Freedom Caucus whips the orange clown into submission


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Paraphrasing Napoleon, :when your enemy is busy committing suicide, don't intervene"....

Who knew that the GOP's own Freedom Caucus would cause the first huge defeat to the Trumpster's "....are you tired of winning, yet..." mantra......but they did, while democrats just sat back smirking and shaking their heads.

Bear in mind that infrastructure plans, Mexican wall and,of course, real HC reform, ALL entail huge expenditures of borrowed money by the federal government.....and we all know that the Freedom Caucus (aka as Tea Sippers) is AGAINST any major borrowing (wait and see how Trump will react when he has to ask congress to raise the debt ceiling at the end of next month.)

The blood in the water is just too tempting for the sharks currently in that D.C. "swamp."
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Oh, no worries... He, Paul Ryan and RinseRepeatus have said they plan to now reach across the aisle and work with the democrats to get their agenda passed! They don't need no stinkin' Conservatives!

We'll see how well that strategy works out.
Paraphrasing Napoleon, :when your enemy is busy committing suicide, don't intervene"....

Who knew that the GOP's own Freedom Caucus would cause the first huge defeat to the Trumpster's "....are you tired of winning, yet..." mantra......but they did, while democrats just sat back smirking and shaking their heads.

Bear in mind that infrastructure plans, Mexican wall and,of course, real HC reform, ALL entail huge expenditures of borrowed money by the federal government.....and we all know that the Freedom Caucus (aka as Tea Sippers) is AGAINST any major borrowing (wait and see how Trump will react when he has to ask congress to raise the debt ceiling at the end of next month.)

The blood in thewater is just too tempting for the sharks currently in that D.C. "swamp."

Republicans don't have a Marxist text to work off of like the Democrats. You need to spend less time wishing for things and posting innuendo. Managing a Republic to raise all boats actually takes work unlike driving everyone to the lowest common denominator.
The 'Right' is fractured, here, and in the rest of the world. The embedded ultra-right factions have such a thirst for power, and dogmatic adherence to their creed, that they continue to block even radicals like Trump.
And Trump is an easy target, given his refusal to 'play the game'.
After years of bleating about 'the Deficit', it is no surprise that they will resist the tax cuts, and the big spend that the Orange Groper plans.
Can't wait for the tantrums from our Glorious Leader...

The embedded ultra-right factions have such a thirst for power, and dogmatic adherence to their creed, that they continue to block even radicals like Trump.

This is insanely stupid and actually refutes itself in principle.

Trump ran as an "anti-establishment" candidate... THE ULTIMATE anti-establishment candidate who was going to "Drain The Swamp!" ...Well, he made the RNC Chair his Chief of Staff and he is surrounded by establishment cronies. He continues to play the Establishment card of attacking conservatives.

He is now threatening to lurch left and work with Democrats who hate him worse than policy ideas he may have they agree with, instead of trying to work together with conservatives who want to like him and support him.

"Dogmatic adherence to their creed?" You mean upholding the principles of the Constitution? You mean repealing Obamacare like we promised the voters we'd do? Maybe you mean standing up for the right to life for the unborn or defending the 2nd Amendment? It's called having a principled position.
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The freedom caucus freed Trump from the big fat Obamacare mess thank Christ. No longer shackled to that ball and chain Trump roared ahead today with his agenda smashing the shit out of Obama's EPA goon squad of regulations.

You idiot libs will wish Trump was still mired in the Obamacare fiasco in a few months time. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
The freedom caucus freed Trump from the big fat Obamacare mess thank Christ. No longer shackled to that ball and chain Trump roared ahead today with his agenda smashing the shit out of Obama's EPA goon squad of regulations.

You idiot libs will wish Trump was still mired in the Obamacare fiasco in a few months time.


Managing a Republic to raise all boats actually takes work

Well, now THAT explains the 5 vacations to Mar-A-Largo in 68 days....Thanks LOL

seems like when obama played a little golf all the con men had a snit fit Why not now?

At this rate, the Tumpster will OUTSPEND Obama's vacations costs of 8 years in just less than ONE year.....LOL

So, what are you Dem's going to do about it? :laugh: Dem's a minority in the House, a minority in the Senate, a minority at the state level in 33 states and 69 of 99 state legislatures :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Managing a Republic to raise all boats actually takes work

Well, now THAT explains the 5 vacations to Mar-A-Largo in 68 days....Thanks LOL

seems like when obama played a little golf all the con men had a snit fit Why not now?

At this rate, the Tumpster will OUTSPEND Obama's vacations costs of 8 years in just less than ONE year.....LOL
And bet the trumpovitches never open their yaps
Managing a Republic to raise all boats actually takes work

Well, now THAT explains the 5 vacations to Mar-A-Largo in 68 days....Thanks LOL

seems like when obama played a little golf all the con men had a snit fit Why not now?

At this rate, the Tumpster will OUTSPEND Obama's vacations costs of 8 years in just less than ONE year.....LOL

So, what are you Dem's going to do about it? :laugh: Dem's a minority in the House, a minority in the Senate, a minority at the state level in 33 states and 69 of 99 state legislatures :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Stay united not like the clueless repubs who sooner or later will need dem votes
So, what are you Dem's going to do about it? :laugh: Dem's a minority in the House, a minority in the Senate, a minority at the state level in 33 states and 69 of 99 state legislatures

Blues must like bending over for the Trumpster.....Grab your ankles, Blues...LOL
So, what are you Dem's going to do about it? :laugh: Dem's a minority in the House, a minority in the Senate, a minority at the state level in 33 states and 69 of 99 state legislatures

Blues must like bending over for the Trumpster.....Grab your ankles, Blues...LOL

I'm sorry I was busy celebrating our victory over you libs, what was your point?

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