Gay Marriage Fails In Maine

I am one of those who is in the camp that views marriage as a religious sacriment and I don't believe it should be a matter of governmental concern.

Being able to jointly file tax returns, beneficiaries, and other domestic partnership issues should be covered under civil contracts law. States should grant these opportunities to couples regardless of race or gender and gay couples should be able to exercise those civil contracts freely.

Churches should decide for themselves who they will and will not "marry."

Just MHO.
people know what they want and what they dont want, and they are not buying that this is about civil rights.

Jesus H. Christ on a Popsicle stick! "people know what they want and what they dont want" Well, if "people" would concentrate on their OWN wants and leave the rest of the populace alone we'd have a pretty happy world. One of my favorite Thanksgiving graces asks God to protect us from the puritans. It wouldn't make a damned bit of difference to you if you weren't Gladys Kravitz.
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I ask this in all seriousness, as a married, heterosexual man:

Why would any other straight person give a rat's ass whether gay people get married or not? I mean - I've been married for almost nine years, and if some other group of women and men is so eager to join THIS club, I say, "more power to 'em". Not that I'm not happy being married, but really, is having it all legal and official making YOUR life some kind of heaven on Earth? (to Jessica Alba's husband, you ba$tard, don't answer that).

It's no skin off my nose if two lesbians get married - it's not like they were ever potential dates for me anyway (even if I wasn't already married). Really - are there people so insecure in their own sexuality that they're "terrified" of the idea that two dudes might tie the knot?

Geesh... let 'em all get married, so they too can experience the amazing joy of married life </sarcasm>. Why is this even an issue, unless some religious nut-cases are going off about the bible again (in which case - aren't you meant to be out chasing Darwin or something?)

Last point - I keep hearing about this "sacred" institution. In a country with a 45% divorce rate... um, yah.. I can see just how "sacred" it is, this holy covenant of state-sanctioned, IRS-approved living arrangements. *rolls eyes*

I see this question a lot. The answer is very simple. When a young impressionable child sees two grown men hugging and kissing each other walking down the street, with wedding bands on their fingers, or two grown women, it can be very confusing for them
,and can affect their normal mental development, with regard to human adult relationships. And no parent wants to have to explain Homosexuality to their child, in this day and age. Does this answer your question.?

The government has no responsibility to raise your child. YOU do. It's not the responsibility of government to guarantee that your child never sees something just because you are not comfortable talking to them about it. Grow up - BE A PARENT.
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people know what they want and what they dont want, and they are not buying that this is about civil rights.

Jesus H. Christ on a Popsicle stick! "people know what they want and what they dont want" Well, if "people" would concentrate on their OWN wants and leave the rest of the populace alone we'd have a pretty happy world. One of my favorite Thanksgiving graces asks God to protect us from the puritans. It wouldn't make a damned bit of difference to you if you weren't Myrtle Kravitz.


fuckin a right!
I ask this in all seriousness, as a married, heterosexual man:

Why would any other straight person give a rat's ass whether gay people get married or not? I mean - I've been married for almost nine years, and if some other group of women and men is so eager to join THIS club, I say, "more power to 'em". Not that I'm not happy being married, but really, is having it all legal and official making YOUR life some kind of heaven on Earth? (to Jessica Alba's husband, you ba$tard, don't answer that).

It's no skin off my nose if two lesbians get married - it's not like they were ever potential dates for me anyway (even if I wasn't already married). Really - are there people so insecure in their own sexuality that they're "terrified" of the idea that two dudes might tie the knot?

Geesh... let 'em all get married, so they too can experience the amazing joy of married life </sarcasm>. Why is this even an issue, unless some religious nut-cases are going off about the bible again (in which case - aren't you meant to be out chasing Darwin or something?)

Last point - I keep hearing about this "sacred" institution. In a country with a 45% divorce rate... um, yah.. I can see just how "sacred" it is, this holy covenant of state-sanctioned, IRS-approved living arrangements. *rolls eyes*

I see this question a lot. The answer is very simple. When a young impressionable child sees two grown men hugging and kissing each other walking down the street, with wedding bands on their fingers, or two grown women, it can be very confusing for them
,and can affect their normal mental development, with regard to human adult relationships. And no parent wants to have to explain Homosexuality to their child, in this day and age. Does this answer your question.?

