Flip-Flop...Democrats FORCED To Defend 2017 Electoral College Opposition While Calling Those Doing So Now 'Terrorists' / 'Traitors'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Democrats Are Now On the Defensive, Exposed As Criminal Hypocrites, Now Having To Defend Their Hypocrisy - their opposition to the Electoral College in 2017 After A Hillary Loss....And While They Defend Their Support Of the Electoral College in the 2020 Election the Democrats Have Already Submitted House Legislation To Get Rid Of The Electoral College....

WTF? Their flip-flopping to support whatever side benefits them the most at any given time is enough to give you whiplash....and it's all on display for the WORLD to see who these socialist ass-clowns are:

Republican puts Democrats on defense over their electoral objections in 2017
Republican puts Democrats on defense over their electoral objections in 2017

"House Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern on Wednesday defended his 2017 objection to President Trump's electoral votes from Alabama as a "protest" as he sparred with GOP Rep. Jim Jordan during House debate the parameters for debating the latest article of impeachment against Trump.

"In his opening remarks, the Democrat chair of the Rules Committee said that Republicans last week voted to overturn the results of an election. Guess who the first objector was on Jan. 6, 2017?" Jordan said. "First objector, the Democrat chair of the Rules Committee. And guess what state he objected to? Alabama, the very first state called."

Democrats today are calling the GOP who objected the Certification of the 2020 election 'Traitors' who are 'Guilty Of Inciting Violence' ... and Republican Jim Jordan just reminded the world that the Democrats did the exact same thing (Oppose The Electoral College)!

Jordan just embarrassed the hell out of Jim McGovern on world-wide TV, pointing out he was the 1st Democrat / politician to oppose the Electoral College in 2016 and the 1st to condemn those doing it in 2020.

And while McGovern defended the Electoral College today the GOP reminded the world during the Presidential campaign Democrats promised to scrap the Electoral College...and a Democratic Party piece of legislation calling for the elimination of the Electoral College has already been submitted.

Whatever it takes, whatever side of an is needed to benefit the Democrats at the moment, no matter what amount of hypocrisy is called for...

This, after Pelosi publicly declared this latest Impeachment attempt is exactly the same as the 1st - another politically partisan Constitutional abuse whose intent it to eliminate President Trump as a 2024 / future political threat.

The world, not just millions of Americans - is watching this Socialist Democrat 3rd-World Nation clown-show.

The Democrats Are Now On the Defensive, Exposed As Criminal Hypocrites, Now Having To Defend Their Hypocrisy - their opposition to the Electoral College in 2017 After A Hillary Loss....And While They Defend Their Support Of the Electoral College in the 2020 Election the Democrats Have Already Submitted House Legislation To Get Rid Of The Electoral College....

WTF? Their flip-flopping to support whatever side benefits them the most at any given time is enough to give you whiplash....and it's all on display for the WORLD to see who these socialist ass-clowns are:

Republican puts Democrats on defense over their electoral objections in 2017
Republican puts Democrats on defense over their electoral objections in 2017

"House Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern on Wednesday defended his 2017 objection to President Trump's electoral votes from Alabama as a "protest" as he sparred with GOP Rep. Jim Jordan during House debate the parameters for debating the latest article of impeachment against Trump.

"In his opening remarks, the Democrat chair of the Rules Committee said that Republicans last week voted to overturn the results of an election. Guess who the first objector was on Jan. 6, 2017?" Jordan said. "First objector, the Democrat chair of the Rules Committee. And guess what state he objected to? Alabama, the very first state called."

Democrats today are calling the GOP who objected the Certification of the 2020 election 'Traitors' who are 'Guilty Of Inciting Violence' ... and Republican Jim Jordan just reminded the world that the Democrats did the exact same thing (Oppose The Electoral College)!

Jordan just embarrassed the hell out of Jim McGovern on world-wide TV, pointing out he was the 1st Democrat / politician to oppose the Electoral College in 2016 and the 1st to condemn those doing it in 2020.

And while McGovern defended the Electoral College today the GOP reminded the world during the Presidential campaign Democrats promised to scrap the Electoral College...and a Democratic Party piece of legislation calling for the elimination of the Electoral College has already been submitted.

Whatever it takes, whatever side of an is needed to benefit the Democrats at the moment, no matter what amount of hypocrisy is called for...

This, after Pelosi publicly declared this latest Impeachment attempt is exactly the same as the 1st - another politically partisan Constitutional abuse whose intent it to eliminate President Trump as a 2024 / future political threat.

The world, not just millions of Americans - is watching this Socialist Democrat 3rd-World Nation clown-show.

For The Love Of Renminbi.

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