Diamond Member
- Nov 22, 2003
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You all know Code Pink, they who wait outside of Walter Reed to yell at the troops being brought in for care. They protest to the families of the wounded. How quaint that Murtha is taking honors from them. Links and picks at site:
Moonbats Make Strange Bedfellows
Some of you are familiar with the anti-war activist group Code Pink. We've covered them before here at the OC.
Code Pink is most famous for their despicable weekly protest outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center, which is really only the tip of the iceberg. They have engaged in a vigorous anti military recruitment campaign, and sponsored a "friendship delegation" to dictator Hugo Chavez's Venezuala (after their Cuba "friendship delegation" was canceled by the State Department).
They claim that they support the troops, but have no problem dishonoring soldiers Walter Reed, and portraying them as bloodythirsty murders (see below).
Moonbat Sign Reads: Remember, it's not about bargains...It's about being able to kill more Iraqis."
Bottom line is that Code Pink doesn't support our troops, they hate our troops. They claim to support our service men and women because it sounds like the right thing to do. I've said it once, I'll say it again: Code Pink is a reactionary anti-American organization. They are radical, they are socialists, and they are hateful. In short, your average Code Pinker is an unhinged moonbat.
Which is what makes their new found friendship with Representative John Murtha very, very interesting. Right Wing Thinking covered Code Pink's "full support" for Murtha's plan to pull the troops out of Iraq by the end of 2006. But the love appeared to be a one-way street, as there was no indication of Murtha showing any appreciation for the radical Code Pink activists. A wise move on the Representative's part, Code Pinkos are the type of people who can cost you votes.
That separation of moonbat and state seems to be over. Code Pink's website has this picture (below) with the caption "Thank You Congressman Murtha!" posted on their home page. Code Pink comments:
"CODEPINK co-founder Gael Murphy and DC coordinator Allison Yorra met with Congressman Murtha to thank him for his courageous stand on Iraq. We presented him with our pink badge of courage and pink flowers sent by CODEPINK members nationwide. Rep Murtha was very appreciative of these gestures and requested that we ask legislators to support H.J Res 73. He also requested that we use additional donations for the wounded at Walter Reed. DC CODEPINK recently delivered baskets of goodies to the wounded at Walter Reed. Together, with Murtha's office, we will be continuing this outpouring of kindness and support to the wounded soldiers from CODEPINK."
I wonder if the "baskets of goodies" had some of the "Murder Cupcakes" seen above? I know that many members of the US military were willing to separate Rep. Murtah from the cookie-cutter moonbats of the anti-war left. Murtha's distinguished history of military service made it appear that his anti-war stance was out of geniune concern for the troops. I just don't see how he can maintain that appearance after shaking hands with those rotten women from Code Pink.
Rep. Murtha is now the second big-time Democrat to acknowledge his support for Code Pink. The other?
Enough said.
For excellent round-ups of Code Pink's dishonoring of our troops at Walter Reed, visit Andi's World, she covers them routinely. Andi also has a hilarious response to Code Pink's campaign against war-themed toys hot off the press.
**UPDATE** tgslTakoma reports on Code Pink's theft of a beautiful sign outside Walter Reed, and lying to the police about it afterwards. Three words: Red Freakin' Handed.
The Gunn Nutt has more.
Free Republic was there, and has a transcript of the exchange plus video.