Gambit/Phoenix: American Diary [Capitalism Decline]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does/should capitalism create 'Utopian folklore'?


"Gambit was an Atlantic City card-magician who aced the casino games and made a good deal of money, sufficient for sustaining his lifestyle while living there. Gambit was taking a walk during sunset one day on the Boardwalk when he noticed a strange woman-figure emerging on the beach as if she were on fire, completely consumed by the flames of the dark-side. Gambit remembered his days teaching a Comparative Literature course at Yale University called Linguistics and Occultism and considered the 'metaphysical topology' of the fire-woman's message about gender/chauvinism."


"The woman was Dark Phoenix, a manifestation of all the vanities and lust of the world itself. Gambit wondered if challenging such a mystically dark 'avatar' would require him to come face-to-face with darkness itself and therefore demand of him a special 'dune consciousness.' The term 'dune' referred to an empire of eternity in the sand, and Gambit knew that he'd have to offer something really unique to challenge such an 'ornamental dominion.' Gambit decided to approach Dark Phoenix as if she were the Biblical Harlot of Babylon and engage her in a willful debate about media ethics in 21st Century America ('TrumpUSA')."


GAMBIT: I have a 2+2 playing-card combo symbolic of patriotism.
DARK PHOENIX: What's so special about "2+2" (4?)?
GAMBIT: Well, it's really a matter of first numerical even-number pairing.
DARK PHOENIX: It's a doublet/reflection.
GAMBIT: Yes, but it's also a continuity on a leap-pad.
DARK PHOENIX: Do you believe in the matrix of numbers?
GAMBIT: I like the oddity of numbers behaving as road-signs.
DARK PHOENIX: Are you a fan of astrology?
GAMBIT: I like today's online astrology listings...
DARK PHOENIX: You're a child of convenience!
GAMBIT: Yes, I like Teddy Ruxpin cushions.
DARK PHOENIX: Are you a fan of automated toys?
GAMBIT: I like Unicron (Hasbro's Transformers).
DARK PHOENIX: Are you a fan of robotics folklore?
GAMBIT: I like the idea of ethics in the world of A.I.
DARK PHOENIX: A.I. is the new Frankenstein, no?
GAMBIT: Female robot companions remind men of the lottery.
DARK PHOENIX: Streamlined traffic creates 'depression imagination.'
GAMBIT: Consumerism has created a special arcade (e.g., TrumpUSA).



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