Furious BLM protesters clash with Chicago cops after video showed Dexter Reed being shot almost 100 times in less than a minute

The Media Nominates Their New George Floyd

11 Apr 2024 ~~ By Matt Walsh

Last year, a man in his mid-20’s named Dexter Reed was charged with three counts of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and one count of possession of a firearm with a revoked “Firearms Owners Identification Card,” which is required in the state of Illinois before you can possess a weapon or ammunition. Because no one really spends time in jail in Illinois anymore, Reed was free on pretrial release for these felony charges as recently as this past March.
It goes without saying that at that point, any functioning member of society who somehow found himself charged with these crimes would try to lay low for a bit. Maybe they’d keep their illegal guns at home, for example. But Dexter Reed did not choose that approach because he’s not a functioning member of society. Instead, in March, Reed went for a drive in an SUV wearing a ski mask and carrying a firearm.
It’s clear from this footage that Dexter Reed is wearing a ski mask and he’s not cooperating with the officers. They tell him to unlock the door and stop rolling up the windows, and he refuses for quite some time. Then the officers see something that clearly puts them in fear of their life. They back up, and shots begin ringing out. One officer is hit in the wrist, and he survives.
After seeing that footage, here was the Washington Post headline: “Deputy fatally shoots man who served 16 years for wrongful conviction.” The article begins: “Leonard Cure, who was exonerated in 2020, was killed by a Georgia sheriff’s deputy during a traffic stop Monday … The deputy used a Taser and a baton before shooting Cure.”
The Post didn’t get around to mentioning that Cure tried to murder the deputy until 14 paragraphs into the story. And even then, they describe it as carefully as they can. They say Cure was “forcefully grappling with the deputy and pushing the deputy’s head back with his hand.” That’s the Post’s way of saying that he was trying to choke the officer to death. And of course, Ben Crump came out and declared that Cure had been shot simply for being black.
That effort didn’t catch on in quite the way the media and BLM activists had hoped. So now they’re trying again. And they will continue to try until one of two things happen. Either they get the riots they want and terrorize millions of people into voting for Democrats out of fear — or, for once, normal, sane people stand up and say what’s obvious. And that’s the fact that Dexter Reed and Leonard Cure and all of these BLM “heroes” are the dregs of society. They are not role models and they are not victims. They are, in fact, the cause of many serious problems that cities like Chicago are experiencing right now. That’s the only message that can put an end to these riots before they start, and avert a repeat of the pillaging we saw in 2020. It happens to be a message that most Americans believe, even if they’re afraid to say it. But as unpleasant as it may be, it’s time we started saying it.

We've seen the images of this felon as the angel his family claims he was compared to the images of his suicide by cop.
It's a sure sign that the Democrats and their biased Quisling Media are becoming desparate in this election year.

The Media Nominates Their New George Floyd

11 Apr 2024 ~~ By Matt Walsh

Last year, a man in his mid-20’s named Dexter Reed was charged with three counts of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and one count of possession of a firearm with a revoked “Firearms Owners Identification Card,” which is required in the state of Illinois before you can possess a weapon or ammunition. Because no one really spends time in jail in Illinois anymore, Reed was free on pretrial release for these felony charges as recently as this past March.
It goes without saying that at that point, any functioning member of society who somehow found himself charged with these crimes would try to lay low for a bit. Maybe they’d keep their illegal guns at home, for example. But Dexter Reed did not choose that approach because he’s not a functioning member of society. Instead, in March, Reed went for a drive in an SUV wearing a ski mask and carrying a firearm.
It’s clear from this footage that Dexter Reed is wearing a ski mask and he’s not cooperating with the officers. They tell him to unlock the door and stop rolling up the windows, and he refuses for quite some time. Then the officers see something that clearly puts them in fear of their life. They back up, and shots begin ringing out. One officer is hit in the wrist, and he survives.
After seeing that footage, here was the Washington Post headline: “Deputy fatally shoots man who served 16 years for wrongful conviction.” The article begins: “Leonard Cure, who was exonerated in 2020, was killed by a Georgia sheriff’s deputy during a traffic stop Monday … The deputy used a Taser and a baton before shooting Cure.”
The Post didn’t get around to mentioning that Cure tried to murder the deputy until 14 paragraphs into the story. And even then, they describe it as carefully as they can. They say Cure was “forcefully grappling with the deputy and pushing the deputy’s head back with his hand.” That’s the Post’s way of saying that he was trying to choke the officer to death. And of course, Ben Crump came out and declared that Cure had been shot simply for being black.
That effort didn’t catch on in quite the way the media and BLM activists had hoped. So now they’re trying again. And they will continue to try until one of two things happen. Either they get the riots they want and terrorize millions of people into voting for Democrats out of fear — or, for once, normal, sane people stand up and say what’s obvious. And that’s the fact that Dexter Reed and Leonard Cure and all of these BLM “heroes” are the dregs of society. They are not role models and they are not victims. They are, in fact, the cause of many serious problems that cities like Chicago are experiencing right now. That’s the only message that can put an end to these riots before they start, and avert a repeat of the pillaging we saw in 2020. It happens to be a message that most Americans believe, even if they’re afraid to say it. But as unpleasant as it may be, it’s time we started saying it.

