convey a completely distorted picture of reality. US President Trump repaired the American-Israeli relationship, buried the unpopular TTIP agreement, defeated the IS butchers in the Middle East, successfully kept the dictators of North Korea and Iran in check, prevented illegal immigration of terrorists and some seriously criminal migrants to the USA, improved Obama's disastrous health care system, was the first in a long time to give new impetus to the Middle East peace process and achieved the lowest unemployment rate in his country for 50 years! But apart from the JEWISCHE RUNDSCHAU there were very few media that reported on these huge successes of the President. German journalists almost exclusively talk badly about the elected head of our most important ally - above all the makers of the ARD "Tagesthemen".
Trump as the "greatest threat to world peace"
The result of the reporting is not surprising: Although President Trump is stopping or preventing acts of war all over the world, according to a survey by the opinion institute YouGov last December he is the greatest threat to world peace in the eyes of the Germans - far ahead of Vladimir Putin, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and China's President Xi Jinping.
ARD and ZDF regularly brazenly demand more fees - but not in order to finance a more balanced, non-partisan and better-researched journalism. On the contrary: On the one hand, they are paying nonsensical new stations like Tagesschau24, ZDFneo or ONE, through which they can slip their "attitude" to even more people. On the other hand, our fee money is used to support many of the GEZ journalists' "comrades-in-arms". For example, ZDF is one of the main sponsors of the new left-wing radical racket comedy "The Kangaroo Chronicles", in which everything revolves around defaming one of the parties elected to the Bundestag with naive toddler comedy. It is a scandal that radio fees, which all viewers have to pay unwillingly, are misappropriated for such a creation.
It is similarly scandalous that fees continue to flow to the politically radical film producer Nico Hofmann and his production company UFA. Hoffmann's tendentious attitude was already openly evident in 2018 with the publication of his book "Mehr Haltung, bitte! Now he is planning a so-called "Diversity Summit" in Cologne on 23 March. It remains to be hoped that Hofmann and Co. will not use their "Diversity" initiatives to bring even more people with a dubious relationship to anti-Semitism into the German media business.
The encrusted antidemocratic nepotism of the local media scene, in which agitators who have been brought into line provide each other with money and support, must be broken up.
The Americans are to be envied. They have a head of government who is a true friend of the Jews and who recognises and averts dangers for them in good time. They have a stable president who does not do what journalists want, but what benefits the people of his country.
The American people are lucky to be informed more neutrally about the work of their president and also to see their own opinions represented more strongly in the media. A large part of the more balanced reporting in the USA has the channel FOX NEWS. It also lets people have their say whose opinions are almost completely ignored in German television programs.

Dear Mr Grenell, as after the Second World War, we need another programme to promote democracy in Germany. We need a German equivalent to the American FOX NEWS. Please help us! Please save the diversity of opinion in the Federal Republic and the threatened German-American relations!

Try for Fox News As it existed 10 years ago

the current management is not very conservative
I'm a fan of Australia's Sky News
I dont know that one

but Australia is have a huge debate of china right now
It is well-known that Merkel's gang created two things:

1. The united hard core commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts
2. The New Pravda ( all MS presstitutes )

Merkel and her DDR 2.0 suck, even German Jews ask Trump to help.

We need a German FOX NEWS!"

