Fully vaccinated cruise ship has Covid outbreak

What is you point? It would be serious shit if it were not for the vaccine. It is not news to anyone that vaxxed people can carry the virus and be asymtomatic, or get mildly. We also know that a very small percentage can get seriously ill
The point seems that it wasn't mandatory that passengers be vaccinated. It was only a guideline.
What is you point? It would be serious shit if it were not for the vaccine.
How the fuck do you know? Because the guys to told you it would provide immunity (which was bullshit) told you? The guys who told you NOT to wear a mask because it would not help, who THEN told you it would, who then said you should do it to show you care only?
I understood right away it was obviously a joke, using the play on words.

I wouldn't expect any less from you, Tommy! I was merely making a comment on how our society has now gone on a full assault of anyone identified as either:
  • a Trump Supporter
  • Republican
  • Vaccine or election questioner
  • anyone with Covid or WITHOUT a mask (as obviously, they MUST be an unvaccinated Trump Supporter!
PLEASE NOTE: The above four categories are fully interchangeable. :smoke:

Looks like I overestimated the IQ of this forum yet again.
Are u gay? You can't let this go, can you? Go ahead, get your hatred of Texans out you miserable.

I'm gay now? I hate Texans? Dude, you better get yourself checked into a clinic FAST because you've CRACKED.

And YOU are the one not letting it go by not admitting you were wrong and overreacted.
Vax ship or not, nobody should be going on a cruise right now. In the best of times, they are virulent Petri dishes.

I hate to agree with you, but you are right. Just because the vaccine has been out for a few months and some restrictions lifted, I can't believe everyone is that deperate and just rushing out to the beach, concerts and cruise ships! They are just BEGGING for the whole Covid thing to implode and start over from scratch.
How the fuck do you know? Because the guys to told you it would provide immunity (which was bullshit) told you? The guys who told you NOT to wear a mask because it would not help, who THEN told you it would, who then said you should do it to show you care only?
What the fuck are you having apoplexy about? Get a grip. A "guy " told me what? Read the fucking science. The science says that the vaccine does not provide 100% immunity but that it does a damned good job limiting the spread keep people from getting seriously sick

Science is the pursuit of truth. As more is learned the guidence changes. But you igorant fucks jump on shit like changes in mask guidence to accuse someone of misleading, lying, or of being stupid . Give the histrionics a rest alread and do some reading.
Does that even matter when 100% of the passengers are vaxxed and they still had a massive outbreak?
Let's say they WERE 100% vaxxed. How did they get covid? Is it a new strain? Does the vaxx not work all the time? I dunno. It should be investigated.

I think the vaccines work for the most part, but doesn't work in all cases as we are beginning to find out. My city is a test city in California and it's going on now.
I am currently on a cruise ship with 800 other souls, all of whom have been fully vaccinated, and every single one of whom is tested DAILY for the dreaded virus - 6 days in.

A few positive tests (i.e., "cases") doesn't mean shit. Nobody is sick; nobody is dying.

This is the Media tossing out a little "Moron Bait" to see which readers get excited...namely, the morons.
the media click baiting for hits?

Let's say they WERE 100% vaxxed. How did they get covid? Is it a new strain? Does the vaxx not work all the time? I dunno. It should be investigated.

I think the vaccines work for the most part, but doesn't work in all cases as we are beginning to find out. My city is a test city in California and it's going on now.

A true fully tested and FDA approved Vaccine is supposed to STOP the disease, the way fully tested TB, Small Pox, German Measles, Meningitis and more does.

Those mRNA stuff doesn't do very well since even when "fully Vaccinated" people can still get sick of the very virus anyway, can still infect others too because their unapproved emergency doesn't fully shut it down in the body well and still live on the person.

What the fuck are you having apoplexy about? Get a grip. A "guy " told me what? Read the fucking science. The science says that the vaccine does not provide 100% immunity but that it does a damned good job limiting the spread keep people from getting seriously sick

Science is the pursuit of truth. As more is learned the guidence changes. But you igorant fucks jump on shit like changes in mask guidence to accuse someone of misleading, lying, or of being stupid . Give the histrionics a rest alread and do some reading.
What is so god damned funny Bootney Lee Farnsworth ? That is all you have?
This is typical liberal science. They contort themselves so that every scenario supports the hypothesis that the vaccine is good.
A true fully tested and FDA approved Vaccine is supposed to STOP the disease, the way fully tested TB, Small Pox, German Measles, Meningitis and more does.

Those mRNA stuff doesn't do very well since even when "fully Vaccinated" people can still get sick of the very virus anyway, can still infect others too because their unapproved emergency doesn't fully shut it down in the body well and still live on the person.

Covid 19 isn't a bacterial, so let's just stick to viruses. The vaccines against the viruses you listed worked really great and eventually stopped its transmission to low numbers. However, that does not appear to be the case with covid. It seems people can still transmit even if they were vaccinated. I'm not sure what the numbers are yet. After the recent news, we are ramping up wearing masks again and now have to show proof you were vaccinated to go and get into places including work.

All health care workers MUST be vaccinated.
Quick! Just fire a cruise missile now and sink the ship! We must stamp out this terrible blight! :shok:
I was going to suggest a Nuclear Suitcase Device...

Would you say the same if it was a gay ship?
Yes... Humor touches everyone...

I have come to the conclusion that james bond may be drinking his bathwater, shaken not stirred... :alcoholic:

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