So, they drag their kids out to a street corner on Sunday to hold up signs supporting Segregation. Got it. :eusa_eh:
people know what they want and what they dont want, and they are not buying that this is about civil rights.

Jesus H. Christ on a Popsicle stick! "people know what they want and what they dont want" Well, if "people" would concentrate on their OWN wants and leave the rest of the populace alone we'd have a pretty happy world. One of my favorite Thanksgiving graces asks God to protect us from the puritans. It wouldn't make a damned bit of difference to you if you weren't Myrtle Kravitz.

I have a friend who was in the Army serving in Germany a few years ago. He struck up a conversation with a local friend at one of the Beer Gardens and they started talking about countries and their comparative freedom. While my friend went on about America's tradition of freedom, the German disagreed and stated that many of the European countries were freer now. When asked how so, he stated that Europeans aren't all up in everyone else's personal business, trying to regulate private issues. My friend had to agree with that one.
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You obviously do, you see, obviously in Maine they have a referendum system to repel laws the Majority actually do not support. That is part of the Government of Maine. Aren't you from Maine? Seems you would actually know your own Government system.

which leads back to the civil rights act.... doesn't it? the legislature SHOULD pass acts that protect equality and that should NEVER be left to the tyranny of the majority. If we as a nation had done so with civil rights, blacks would never have gotten equal rights under the law.

Thirty states have constitutional amendments against gay marriage. None have been struck down by the US Supreme Court. Not going to happen.

and some state supreme courts have ruled that bans against homosexual marriage violate their STATE constitutions, and THOSE rulings will never be struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court either. I hope that the Maine Supreme Court does precisely that.

determining what is and is not a right should NEVER be left to the mob.
You obviously do, you see, obviously in Maine they have a referendum system to repel laws the Majority actually do not support. That is part of the Government of Maine. Aren't you from Maine? Seems you would actually know your own Government system.

which leads back to the civil rights act.... doesn't it? the legislature SHOULD pass acts that protect equality and that should NEVER be left to the tyranny of the majority. If we as a nation had done so with civil rights, blacks would never have gotten equal rights under the law.

Thirty states have constitutional amendments against gay marriage. None have been struck down by the US Supreme Court. Not going to happen.

Name one of them that has gone before the US Supreme Court......yet.
One question that has yet to be answered by those against gay marriage:

Why is it so important to you?

All I hear is whining about "redefinition" ... which is utter bullshit, nor does it answer the question.
people know what they want and what they dont want, and they are not buying that this is about civil rights.

Jesus H. Christ on a Popsicle stick! "people know what they want and what they dont want" Well, if "people" would concentrate on their OWN wants and leave the rest of the populace alone we'd have a pretty happy world. One of my favorite Thanksgiving graces asks God to protect us from the puritans. It wouldn't make a damned bit of difference to you if you weren't Myrtle Kravitz.

I have a friend who was in the Army serving in Germany a few years ago. He struck up a conversation with a local friend at one of the Beer Gardens and they started talking about countries and their comparative freedom. While my friend went on about America's tradition of freedom, the German disagreed and stated that many of the European countries were freer now. When asked how so, he stated that Europeans aren't all up in everyone else's personal business, trying to regulate private issues. My friend had to agree with that one.

so do i.
By GLENN ADAMS and DAVID CRARY, Associated Press Writers Glenn Adams And David Crary, Associated Press Writers – 19 mins ago

PORTLAND, Maine – Maine voters repealed a state law Tuesday that would have allowed same-sex couples to wed, dealing the gay rights movement a heartbreaking defeat in New England, the corner of the country most supportive of gay marriage.

Gay marriage has now lost in every single state — 31 in all — in which it has been put to a popular vote. Gay-rights activists had hoped to buck that trend in Maine — known for its moderate, independent-minded electorate — and mounted an energetic, well-financed campaign.

Maine voters reject gay-marriage law - Yahoo! News

Link provided to comply with USMB copyright policy. You know better ...


It's good to see there's folks out there with some common sense.

Says the poster who lives in the equivalent of a third world country when it comes to human rights. Why aren't you guys gone yet?

