Forget Bernie, Wasn't MLK The Most Dangerous Socialist Traitor In US History?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
The Uncompromising Anti-Capitalism of Martin Luther King Jr.

I have seen how freaked out some of the people here are when it comes to Bernie, AOC, Rep Omar, etc -- they are all radical socialists against America and they want to tear down our nation -- but are they anymore radical than MLK? I tend to think that MLK was most certainly one of the most dangerous Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist, most evil radical socialists in US History -- which of course is why he was killed by an American patriot who was trying to "CONSERVE" our way of life and protect us from the radical dare I say, socialist changes MLK was bringing about.

(From the article): In the thousands of speeches and celebrations on the official Martin Luther King holiday since its inception, there is a crucial fact of his life, activism and thought that no major commemoration has ever celebrated: that King was a strong and uncompromising opponent of American capitalism. This was no late-in-life development for King. It spanned from his youthful years to his death while attempting to gain humane wages and working conditions for a public union. Why was Martin Luther King so opposed to capitalism?

Now, let's see in their own words who is more evil and more against America -- let's read these anti-American traitors in their own words and try to name who gave that quote.

1. “When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism and militarism are incapable of being conquered.”

2. “We all too often have socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor.”

3. "Capitalism does a number of things very well: it helps create an entrepreneurial spirit; it gets people motivated to come up with new ideas, and that's a good thing."

4. "We are fighting for an unapologetic movement for economic, social, and racial justice in the United States."

5. “Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.”

6. "Unemployment insurance, abolishing child labor, the 40-hour work week, collective bargaining, deposit insurance, were described in one way or another, as 'socialist.' Yet, these programs have become the fabric of our nation and the foundation of the middle class."

7. "I don't think any person in America should die because they are too poor to live."

8. “Again we have deluded ourselves into believing the myth that Capitalism grew and prospered out of the Protestant ethic of hard work and sacrifice. The fact is that capitalism was built on the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor – both black and white, both here and abroad.”

9. “The problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power.”

10. "I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic… [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive… but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness.”

Geesh, those were some very scary quotes to read...I am pretty sure most of these quotes were made by AOC or Bernie, but can you imagine if MLK had said some of radically hateful things against our way of life?? I can understand now why so many politicians kept voting against MLK Day (Senator Byrd, Senator McCain, Shelby, Grassley, etc) -- Is it right that we even have statues honoring this guy??

MLK (1,2,5,8,9,10)
Bernie (3,6)
AOC (4, 7)
MLK was a lifelong Republican.


Political affiliation
Time and time again, liberals claim that MLK was a Democrat. Liberals point to the people he associated with or that he opposed Barry Goldwater as proof that MLK was a Democrat. There is considerable evidence that he was not a Democrat. Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican, that would almost certainly make his son a Republican. Only after his son was arrested did King Sr. plead to President Kennedyfor his safe release. It is noted at that point MLK Sr. switched parties to support Kennedy. This despite Kennedy voting against the 1957 Civil Rights Act and being initially opposed to the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King. The March on Washington was organized by A. Phillip Randolph, who was a black Republican. In addition, Robert Kennedy allowed the FBI to wiretap MLK Jr's phone on a trial basis due to suspicion that Dr. King's associates were Communist; this was later expanded during Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency; which undermined King.[12][13]

It was the Republicans who led the way to free the slaves nearly one-hundred years earlier, that fact was not lost on his generation. Frances Rice, chairman of the National Black Republican Association said, [he] "absolutely was a Republican," and "We were all Republicans in those days. The Democrats were training fire hoses on us, siccing dogs on us."[14] In the 1960s, King would have witnessed the Democrat parties position on pro-segregation, against the Civil Rights Act. King was most likely aware of high-profile Democrats such as Al Gore Sr. and the Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd voting against repealing segregation. Southern Democrats rallied around Jim Crow laws and Black Codes which were targeted against King's message. Dixiecrats blocked the social and political progress of black Southerners for decades. Was King unaware? Doubtful. It was Republican President Eisenhower who began the push for integrating all white schools and the desegregation of the military. To think King was a witness to all the upheaval Democrats caused and then became a champion of Democrats is a stretch.