We've seen the images of this felon as the angel his family claims he was compared to the images of his suicide by cop.
It's a sure sign that the Democrats and their biased Quisling Media are becoming desparate in this election year.
It was a story for about one day here in Chicago.

No one is getting all that worked up because the dumb shit actually DID shoot at a cop.

That said, there are some serious questions. Why did they fire 96 shots? Why did a whole squad descend on this car for what the police are describing as a SEATBELT VIOLATION?
We can be sure Democrat Studios will launch another blockbuster this Summer, especially with Joe Blow's numbers dropping like a rock. They need to re-energize their base with some more hate and anger.
Don't look now, but Biden is leading in more polls than Trump is right now.

It only gets worse for Trump when his followers watch him get convicted and realize that his Social Media company is a penny stock.
Don't look now, but Biden is leading in more polls than Trump is right now.

It only gets worse for Trump when his followers watch him get convicted and realize that his Social Media company is a penny stock.
Indeed, Biden leads the pols in Corruption, Inflation, Weak Foreign Policies, Racism, and appointing Affirmative Action Plagiarists.

they stop this black dude from no seat belt . in does not comply and roles his window down and shoots at cops. the cops shot back and he dies. a cop was shot by him and is in the hospital as well. the black got himself killed cause he was stupid and of course what did they thin k the cops are going to do when he shoots at them and wounds one of their cops. maybe his mommy should have taught him how to comply with cops and follow laws. now you got all these blacks out there acting like animals trying to destroy the city again. what do they expect will happen when you shoot and wound a cop? just comply with cops or i dot know follow the laws. dont get in a shoot out with cops.

They fired over 90 rounds.

That is appalling, I don't care what the circumstances, particularly if, as it has been reported, they were firing at him after he was on the ground.
They fired over 90 rounds.

That is appalling, I don't care what the circumstances, particularly if, as it has been reported, they were firing at him after he was on the ground.
and what ever his mother wants to make up/ sje changes the number everytime she talks.
Anyone hear about the Dexter Reed? This 26yr old thug shot a cop while in his car. Then cops returned fire. Because the windows were tinted so dark, and he was still in his vehicle, out of their sight, they shot like 96 bullets at him. (5 officers). He tried to drive off, but was blocked by the cop car in front of him. When he finally exited the vehicle, he didn't do the smart thing and lay on the ground. He actually tried to run. That's when they ended him.

But his baby momma is trying to make out like he was shot because he was driving while black.

The cop he shot starts @3:50
Anyone hear about the Dexter Reed? This 26yr old thug shot a cop while in his car. Then cops returned fire. Because the windows were tinted so dark, and he was still in his vehicle, out of their sight, they shot like 96 bullets at him. (5 officers). He tried to drive off, but was blocked by the cop car in front of him. When he finally exited the vehicle, he didn't do the smart thing and lay on the ground. He actually tried to run. That's when they ended him.

But his baby momma is trying to make out like he was shot because he was driving while black.

The cop he shot starts @3:50

He shot a cop in the arm, initiating the shooting and got shot to death. Mostly the end of story. I understand some take issue with the three times he was shot while on the ground behind his car with the gun still laying in the driver's seat. I doubt if much will be said about the first 93 rounds, but those last three may be a problem.
He shot a cop in the arm, initiating the shooting and got shot to death. Mostly the end of story. I understand some take issue with the three times he was shot while on the ground behind his car with the gun still laying in the driver's seat. I doubt if much will be said about the first 93 rounds, but those last three may be a problem.

Yeah those last three made me think. But it shouldn't be, because of what created the situation in the first place.
Here's a clip from Fox, that shows what the left is saying about this.

@ 0:45
Anyone hear about the Dexter Reed? This 26yr old thug shot a cop while in his car. Then cops returned fire. Because the windows were tinted so dark, and he was still in his vehicle, out of their sight, they shot like 96 bullets at him. (5 officers). He tried to drive off, but was blocked by the cop car in front of him. When he finally exited the vehicle, he didn't do the smart thing and lay on the ground. He actually tried to run. That's when they ended him.

But his baby momma is trying to make out like he was shot because he was driving while black.

The cop he shot starts @3:50

The police shot him 96 TIMES and they didn't kill him? Why do we employ such rubbish?