Folks, remember Biden encouraged the crisis at the border..."I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border."


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Sad but the rest of Biden's words weren't remembered by the thousands of illegals "surging" to the border.
Exactly what did Biden say:
"I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,"

So when Joe said this even with his nearly 50 years of public exposure he (and maybe his age of 78 doesn't help) I'm sure didn't mean to encourage the illegals...BUT coupled with his immediate action on becoming President of halting the southern border Wall construction, illegals and especially the smugglers, coyotes, cartel saw both of these actions as encouraging! Remember Joe said
"I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border."
So at the minimum it certainly shows Joe's mental acuity, but also shows his gross political motivation drives all his actions.
Nothing can be done until 2022 Congressional elections.

In summary the border crisis is directly at Biden's feet as he:
1) Encouraged "a surge to the border."
2) Stopped construction of the southern border wall
These two actions by Biden are the reason the USA is threatened at the border from:
1) COVID carrying illegals.
2) Drug smuggling...Fentanyl seizures at U.S. southern border rise dramatically"
Fentanyl seizures at U.S. southern border rise dramatically
3) Terrorists' activities...
Customs and Border Protection officials told Congress in March that four people —
three from Yemen and one from Syria — on the terror watchlist had been arrested.
Mans a raving lunatic.

These illegals cost we tax payers billions each year. They are ILLEGAL and are breaking American law to be here.

Laws don't seem to mean much to Bidung. You can bet voters are watching since most Americans want ALL illegals out of America Bidung letting more in won't go over well for the Dems.
I may sound radical here ----- I don't think the surge of Haitians is Biden's fault. I think the new earthquake in Haiti is the reason and that the administration could not have predicted this: it didn't happen last earthquake, after all.

People now are forever blaming someone else for whatever happens, in ways that make no sense! Haitians who try to get in illegally are criminals: blame them, not Biden. I watched a guy on Las Palmas last night whose house was just about to be engulfed and burned by the volcanic lava (and it was burned after he left) --- "I blame the government!" he said.

Volcanos and earthquakes and floods and hurricanes are not the fault of any human. (I hope not, in the case of viruses: sometimes it may be, as with the anthrax attacks after 9/11.) Government may be blamed for its reaction or preparation to a natural or human but unexpected event, but not for the event itself.

I blame only murderers for murders. It is fashionable to say Hitler killed 6 million people (a gross underestimate if you consider the deaths of the whole of WWII), but as far as history can tell, Hitler never killed one single person. He was just a courier in WWI, and there is no evidence he killed anyone later.

So who were and are the killers? The people who do the killing.
I may sound radical here ----- I don't think the surge of Haitians is Biden's fault. I think the new earthquake in Haiti is the reason and that the administration could not have predicted this: it didn't happen last earthquake, after all.

People now are forever blaming someone else for whatever happens, in ways that make no sense! Haitians who try to get in illegally are criminals: blame them, not Biden. I watched a guy on Las Palmas last night whose house was just about to be engulfed and burned by the volcanic lava (and it was burned after he left) --- "I blame the government!" he said.

Volcanos and earthquakes and floods and hurricanes are not the fault of any human. (I hope not, in the case of viruses: sometimes it may be, as with the anthrax attacks after 9/11.) Government may be blamed for its reaction or preparation to a natural or human but unexpected event, but not for the event itself.

I blame only murderers for murders. It is fashionable to say Hitler killed 6 million people (a gross underestimate if you consider the deaths of the whole of WWII), but as far as history can tell, Hitler never killed one single person. He was just a courier in WWI, and there is no evidence he killed anyone later.

So who were and are the killers? The people who do the killing.
These Hatians are not running from earthquake or hurricane. These Hatians have been living in Central America for years. They had jobs, homes, stable lives. They came for the free ride.
I may sound radical here ----- I don't think the surge of Haitians is Biden's fault. I think the new earthquake in Haiti is the reason and that the administration could not have predicted this: it didn't happen last earthquake, after all.

People now are forever blaming someone else for whatever happens, in ways that make no sense! Haitians who try to get in illegally are criminals: blame them, not Biden. I watched a guy on Las Palmas last night whose house was just about to be engulfed and burned by the volcanic lava (and it was burned after he left) --- "I blame the government!" he said.

Volcanoes and earthquakes and floods and hurricanes are not the fault of any human. (I hope not, in the case of viruses: sometimes it may be, as with the anthrax attacks after 9/11.) Government may be blamed for its reaction or preparation to a natural or human but unexpected event, but not for the event itself.

I blame only murderers for murders. It is fashionable to say Hitler killed 6 million people (a gross underestimate if you consider the deaths of the whole of WWII), but as far as history can tell, Hitler never killed one single person. He was just a courier in WWI, and there is no evidence he killed anyone later.

So who were and are the killers? The people who do the killing.
Just a bit of real history here from wiki. Hitler became a courier only AFTER surviving the slaughter of his unit.
"Hitler's regiment entered the battle with 3,600 men but at its end mustered only 611 men. By December, Hitler's own company of 250 was reduced to 42. Biographer John Keegan claims that this experience drove Hitler to become aloof and withdrawn for the remaining years of war.[10] After the battle, Hitler was promoted from Schütze (private) to Gefreiter (lance corporal). He was assigned to be a regimental message-runner."

