From the idiot rubes who brought you the Iowa democratic caucus

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
From the idiot rubes who brought you the iowa democratic caucus

Ladies and gentlemen the democrat rubes from Florida bring you the first Democrat Virtual Rally

No words words....except maybe wha in the flying ham sammmich was that

And Joe comes on at 37. Sumthin or another

Oh boy

Oh they should do a whole bunch of these....oh yes ....yes please
From the idiot rubes who brought you the iowa democratic caucus

Speaking of idiot rubes, we have an OP who thinks that the national Democratic party ran the Iowa caucuses, as opposed to the local Iowa Democratic party. Yep, he's a Trump cultist, detached from reality and proud of it.

I imagine Trump's awful poll numbers has something to do with their current hysteria. They can see the downballot disaster that Trump is bringing, but they can't stop it. They're stuck on the runaway Trump train until it crashes.
The virtual convention idea is a positive for Democrats.

Convention polling bumps are meaningless. They always fade quickly. With the virtual convention, Democrats will be Demonstrating they walk the walk. And they'll save a buttload of money, and not waste the time of the delegates.

Republicans will hold a big convention, without even so much as masks, because DearLeader commands it. Viruses being viruses, things that don't care about propaganda, COVID will spread madly at the GOP convention. As so many of the attendees die, the public will realize "dang, the Republican party really is a death cult."

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