There has been some speculation that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist, namely due to having ties to and funding from the Communists, including Bayard Rustin. In addition, an FBI investigation also uncovered a photograph of King possibly attending a communist workshop in Georgia, which was published by the Augusta Courier. King has also mentioned once that he viewed things "from a dialectical viewpoint."[15]

The FBI was under written directive from Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy when it began wiretapping King's telephone line in the fall of 1963.[16]

John Kennedy was concerned that public allegations of communists in the SCLC would derail the administration's civil rights initiatives. He warned King to discontinue these associations and later felt compelled to issue the written directive that authorized the FBI to wiretap King and other SCLC leaders. The FBI used the incidental details caught on tape over the next five years in attempts to force King out of his leadership position, in the COINTELPRO program.[17]

On the other hand, King had written a speech indicating that Communism and Christianity cannot be mixed together.[18] In addition, his personal friendship with Nixon, the latter of whom had been instrumental in exposing Alger Hiss as a communist spy, would have made any adherence to Communism very unlikely.
MLK was a lifelong Republican.


Political affiliation
Time and time again, liberals claim that MLK was a Democrat. Liberals point to the people he associated with or that he opposed Barry Goldwater as proof that MLK was a Democrat. There is considerable evidence that he was not a Democrat. Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican, that would almost certainly make his son a Republican. Only after his son was arrested did King Sr. plead to President Kennedyfor his safe release. It is noted at that point MLK Sr. switched parties to support Kennedy. This despite Kennedy voting against the 1957 Civil Rights Act and being initially opposed to the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King. The March on Washington was organized by A. Phillip Randolph, who was a black Republican. In addition, Robert Kennedy allowed the FBI to wiretap MLK Jr's phone on a trial basis due to suspicion that Dr. King's associates were Communist; this was later expanded during Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency; which undermined King.[12][13]

It was the Republicans who led the way to free the slaves nearly one-hundred years earlier, that fact was not lost on his generation. Frances Rice, chairman of the National Black Republican Association said, [he] "absolutely was a Republican," and "We were all Republicans in those days. The Democrats were training fire hoses on us, siccing dogs on us."[14] In the 1960s, King would have witnessed the Democrat parties position on pro-segregation, against the Civil Rights Act. King was most likely aware of high-profile Democrats such as Al Gore Sr. and the Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd voting against repealing segregation. Southern Democrats rallied around Jim Crow laws and Black Codes which were targeted against King's message. Dixiecrats blocked the social and political progress of black Southerners for decades. Was King unaware? Doubtful. It was Republican President Eisenhower who began the push for integrating all white schools and the desegregation of the military. To think King was a witness to all the upheaval Democrats caused and then became a champion of Democrats is a stretch.

There has been some speculation that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist, namely due to having ties to and funding from the Communists, including Bayard Rustin. In addition, an FBI investigation also uncovered a photograph of King possibly attending a communist workshop in Georgia, which was published by the Augusta Courier. King has also mentioned once that he viewed things "from a dialectical viewpoint."[15]

The FBI was under written directive from Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy when it began wiretapping King's telephone line in the fall of 1963.[16]

John Kennedy was concerned that public allegations of communists in the SCLC would derail the administration's civil rights initiatives. He warned King to discontinue these associations and later felt compelled to issue the written directive that authorized the FBI to wiretap King and other SCLC leaders. The FBI used the incidental details caught on tape over the next five years in attempts to force King out of his leadership position, in the COINTELPRO program.[17]

On the other hand, King had written a speech indicating that Communism and Christianity cannot be mixed together.[18] In addition, his personal friendship with Nixon, the latter of whom had been instrumental in exposing Alger Hiss as a communist spy, would have made any adherence to Communism very unlikely.

Democrats are desperate, next they'll be pushing MLK supported abortion or was a gay Muslim...
All dimocrap scum got is hate and fear.

It's what they run on in every election -- Hate and fear.
MLK was a lifelong Republican.


Political affiliation
Time and time again, liberals claim that MLK was a Democrat. Liberals point to the people he associated with or that he opposed Barry Goldwater as proof that MLK was a Democrat. There is considerable evidence that he was not a Democrat. Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican, that would almost certainly make his son a Republican. Only after his son was arrested did King Sr. plead to President Kennedyfor his safe release. It is noted at that point MLK Sr. switched parties to support Kennedy. This despite Kennedy voting against the 1957 Civil Rights Act and being initially opposed to the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King. The March on Washington was organized by A. Phillip Randolph, who was a black Republican. In addition, Robert Kennedy allowed the FBI to wiretap MLK Jr's phone on a trial basis due to suspicion that Dr. King's associates were Communist; this was later expanded during Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency; which undermined King.[12][13]

It was the Republicans who led the way to free the slaves nearly one-hundred years earlier, that fact was not lost on his generation. Frances Rice, chairman of the National Black Republican Association said, [he] "absolutely was a Republican," and "We were all Republicans in those days. The Democrats were training fire hoses on us, siccing dogs on us."[14] In the 1960s, King would have witnessed the Democrat parties position on pro-segregation, against the Civil Rights Act. King was most likely aware of high-profile Democrats such as Al Gore Sr. and the Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd voting against repealing segregation. Southern Democrats rallied around Jim Crow laws and Black Codes which were targeted against King's message. Dixiecrats blocked the social and political progress of black Southerners for decades. Was King unaware? Doubtful. It was Republican President Eisenhower who began the push for integrating all white schools and the desegregation of the military. To think King was a witness to all the upheaval Democrats caused and then became a champion of Democrats is a stretch.

