France imposes first niqab fines


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Two French Muslim women who continue to wear the full-face veil in defiance of a new law banning it in France have been issued fines by a court.
Thursday's sentencing in Meaux was closely followed not just in France but right across Europe, says the BBC's Christian Fraser in Paris.
Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland all have - or are planning - similar legislation.

BBC News - France imposes first niqab fines
I'm going to reserve my judgement on this. Issuing fines for wearing niquabs in public is one thing, but collecting them (and regularly applying the sanction) is another thing altogether.

Though I do support the ban.
French Shop Owner in Muslim-Colonised Area Attacked 26 Times in 7 Years, Raped Once
Islam in Europe

Bookshop in Seine-Saint-Denis, Marie-Neige Sardin was attacked twenty six times in seven years. She resists, while deploring the abandonment of the justice system.

No question for Marie-Neige Sardin, 54, of leaving her little bookshop in Bourget. Despite the vio¬lence and the intimidation, despite the shop-owners who used to be alongside her leaving, this energetic woman wants to yield nothing to her attackers. “In France an enormous number of people are living through what I live through in my banlieue”, she writes in the book she has just published. In it she denounces the weaknesses of a justice system that is too accommodating to delinquents. A shocking testimony.

Why have you written this book?

To serve witness. To what I’ve gone through and what other victims have lived through and are still living through, those who don’t have the means to make it known.

What have you gone through?

The Colonization of France - Atlas Shrugs
There has unfortunately been a rise in violence against Muslim women wearing thee things since this ban was brought in. They are not my favourite item of clothing but it certainly appears the reason for the ban is to have a go at Muslim's rather than anything else given the tiny amount of French Muslim women who wore them. The totally irrelevant to topic post above quoting from of all places the islamophobic Atlas Shrugs a symptom of this illness.

The Guardian points out that it certainly has done nothing with regard to it's initially declared aims - which were to liberate the women. They are either stuck in their houses or out on the streets being either verbally or physically abused.

It will be interesting to see what happens now the first sentence has been passed as according to the Guardian article they may find that now they have at last brought someone to court, an appeal in the EU courts may rule this against human rights - and yes I know it is not a religious item - that does not stop a lot of Muslim women brought up in Western countries from saying that is why they are wearing them

The French justice ministry says "fewer than 10" cases are currently going through the courts and the lack of fines shows the state favours "dialogue" not punishment. But Gilles Devers, a lawyer acting for Ahmas and several other women in niqab, argued punishments were not being handed out because the niqab law contravenes European human rights legislation on personal liberties and freedom of religion. As soon as a fine is imposed, there will be an appeal right up to the European court of human rights in Strasbourg, which could rule against the law and expose the French state as a laughing stock.

France's burqa ban: women are 'effectively under house arrest' | World news | The Guardian

anyway we shall see how this goes - a first little step to see how things go in stopping Muslim people's civil rights in Europe perhaps. If the ban is upheld, what will be the next I wonder?
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I'm going to reserve my judgement on this. Issuing fines for wearing niquabs in public is one thing, but collecting them (and regularly applying the sanction) is another thing altogether.

Though I do support the ban.

So you support the pretending of a law, but not the proper application of the law? :clap2:

And then you are going to reserve judgment? :cuckoo:
Sucks, now Arab women have to shave their faces. Would it be ok for them to just wear a paper bag over their heads?
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