Gay Channel?

channels 66, 69, 99 or 96, depending on your area.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
channels 66, 69, 99 or 96, depending on your area.

I thought 88 denoted lesbians... or cunniligus... maybe not... forget it.
I just wonder if this demographic is too slim to support a full channel. Isn't this just going to be a cross between E!, The Food Network, and Animal Planet?
Originally posted by HGROKIT
What's wrong with this picture?

If you're a safety nut, it's not got a plastic cover over the top socket.

If you're a real man, there's only one thing plugged into it instead of 14.

Otherwise... dunno.
Originally posted by HGROKIT
What's wrong with this picture?

The current is flowing.

If it is the power cord to a TV, then the whole picture is wrong and the cord should be cut.
Originally posted by NewGuy
The current is flowing.

If it is the power cord to a TV, then the whole picture is wrong and the cord should be cut.

No you all - There is a plug in a receptacle. It does not belong in this thread. To belong in this thread it would have to be a receptacle and a receptacel and a plug and a plug!

Geez - and I thought you all were intelligent

Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I just wonder if this demographic is too slim to support a full channel. Isn't this just going to be a cross between E!, The Food Network, and Animal Planet?

what the hells wrong with the animal planet channel? :wtf:
I've read about Don Wildmon and Louis Sheldon and their crusades to lead boycotts of media programs, products (and their advertisers) that they do not like. I don't know of their track record. Hey. As long as they don't go crying to big government to outlaw such material, I have no objection to their tactics. Leave it up to the free market to decide. I, for one, will see an episode or two and find out if I like it.
Originally posted by HGROKIT
No you all - There is a plug in a receptacle. It does not belong in this thread. To belong in this thread it would have to be a receptacle and a receptacel and a plug and a plug!

Geez - and I thought you all were intelligent


ALRIGHT... CUT HIM OFF..... :alco:

(It was funny.... :p: )
Originally posted by mattskramer
I've read about Don Wildmon and Louis Sheldon and their crusades to lead boycotts of media programs, products (and their advertisers) that they does not like. I don't know of their track record. Hey. As long as they don't go crying to big government to outlaw such material, I have no objection to their tactics. Leave it up to the free market to decide. I, for one, will see an episode or two and find out if I like it.

If we ever want to know what the "fence" thinks, we can always depend on you to tell us matts... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Pale Rider
If we ever want to know what the "fence" thinks, we can always depend on you to tell us matts... :rolleyes:

I still don't understand what you mean by calling me a "fence". Please explain it. I have solid positions on a variety of issues. That does not sound like a fence to me.

Oh. And just like you, I'll give my opinion on issues whether people want to read them or not.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Matts, dont take this the wrong way but why is the most of your replies on all gay issues? do you have some reason for your stance on this issue? just curious!

No particular reason. I guess that it seems to be the most popular topic on this board. I have other opinions on other topics too. I support the legalization of prostitution, drugs, gambling and other so-called "victimless crimes". I support the outlawing of abortion except in cases in which the mother's life is at serious risk. I have strong opinions on other issues too.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
:laugh: While I admire your tenacity on the issue, I have to really wonder about you when you support the above thing's!

hey, you aint out purchasing hooker's now are you?:D

I'm a moderate libertarian. I basically believe that people (and adults in particular) should be free to do as they please as long as they don't interfere with the rights and freedoms of others. Government should be little more than punish those who commit force or fraud.

Yeah. I'm a gay pot-smoking, pimp addicted gambling. :D
Originally posted by mattskramer
I still don't understand what you mean by calling me a "fence". Please explain it. I have solid positions on a variety of issues. That does not sound like a fence to me.

Oh. And just like you, I'll give my opinion on issues whether people want to read them or not.

Matts your position that as long as an action does not impose on anybody then it should be allowed is the very definition of fence sitting. If the jackass next to me doesn't pay his taxes it really doesn't affect me but I still condemn it and get pissed off just the same because its wrong just the same.
Originally posted by OCA
Matts your position that as long as an action does not impose on anybody then it should be allowed is the very definition of fence sitting. If the jackass next to me doesn't pay his taxes it really doesn't affect me but I still condemn it and get pissed off just the same because its wrong just the same.

Sencesitter: One who takes a position of neutrality or indecision, as in a controversial matter.

(1) I have taken positions on controversial matters.

Should people be allowed to gamble - Yes or No? YES
Should people be allowed to be prostitutes - Yes or No? YES

That sure ain't fencesitting.

(2) Nowhere on this board have I advocated the breaking of tax laws. If laws are unfair they should be changed.
Originally posted by mattskramer
Sencesitter: One who takes a position of neutrality or indecision, as in a controversial matter.

(1) I have taken positions on controversial matters.

Should people be allowed to gamble - Yes or No? YES
Should people be allowed to be prostitutes - Yes or No? YES

That sure ain't fencesitting.

(2) Nowhere on this board have I advocated the breaking of tax laws. If laws are unfair they should be changed.

Matts that was an example of a crime that is victimless, that has no effect on the common citizen yet will reap considerable condemnation and scorn from others. Same with homosexuality and sure as hell the same with drugs. Can't wait to have my brakes worked on by a guy high on heroin after drugs are legalized so he can cause me to be involved in a 23 car pileup on the belyway. Legalization of any rec drug besides pot has to be the most ridiculous cause to take up going. It is not a victimless crime, not in the farthest of stretches.
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