There has been some speculation that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist, namely due to having ties to and funding from the Communists, including Bayard Rustin. In addition, an FBI investigation also uncovered a photograph of King possibly attending a communist workshop in Georgia, which was published by the Augusta Courier. King has also mentioned once that he viewed things "from a dialectical viewpoint."[15]

The FBI was under written directive from Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy when it began wiretapping King's telephone line in the fall of 1963.[16]

John Kennedy was concerned that public allegations of communists in the SCLC would derail the administration's civil rights initiatives. He warned King to discontinue these associations and later felt compelled to issue the written directive that authorized the FBI to wiretap King and other SCLC leaders. The FBI used the incidental details caught on tape over the next five years in attempts to force King out of his leadership position, in the COINTELPRO program.[17]

On the other hand, King had written a speech indicating that Communism and Christianity cannot be mixed together.[18] In addition, his personal friendship with Nixon, the latter of whom had been instrumental in exposing Alger Hiss as a communist spy, would have made any adherence to Communism very unlikely.
I like how you totally avoided MLK's own words.....he was a lifelong progressive when it came to public policy and economic policy....

Why do you folks never address his words? Instead you go on long tangents about nothing...Can you name me one conservative that was marching along side of King?
MLK was a lifelong Republican.


Political affiliation
Time and time again, liberals claim that MLK was a Democrat. Liberals point to the people he associated with or that he opposed Barry Goldwater as proof that MLK was a Democrat. There is considerable evidence that he was not a Democrat. Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican, that would almost certainly make his son a Republican. Only after his son was arrested did King Sr. plead to President Kennedyfor his safe release. It is noted at that point MLK Sr. switched parties to support Kennedy. This despite Kennedy voting against the 1957 Civil Rights Act and being initially opposed to the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King. The March on Washington was organized by A. Phillip Randolph, who was a black Republican. In addition, Robert Kennedy allowed the FBI to wiretap MLK Jr's phone on a trial basis due to suspicion that Dr. King's associates were Communist; this was later expanded during Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency; which undermined King.[12][13]

It was the Republicans who led the way to free the slaves nearly one-hundred years earlier, that fact was not lost on his generation. Frances Rice, chairman of the National Black Republican Association said, [he] "absolutely was a Republican," and "We were all Republicans in those days. The Democrats were training fire hoses on us, siccing dogs on us."[14] In the 1960s, King would have witnessed the Democrat parties position on pro-segregation, against the Civil Rights Act. King was most likely aware of high-profile Democrats such as Al Gore Sr. and the Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd voting against repealing segregation. Southern Democrats rallied around Jim Crow laws and Black Codes which were targeted against King's message. Dixiecrats blocked the social and political progress of black Southerners for decades. Was King unaware? Doubtful. It was Republican President Eisenhower who began the push for integrating all white schools and the desegregation of the military. To think King was a witness to all the upheaval Democrats caused and then became a champion of Democrats is a stretch.

There has been some speculation that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist, namely due to having ties to and funding from the Communists, including Bayard Rustin. In addition, an FBI investigation also uncovered a photograph of King possibly attending a communist workshop in Georgia, which was published by the Augusta Courier. King has also mentioned once that he viewed things "from a dialectical viewpoint."[15]

The FBI was under written directive from Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy when it began wiretapping King's telephone line in the fall of 1963.[16]

John Kennedy was concerned that public allegations of communists in the SCLC would derail the administration's civil rights initiatives. He warned King to discontinue these associations and later felt compelled to issue the written directive that authorized the FBI to wiretap King and other SCLC leaders. The FBI used the incidental details caught on tape over the next five years in attempts to force King out of his leadership position, in the COINTELPRO program.[17]

On the other hand, King had written a speech indicating that Communism and Christianity cannot be mixed together.[18] In addition, his personal friendship with Nixon, the latter of whom had been instrumental in exposing Alger Hiss as a communist spy, would have made any adherence to Communism very unlikely.

Democrats are desperate, next they'll be pushing MLK supported abortion or was a gay Muslim...
According to conservatives -- his closest advisor "Bayard Rustin" was a gay communist....

Why do you people not know anything about history?

If King was alive today saying the same thing today -- he would NOT BE considered a republican and he definitely won't be considered a conservative

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