Fire National Anthem Kneelers

1. While not the first to point this out, I will address it here more fully. First of all, the players are not taking time away from work to protest. They are there, dressed out, and ready to play. In fact, they were first trotted out on display during the National Anthem in order to help the military recruit. The game has not started. So this whole "not at work" this doesn't fly.

Sure it flies as these guys are not just paid for game time but for all their time at the stadiums, at the practices, mandated news conferences, etc.

The NFL has rules in their operations manual that says these players are to be respectful to the flag, in fact, which seals the FACT that the NFL consideres them to be on the clock.

2. Those "assholes" are not adding to any racial or ideological division. Now the people screaming about them pissing on the flag and slapping dead veterans are certainly adding to the racial and ideological divide.

YTes, they are by dividing our nation along BLM lines of opinion on police brutality in the black community.

This is not exactly rocket science, dude.

3. No, they are not pissing on anything. They quietly kneel. And whether other people see that or not is no problem for me. I am not one of the sheep, blindly following someone else's words.

They are supposed to show respect for the flag and that is what they are REFUSING to do and this has been intended as disrespect to the flag from the start when CK went from just sitting it out to kneeling instead.

So yes, they are being as disrespectful to our flag as if they just wiped their ass with it and that is the intent.

4. If it took something like this to get you to stop watching the NFL, and you are glad you did, you need to reexamine what you think is important. Don't want to watch the games? Cool, don't watch.

I want to enjoy entertainment that does not have anit-American propaganda in it as do millions of other fans.

The NFL will miss us as their audience has already slipped around 18% over the last two years.

Good, Fuck them, each and everyone of them.
BYE BYE....Don't let the door hit you where SATAN split ya. The NFL will survive and continue to make money if it looses it flag waving national anthem freaks.
They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.

roflmao, there are defined ways to show respect to the US Flag and the Republic, and you can try and defend these America hating cretins all you want by re-imagining the world, if you want, but that is all it is; your fantasy.

Showing disrespect to our flag is their whole intention from the start.
Kneeling is disrespect eh? So all those church-goers kneeling are disrepecting their god every Sunday. That's an interesting fact to know.
Meh! The player have a RIGHT to disrespect the god dam national anthem. Especially if it pisses off those flag waving so-called patriotic MOUTH BREATHERS!!!

I get it now it's tit for tat , Trump pisses off his fellow liberals and you strike back at pissing on, taking a crap on military graves..

You must be proud to lower the bar some more..


Actually, that raises the bar.

1. They are protesting something we should all be against - police brutality.

2. A lot of people died for the right to NOT kneel to any flag. Have some respect for our military and our vets. The orange moron has shown he has no respect for them but that does not mean the rest of us have to.

Amusing , I posted a thread about how I went to a casino yesterday and a black women asked for a security guards help..they ignored her..i stepped in
roflmao, there are defined ways to show respect to the US Flag and the Republic, and you can try and defend these America hating cretins all you want by re-imagining the world, if you want, but that is all it is; your fantasy.

Showing disrespect to our flag is their whole intention from the start.
Kneeling is disrespect eh? So all those church-goers kneeling are disrepecting their god every Sunday. That's an interesting fact to know.
Meh! The player have a RIGHT to disrespect the god dam national anthem. Especially if it pisses off those flag waving so-called patriotic MOUTH BREATHERS!!!

I get it now it's tit for tat , Trump pisses off his fellow liberals and you strike back at pissing on, taking a crap on military graves..

You must be proud to lower the bar some more..


Actually, that raises the bar.

1. They are protesting something we should all be against - police brutality.

2. A lot of people died for the right to NOT kneel to any flag. Have some respect for our military and our vets. The orange moron has shown he has no respect for them but that does not mean the rest of us have to.

Amusing , I posted a thread about how I went to a casino yesterday and a black women asked for a security guards help..they ignored her..i stepped in

Well I didn't post it till now, but I did my good deed to take care of a red neck asshole
They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.

roflmao, there are defined ways to show respect to the US Flag and the Republic, and you can try and defend these America hating cretins all you want by re-imagining the world, if you want, but that is all it is; your fantasy.

Showing disrespect to our flag is their whole intention from the start.
Kneeling is disrespect eh? So all those church-goers kneeling are disrepecting their god every Sunday. That's an interesting fact to know.
Meh! The player have a RIGHT to disrespect the god dam national anthem. Especially if it pisses off those flag waving so-called patriotic MOUTH BREATHERS!!!

