Frogmarch 101


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Or how to survive { literally } on a diet of Not
Ham & Eggs BUT one of sheer vile Hatred.
Stinkin' Old Joe the Potus will show us how tonight.
No better way to prep the country as to what these
Democrat scum have in mind.Because name-calling isn't
working.Leaking Isn't working nor is some First in Presidential
History or the actual Raid on the residence of a former Potus.
Lying and Leaking is now more common place in the " corrupt "
MSM and Democrat Party than actually the rare spectacle of having a
Pet alligator.Many kids of my era had pets.Like Hamsters and even
little white mice.Small alligators as well.In small little aquariums.
So to watch the rare anticipation of having a Big Lug like Donald
Trump being frog-marched out to some all black big Federal Limo
to get booked,is not like having a pet alligator as a kid.
But it mise well be. Rod Serling is doing cartwheels in heaven.
The Country is now accustomed to the Kiddie mindset of These
Infernal guardians of the Democrat persuation.
I doubt any - I have a hate speech - by Biden is going to quell
anything.Nor have his Policy's.Any and all his hateful policies to make
America and Americans Smarts { feel or cause a sharp stinging pain }
That was some fine sheer vile hatred.

I guess that's what Trump cultists survive on now.
Give us the name of a Potus that ever accused half the country of
Being Fascists.Or Nazis.Or " Terrorists "as " this lame ass Garland did.
What new vile word{s} has Biden in store for tonight.
Whatever word or words he was practicing as stripted by
whatever knucklehead drudges up his tripe.
Lisa Booth was entirely correct.This bidness that Biden is a
" Good Guy " as we heard too often in the 2020 Presidential
Campaign is about the most Unbelievable - Reversal of Fortune - {1990}
that We the People have been putz through.
Booth is correct, Biden is undoubtedly Not a Good President
and even Worse person.
How worse well get a taste of tonight.
Then quit giving us good reasons to hate you fuckers.
As if some version of a Robert DeNiro comedy.
Only political. With lead Ben Stiller as Greg Focker in
- Little Fockers - { 2010 }
Co-starring Hollywood elite Democrats
Dustin Hofman and Barbara Streisand
as Bernie and Roz Focker.

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