You are trying to imply that the majority should not be dictating to the minority with the fallacious argument that the minority would never attempt to do so if the shoe were on the other foot.

So you have no laws at all in Maine?

Here is a sample: no basic speed laws? Everyone can drive whatever the hell speed they want? The speed laws are the majority of people who believe that driving to fast down the streets of a state is unsafe and immoral; therefore, the majority makes the law that says that a driver can only drive at a safe rate of speed regardless of the posted speed limit. Not everyone agrees with the speed laws, but they are there for a good reason.

The majority wins in this country in these cases. Not everyone agrees with the majority, but our laws are decided by the majority in every case that it is put to a vote.

Someone has to make the decision. One side or the other has to make the laws. Not everyone agrees with any particular law that is passed. Are you proposing that we flip flop and let the minority make the decisions? Are you proposing that we not have any laws at all: anarchy? Are you proposing that we let the Governor make all decisions? Or are you proposing that we simply let Maineman make all decisions?


now...comparing traffic laws to equal rights is silly, don't you think?

and "rights" ought not be left to the majority... see my last post.

Then who should decide our 'rights'? Liberal judges?

certainly. liberal or conservative judges can and should adjudicate what is and is not a right granted under our constitutions- federal and state.
One question that has yet to be answered by those against gay marriage:

Why is it so important to you?

All I hear is whining about "redefinition" ... which is utter bullshit, nor does it answer the question.

Because we all have an interest in what relationships we consider to be the most beneficial, and therefore the most deserving of leal status under our marital laws. You might ask the same question about those opposed to polygamist marriages, or incestuous marriages. The fact is, some types of relationships are more valuable to society than others.
One question that has yet to be answered by those against gay marriage:

Why is it so important to you?

All I hear is whining about "redefinition" ... which is utter bullshit, nor does it answer the question.

Because we all have an interest in what relationships we consider to be the most beneficial, and therefore the most deserving of leal status under our marital laws. You might ask the same question about those opposed to polygamist marriages, or incestuous marriages. The fact is, some types of relationships are more valuable to society than others.

Really ... how so? Just saying it is doesn't make it so, how is gay marriage less beneficial to society?
Did you just actually ask that? Wow.

Uhm yeah, I did. You certainly don't see people being obsessed with being heterosexual.

Absolutely! all the time...on tv, in movies, on billboards, in board rooms, in bars, on spring break, at dances, on Girls Nite Out, on Boys Nite Out. All. The. Time.

For the record, I don't give a rat's ass what people do behind closed doors. But I do believe in the institution of marraige between a MAN and a WOMAN.
And I believe in the institution of marriage for loving adult couples.

SO you have NO problem with Incest?
Get the religious institution of marriage out of the laws ... then I won't care who gets what, so long as it has religious ties ... it's not legal in any form.
One question that has yet to be answered by those against gay marriage:

Why is it so important to you?

All I hear is whining about "redefinition" ... which is utter bullshit, nor does it answer the question.

Because we all have an interest in what relationships we consider to be the most beneficial, and therefore the most deserving of leal status under our marital laws. You might ask the same question about those opposed to polygamist marriages, or incestuous marriages. The fact is, some types of relationships are more valuable to society than others.

Really ... how so? Just saying it is doesn't make it so, how is gay marriage less beneficial to society?

I am not sure that it is. However, our marital laws recognize heterosexual relationships above same sex relationships, incestuous relationships, polygamous relationships, etc. And the simple fact is that there is no argument in support of gay marriage that should not also be extended to polygamist and incestuous relationships.
Because we all have an interest in what relationships we consider to be the most beneficial, and therefore the most deserving of leal status under our marital laws. You might ask the same question about those opposed to polygamist marriages, or incestuous marriages. The fact is, some types of relationships are more valuable to society than others.

Really ... how so? Just saying it is doesn't make it so, how is gay marriage less beneficial to society?

I am not sure that it is. However, our marital laws recognize heterosexual relationships above same sex relationships, incestuous relationships, polygamous relationships, etc. And the simple fact is that there is no argument in support of gay marriage that should not also be extended to polygamist and incestuous relationships.

Originally they did include polygamy ... so they have already been changed as far as laws go ... what difference will one more change make?

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