Foundation With Biden Campaign Ties Funding Leftist Agitators


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
I've been wondering for quite some time about who is funding all the rioters across the country, maybe this is one answer.

Claiming to be America’s second-largest private foundation, the Ford Foundation has poured almost $2 billion into groups active in “disrupting systems to advance social justice,” according to its grant database.

The Ford Foundation boasts key members of the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaign as alumni executives. Harris’s sister and ex-campaign chairwoman Maya Harris served as the Ford foundation’s vice president alongside Biden’s now senior advisor, Cristóbal Alex, who served as its program director during the Obama presidency.

Some of Obama’s top staffers are now Ford Foundation’s top staffers. Taara Rangarajan, now Ford’s chief of staff, served as Obama’s national security advisor from 2013-2016. Before that, she served as a special assistant to Susan Rice during the Benghazi affair. Another Ford exec, Xavier de Souza Briggs, served as President Obama’s associate director of the Office of Management and Budget.

During the final months of the Obama presidency, Ford Foundation gave prominent leaders of the communist Workers World Party (WWP) funding to form the Southern Vision Alliance (SVA), a collective of activists that includes members of the group raining down terror in Charlotte last week at the RNC convention.

Shortly after getting $200,000 from the Ford Foundation in 2016, these activists performed one of the first violent and illegal teardowns of a historic monument in the country, in Durham, North Carolina. After the activists were arrested and charged for rioting and property damage, they are being defended in court, for free, by lawyers from another Ford grantee: the Southern Coalition for Social Justice.

Flush with Ford Foundation cash, these activists continue to promote property destruction and violence during demonstrations.
The Ford Foundation likes what it sees in the alleged criminal gang. This year, the wealthy nonprofit gave the group $750,000, more than tripling its inaugural donation, bringing Ford’s total contributions to SVA so far $1.2 million, according to the foundation’s website.

Directed by Bernie Sanders’s senior advisor Phillip Agnew, the Dream Defenders group seeks the release of criminals from prison and the “end to the Capitalist system in the United States,” according to its now-scrubbed web page. The Ford Foundation has given the group $1.1 million, according to its grant database.

Social media accounts show the Marxist activists campaigning for Democrat mayors, state attorneys, and prosecutors in Florida who promise to end cash bail, defund the police, and free hardened criminals from jail.

Dream Defenders’ tactics vary: they shut down bridges in Florida, holding thousands of commuters hostage during rush-hour traffic; block entrances to Miami neighborhoods, threatening residents with unrelenting “civil unrest”; and shut down awards ceremonies for law enforcement, all in an effort to raise awareness for Democrats’ de-policing policies.

SOMEBODY is paying for all these thugs to be out there destroying property and hurting or killing people. It appears that people associated with the Biden campaign are involved.
I've been wondering for quite some time about who is funding all the rioters across the country, maybe this is one answer.

Claiming to be America’s second-largest private foundation, the Ford Foundation has poured almost $2 billion into groups active in “disrupting systems to advance social justice,” according to its grant database.

The Ford Foundation boasts key members of the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaign as alumni executives. Harris’s sister and ex-campaign chairwoman Maya Harris served as the Ford foundation’s vice president alongside Biden’s now senior advisor, Cristóbal Alex, who served as its program director during the Obama presidency.

Some of Obama’s top staffers are now Ford Foundation’s top staffers. Taara Rangarajan, now Ford’s chief of staff, served as Obama’s national security advisor from 2013-2016. Before that, she served as a special assistant to Susan Rice during the Benghazi affair. Another Ford exec, Xavier de Souza Briggs, served as President Obama’s associate director of the Office of Management and Budget.

During the final months of the Obama presidency, Ford Foundation gave prominent leaders of the communist Workers World Party (WWP) funding to form the Southern Vision Alliance (SVA), a collective of activists that includes members of the group raining down terror in Charlotte last week at the RNC convention.