An open letter from the JÜDISCHE RUNDSCHAU to US Ambassador Richard Grenell

By Oliver Veld

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

for decades the USA has been helping peoples who have to live in states without sufficient freedom or diversity of opinion. So that, for example, Russians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Turkmen or Iranians are not only dependent on the tendentious news of the government media dominating in their countries, the Americans have thankfully installed Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty. For the people of Cuba, the American Radio/TV Martí broadcasts a variety of programmes to help them form their own opinions.
Meanwhile, Germany is once again one of those states in which the majority of the media scene does not report independently of political parties. Almost all important positions at television stations, radio stations, press companies and journalism schools are occupied by Red-Green party soldiers. This development is particularly evident in the case of public broadcasting corporations, the "Spiegel", the "Zeit" and the "Süddeutsche Zeitung". It is therefore not surprising that this cartel-like group of media collaborates in many "campaigns" and "investigations".
If a politician, such as Philipp Amthor of the CDU recently, quite correctly names Muslim immigration as the greatest current threat to Germany's Jews, then the media will take him under fire in a concerted action and press him to retract or modify his statement. A group of journalists wants to determine how the term "anti-Semitism" may be used. Young journalists are trained accordingly at an early stage. The cultural journalism course at the University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin, for example, where radical left-wing journalists are lecturing, has announced a state-sponsored seminar on anti-Semitism for 13 February, without mentioning the greatest and most rapidly increasing danger to Jews in a single word.
The majority of the German media convey a completely distorted picture of reality. US President Trump repaired the American-Israeli relationship, buried the unpopular TTIP agreement, defeated the IS butchers in the Middle East, successfully kept the dictators of North Korea and Iran in check, prevented illegal immigration of terrorists and some seriously criminal migrants to the USA, improved Obama's disastrous health care system, was the first in a long time to give new impetus to the Middle East peace process and achieved the lowest unemployment rate in his country for 50 years! But apart from the JEWISCHE RUNDSCHAU there were very few media that reported on these huge successes of the President. German journalists almost exclusively talk badly about the elected head of our most important ally - above all the makers of the ARD "Tagesthemen".
Trump as the "greatest threat to world peace"
The result of the reporting is not surprising: Although President Trump is stopping or preventing acts of war all over the world, according to a survey by the opinion institute YouGov last December he is the greatest threat to world peace in the eyes of the Germans - far ahead of Vladimir Putin, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and China's President Xi Jinping.
ARD and ZDF regularly brazenly demand more fees - but not in order to finance a more balanced, non-partisan and better-researched journalism. On the contrary: On the one hand, they are paying nonsensical new stations like Tagesschau24, ZDFneo or ONE, through which they can slip their "attitude" to even more people. On the other hand, our fee money is used to support many of the GEZ journalists' "comrades-in-arms". For example, ZDF is one of the main sponsors of the new left-wing radical racket comedy "The Kangaroo Chronicles", in which everything revolves around defaming one of the parties elected to the Bundestag with naive toddler comedy. It is a scandal that radio fees, which all viewers have to pay unwillingly, are misappropriated for such a creation.
It is similarly scandalous that fees continue to flow to the politically radical film producer Nico Hofmann and his production company UFA. Hoffmann's tendentious attitude was already openly evident in 2018 with the publication of his book "Mehr Haltung, bitte! Now he is planning a so-called "Diversity Summit" in Cologne on 23 March. It remains to be hoped that Hofmann and Co. will not use their "Diversity" initiatives to bring even more people with a dubious relationship to anti-Semitism into the German media business.
The encrusted antidemocratic nepotism of the local media scene, in which agitators who have been brought into line provide each other with money and support, must be broken up.
The Americans are to be envied. They have a head of government who is a true friend of the Jews and who recognises and averts dangers for them in good time. They have a stable president who does not do what journalists want, but what benefits the people of his country.
The American people are lucky to be informed more neutrally about the work of their president and also to see their own opinions represented more strongly in the media. A large part of the more balanced reporting in the USA has the channel FOX NEWS. It also lets people have their say whose opinions are almost completely ignored in German television programs.

Dear Mr Grenell, as after the Second World War, we need another programme to promote democracy in Germany. We need a German equivalent to the American FOX NEWS. Please help us! Please save the diversity of opinion in the Federal Republic and the threatened German-American relations!

Try for Fox News As it existed 10 years ago

the current management is not very conservative
I'm a fan of Australia's Sky News
I dont know that one

but Australia is have a huge debate of china right now

Aussies are morons, NWO caused Covid-19
Germany doesn’t have freedom of speech. They won’t ever allow a free thinking news outlet. Only MS presstitutes that serve the globalist Agenda are permitted.
Germany doesn’t have freedom of speech. They won’t ever allow a free thinking news outlet. Only MS presstitutes that serve the globalist Agenda are permitted.

Germans MS presstitutes are the most venom and dishonest in the world.

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