Gallup Poll

Be mindfull of the internal numbers young Padawan.

Some internal numbers from Gallup on the debate:

Expressed himself more clearly
Kerry 60
Bush 32

Had a good understanding of the issues
Kerry 41
Bush 41

Agreed with you more on the issues you care about
Kerry 46
Bush 49

Was more believable
Kerry 45
Bush 50

Was more likable
Kerry 41
Bush 48

Demonstrated he is tough enough for the job
Kerry 37
Bush 54

Yeah, I checked out those numbers. I wasn't sure how to interperet them, seeing as Kerry and Bush both came out on top in different aspects, but the 'bounce' for kerry in the polls is definitely coloring my interpretation.
nakedemperor said:
Yeah, I checked out those numbers. I wasn't sure how to interperet them, seeing as Kerry and Bush both came out on top in different aspects, but the 'bounce' for kerry in the polls is definitely coloring my interpretation.

That "bounce" will be short-lived. The ads that show that his major point (which was to show he was "consistent") was balderdash were out less than 1 day later.

Looking and acting like something do not make you that which you act like. They just make you look desperate at it.
no1tovote4 said:
Looking and acting like something do not make you that which you act like. They just make you look desperate at it.

I disagree that Kerry has been inconsistent-- this is a great article which outlines that Kerry has been consistent, however, with some rudamentary selective soundbite editing, its easy to mislead people into believing he 'flip flops'.

"Looking and acting like something do not make you that which you act like." This is one odd non sequitor. I THINK you mean Kerry was trying to appear consistant, but actually isn't. Again, refer to the article.

Now, in terms of Kerry looking desperate. WHO looked desperate in that debate? Who was stammering, studdering, and claiming like a proud gradeschooler that "I knew that Osama attacked us! Of course I knew that?" Dubya looked desperate, he was on the defensive. For a brief synopsis of what he managed to say in between stammering and studdering, go here:
nakedemperor said:
I disagree that Kerry has been inconsistent-- this is a great article which outlines that Kerry has been consistent, however, with some rudamentary selective soundbite editing, its easy to mislead people into believing he 'flip flops'.

"Looking and acting like something do not make you that which you act like." This is one odd non sequitor. I THINK you mean Kerry was trying to appear consistant, but actually isn't. Again, refer to the article.

Now, in terms of Kerry looking desperate. WHO looked desperate in that debate? Who was stammering, studdering, and claiming like a proud gradeschooler that "I knew that Osama attacked us! Of course I knew that?" Dubya looked desperate, he was on the defensive. For a brief synopsis of what he managed to say in between stammering and studdering, go here:

It is also easy to see his difference of opinion when seeing the polls as opposed to what he is saying. aside, it doesn't take a genius to see it and you should really look into it. You may not know your candidate as well as you may think.
Bush said enough. He promised that the U.S will tend to U.S. interests irrespective of the opinions of the "global community".

Kerry said enough, too. He said, "global test".

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