

que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
What are these called: The first one is supposed to get rust/orange flowers on it but never has.

Second one is like the first one, but varigated leaves. No clue if it gets flowers...cuz it never has.

Third one is smooth elongated leaves. No flowers.

All three have been under the tree, in shade. I need to find out why they are so unhappy..not counting the snails that keep chowing on the first two.



I have seen them all but do my gardening outside.

Don't know what they are called.

Look for the same thing at walmart, they are common.
What are these called: The first one is supposed to get rust/orange flowers on it but never has.

Second one is like the first one, but varigated leaves. No clue if it gets flowers...cuz it never has.

Third one is smooth elongated leaves. No flowers.

All three have been under the tree, in shade. I need to find out why they are so unhappy..not counting the snails that keep chowing on the first two.




Look like they need re-potting, and rehab in the sun when it warms up.

Most folks like Miracle Gro, but NEVER make it stronger than 1/4 strength.

You can add more later; you can never undo fertilizer burn.
They were repotted day before yesterday. They have big bulky bulbous roots so most I have cut way back to let them regrow. Which they will. And I used miracle grow on them too...carefully. They were in the ground but I stuck them in pots so I can move them around the yard so they can tell me where they are happiest, but if I knew the name of them, I could google to see if they want full sun, partial sun, shade, etc. I know the tall snakey one likes full sun OR shade. I have one in the front yard that gets full morning sun and is doing fine. So this one I will put over by my swing. Its the other two I am not sure about. The solid green one is about 10 years old. I took it from the apartment complex I used to manage (it was in my back yard) and I left most of it, but snagged some bulbs. It had eastern exposure...morning sun. But I tried it here and it was NOT happy. So I stuck it under the tree. It is not happy there either but at least it didn't die. The varigated clue. Until I find out what the name of them are anyway.
Oh, and its warmed up here all right. We never really got a winter. Been in the 70's the past 3 weeks.
Oh, and its warmed up here all right. We never really got a winter. Been in the 70's the past 3 weeks.
Luck you, a month or more ahead of me on Spring.

Once I had over 100 house plants, but did not know the names of most.

I garden outside now, mostly watermelons.
Oh, and its warmed up here all right. We never really got a winter. Been in the 70's the past 3 weeks.
Luck you, a month or more ahead of me on Spring.

Once I had over 100 house plants, but did not know the names of most.

I garden outside now, mostly watermelons.
I got started with house plants. I think my favs were the ....the....damn. I forgot the name. And Begonias...I had them in my bathroom cuz they loved the shower when I took one. IN the show is where I hung them.

The only inside plant I have now is a spider plant near my recliner chair. They give off A LOT of good stuff for dry skin and it is very happy there near the window for western exposure thru the sheer lace drapes.

I usually have a green thumb, but these two....oy. I cannot make them happy no matter what I do.
I planted my zucchini seeds yesterday..and the green onions. The strawberries from last year put out berries until last month, then stopped, but they are budding up again. Tomorrow I am going to plant the cauliflower and tomatoes. I have everything near where I can drape them in case Winter decides to come back since it is on hiatus.
In to the sun tomorrow with both of them! They are in big heavy pots, so I am thankful I have a dolly.

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