Shortly after getting $200,000 from the Ford Foundation in 2016, these activists performed one of the first violent and illegal teardowns of a historic monument in the country, in Durham, North Carolina. After the activists were arrested and charged for rioting and property damage, they are being defended in court, for free, by lawyers from another Ford grantee: the Southern Coalition for Social Justice.

Flush with Ford Foundation cash, these activists continue to promote property destruction and violence during demonstrations.
The Ford Foundation likes what it sees in the alleged criminal gang. This year, the wealthy nonprofit gave the group $750,000, more than tripling its inaugural donation, bringing Ford’s total contributions to SVA so far $1.2 million, according to the foundation’s website.

Directed by Bernie Sanders’s senior advisor Phillip Agnew, the Dream Defenders group seeks the release of criminals from prison and the “end to the Capitalist system in the United States,” according to its now-scrubbed web page. The Ford Foundation has given the group $1.1 million, according to its grant database.

Social media accounts show the Marxist activists campaigning for Democrat mayors, state attorneys, and prosecutors in Florida who promise to end cash bail, defund the police, and free hardened criminals from jail.

Dream Defenders’ tactics vary: they shut down bridges in Florida, holding thousands of commuters hostage during rush-hour traffic; block entrances to Miami neighborhoods, threatening residents with unrelenting “civil unrest”; and shut down awards ceremonies for law enforcement, all in an effort to raise awareness for Democrats’ de-policing policies.

SOMEBODY is paying for all these thugs to be out there destroying property and hurting or killing people. It appears that people associated with the Biden campaign are involved.
No surprise there!
Yes! The FORD Co. is great at making motor vehicles BUT BUT BUT....

The FORD FOUNDATION has always been fascist slime.

"In July 1938, prior to the outbreak of war, the German consul at Cleveland gave Ford, on his 75th birthday, the award of the Grand Cross of the German Eagle, the highest medal Nazi Germany could bestow on a foreigner.[15] James D. Mooney, vice-president of overseas operations for General Motors, received a similar medal, the Merit Cross of the German Eagle, First Class,"
I still stand by my opinion that Trump shouldn't focus on Law and Order, I think the economy, China, bringing jobs back and a general sense of America First vs China (or the world) First is his key to victory. Why are only Dem mayors seeming to bait him?

He should address it as need be, and he appears to be doing so on Tuesday, but he has to appear fair and balanced. Bad actors are far different than peaceful protests. This is important for him to point out, to control the narrative.

He can play both sides, and he must in an election year due to the escalation and obvious avoidance of fair press by MSNBC and CNN, if he wants to be successful.

Say the following:

1) The silence of Trump opponents has been deafening in the face of burning cars, buildings, death, violence destruction and threats made to politicians and their families. It's been going on for a long time and escalating, even outside the WH and in attacks on politicians.

2) This is key, I heard Mike Pence touch on it, and he should make it clear so there is no counter argument "Trump will support security of communities while defending the right to peaceful protest and their constitutional rights." Violence and destruction is a crime, it's that simple. There is peaceful, meaningful protest and then there is criminal activity.

3) Point out that Harris in July tweeted out that she is pushing a Bill to stop Trump from sending in federal agents (she used a more derogatory term). Trump still offered assistance, any decision to NOT accept falls on local, mostly democrat leadership. It's the biggest political gain from this for Trump, he openly offered assistance, and like the Wuhan Virus, it's their duty to take him up on offers. They can't now blame Trump any violence, as he offered the resources that they didn't accept.

4) Investigate any groups that funded the bail of criminals who were then quickly let back on the street and who suggested it would continue, "no matter what". Which party, or movement, if any, were they linked to?

5) Discuss the Police Reforms that the Dems didn't pass, as they didn't want to provide any political win for Trump, at the expense of doing nothing.

6) Compare what Biden and Harris did in the 94 Crime Bill, and Harris role as AG. Which, if someone wanted to blame another politician on violence, it wouldn't be words, it would be these actions, which created generations of resentment and broken homes for lengthy prison terms for so many.
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