For the "leftist" who believe they've won-


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
America’s Color Revolution
Pandering to the Establishment Now Ubiquitous

The Establishment used the Democrats for their purpose, because Trump was in office under the Republican banner. Trump, of course, is a populist, but there is no party that represents the people, so Trump ran as a Republican.

The leftwing, or the fraud that passes for one, thinks it is now in the money. This is a naive expectation. The Establishment is in charge, and there will be no leftist agendas unless they serve the Establishment. If Antifa and BLM cut up, their funding will be cut off, and the presstitutes will be sicced on them.

Biden and Kamala are mere figureheads put in office by a stolen election. Any agenda they think that they have is irrelevant. Here is the Establishment’s agenda:

I know it's painful for you guys to read- but, I keep hoping, probably foolishly, that some day you hacks, from both sides will wake up if enough material is published that shows how doing the same thing over and and expecting different results, is, indeed crazy.
Trump saying he was something and actually being something are two very different things.

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