That said, Hitler was responsible for about 21m deaths.

You are wrong about Xiden.
His open border policies violate US immigration law and I hope he gets impeached and removed for it.
Xiden should have finished the wall and let the migrants wait in Mexico like Trump had setup.
Sad but the rest of Biden's words weren't remembered by the thousands of illegals "surging" to the border.
Exactly what did Biden say:
"I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,"

So when Joe said this even with his nearly 50 years of public exposure he (and maybe his age of 78 doesn't help) I'm sure didn't mean to encourage the illegals...BUT coupled with his immediate action on becoming President of halting the southern border Wall construction, illegals and especially the smugglers, coyotes, cartel saw both of these actions as encouraging! Remember Joe said
"I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border."
So at the minimum it certainly shows Joe's mental acuity, but also shows his gross political motivation drives all his actions.
Nothing can be done until 2022 Congressional elections.

In summary the border crisis is directly at Biden's feet as he:
1) Encouraged "a surge to the border."
2) Stopped construction of the southern border wall
These two actions by Biden are the reason the USA is threatened at the border from:
1) COVID carrying illegals.
2) Drug smuggling...Fentanyl seizures at U.S. southern border rise dramatically"
Fentanyl seizures at U.S. southern border rise dramatically
3) Terrorists' activities...
Customs and Border Protection officials told Congress in March that four people —
three from Yemen and one from Syria — on the terror watchlist had been arrested.
Just hear on my TV that in bidens 47 years in politics he has never been to the southern border. Never! Could that be true?
I may sound radical here ----- I don't think the surge of Haitians is Biden's fault. I think the new earthquake in Haiti is the reason and that the administration could not have predicted this: it didn't happen last earthquake, after all.

People now are forever blaming someone else for whatever happens, in ways that make no sense! Haitians who try to get in illegally are criminals: blame them, not Biden. I watched a guy on Las Palmas last night whose house was just about to be engulfed and burned by the volcanic lava (and it was burned after he left) --- "I blame the government!" he said.

Volcanos and earthquakes and floods and hurricanes are not the fault of any human. (I hope not, in the case of viruses: sometimes it may be, as with the anthrax attacks after 9/11.) Government may be blamed for its reaction or preparation to a natural or human but unexpected event, but not for the event itself.

I blame only murderers for murders. It is fashionable to say Hitler killed 6 million people (a gross underestimate if you consider the deaths of the whole of WWII), but as far as history can tell, Hitler never killed one single person. He was just a courier in WWI, and there is no evidence he killed anyone later.

So who were and are the killers? The people who do the killing.
The simple facts that you are forgetting.
A) As simple as it is where did the illegals get the idea that the USA was open?
"surge to the border"! Biden said that.
B) Say your house lock is controlled by Biden
"Criminals surge to this house because I've taken away the door" Come in!
Biden encouraged a "surge to the border" and then ordered the wall construction to stop.
Biden's fault pure and simple. He tells people to break the law and then stops the way to keep people out!
Hitler was responsible for about 21m deaths.
Zero deaths. As far as we know.

I used to chant, "Hey, Hey, LBJ/How many kids did you kill today?"

But LBJ never killed anyone as far as we know. It was the kids, American and Vietnamese, who did all, 100%, of the killing.

I think these distinctions between talkie-talkie and actually doing are important to make.

The poet Carl Sandburg had a point: "Suppose they called a war and nobody came?"
More gang members to vote democrat and get Medicaid, free education, food stamps, and all the other goodies the democrats can pass.
That is correct. Every potential voter that the nation moves left. And we all get poorer.
Zero deaths. As far as we know.

I used to chant, "Hey, Hey, LBJ/How many kids did you kill today?"

But LBJ never killed anyone as far as we know. It was the kids, American and Vietnamese, who did all, 100%, of the killing.

I think these distinctions between talkie-talkie and actually doing are important to make.

The poet Carl Sandburg had a point: "Suppose they called a war and nobody came?"
You seem to forget consequences.
Your chant would have been more correct.."Hey Hey LBJ how many kids died under your orders today".
You don't understand the concept of "survival of the fittest" do you.
The kid killings are part of the "survival of the fittest"
Look at this video for proof.
More gang members to vote democrat and get Medicaid, free education, food stamps, and all the other goodies the democrats can pass.
Wait, you mean we are not looking for immigrants who are educated and can work a job and support themselves like our immigration laws require? #sarcasm
Look on the bright side, at the rate things are going we'll be arresting most of the Dem leadership and locking them up in prison for treason!
Look on the bright side, at the rate things are going we'll be arresting most of the Dem leadership and locking them up in prison for treason!
Thats where they belong.
Remember what Maxine Waters said yesterday?

Maxine Waters Compares Border Patrol Riding Horseback to Manage Migrant Surge to ‘Slavery Days’​

This is the extent of the Border Patrol "whipping migrants".
BUT when you WATCH the video... there is NO WHIPPING!
Once again MSM trying to get people "whipped" up as Maxine Waters!
Total fabrication. No whips. ONLY patrol keeping people who are breaking the law OUT!
What is wrong with the MSM, the Democrats like Waters?
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