I get it now it's tit for tat , Trump pisses off his fellow liberals and you strike back at pissing on, taking a crap on military graves..

You must be proud to lower the bar some more..

When there were riots in Ferguson how many of you here said I respect their right to protest PEACEFULLY? They are and people still hate them for it. Those players know that the next unarmed black person who is pulled over and shot by the police could be them.
In cases where black were shot by cops or security people, it was the dumb black who caused himself to get shot. Examples abound >. Terrence Crutcher, Philando Castile, Laquan McDonald, Walter Scott, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, etc
My Father and my husband both served in the Military so that these people CAN KNEEL in protest (if they want to) when the Anthem is being played.

END OF STORY comrade!
FALSE! They didn't serve so that the football players could disrespect the country and thousands of military who died in wars..(which the national anthem represents)
You sanctimonious prick. I have never disrespected the flag, national anthem, my country or anyone who died in service of our nation. Not once. But because I do not believe patriotism should be forced, you accused me of heinous acts? Fuck you.I earned my freedom too. But, unlike you, I do not demand that everyone think and believe the way I do.

Would kneel during the anthem? Never. Will I defend the rights of others to kneel during the anthem. Every single time!! That is one of the many differences between us. For you it is all about you. For me it is all about what is right.

I don't see any of this as being about me. I see it as doing what is right. Deliberately kneeling during the national anthem is a lowlife, scummy act, done by spoiled brat idiots, which you wrongly condone.

This isn't an issue of > "patriotism should be forced" It's an issue of the opposite of patriotism not being tolerated.- where that is insult and disrespect for the country, and its military, past & present.

As for your childish tantruming, you need to work on your apparent problem with self-control, This forum is for controlled, civil discussion, not profane ravings, that sound like they're from uncivilized, barbaric, savages. Now take 4 of these and hit the sack. :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:
No, I am neither. I am also not a snowflake like you. I don't break down into a puddle of tear when someone disagrees with me.

And just by way of an FYI, you and I see our nation in very different ways.

You apparently see our country as weak, and afraid. And you see our veterans ( alive and deceased) as delicate, fearful people who are clueless about our nation.

I see our nation as strong and independent. Not threatened by differences but made stronger by them.
I see our veterans as proud men & women who did what they did out of honor and a sense of pride in their nation. People who are unafraid of following the path they took. People who do not require the adoration of others for their acts. People who see our freedoms as wonderous, not something to be afraid of or to control.

1. No, you just break down into a tantrum of what might have got your mouth washed out with soap, when you were a kid.:rolleyes:

2. I don't see the USA as weak and afraid (although sensible fear is legitimate - like worrying about vulnerability of Seoul, South Korea, when dealing with NK) The weak in our country left when Obama left.

3. What "differences" are you referring to ? I see some differences as threatening (if they are), and others not so (if they aren't)

4. Our freedoms are always in need of control. That could be LAWS, or just common decent behavior (of which deliberate insult to the national anthem doesn't conform)

When there were riots in Ferguson how many of you here said I respect their right to protest PEACEFULLY? They are and people still hate them for it. Those players know that the next unarmed black person who is pulled over and shot by the police could be them.
In cases where black were shot by cops or security people, it was the dumb black who caused himself to get shot. Examples abound >. Terrence Crutcher, Philando Castile, Laquan McDonald, Walter Scott, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, etc
Don't forget the white woman shot ......she was from Australia! The Aussie are in shocked, she was engaged to be married but she was shot dead by some trigger happy Republican voting police officer. SAD. Perhaps you guy will wake up when a white child is shot by police officers for having a TOY gun. We see.
No, they are not. They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.
Some blacks (especially young ones) out of anger (or whatever) have a tendency to come up with behaviors that they know will annoy the general population (establishment), which they naively see as posed against them. I wonder how many of them have the foggiest clue, about how many whites have had their lives ruined (or at least significantly reduced) due to Affirmative Action, of which THEY are the beneficiaries.

Their so-called protest (what are they protesting ?) is about as DISrespectful as anything could be, and it's that way because that's the way they designed it. They want to disrespect America, because like many other liberals, they are America haters. The sad part of it is, they have little idea of why/how they might have reason to hate. Don't think this is true ? Just listen to the interview that Colin Kapernick did, not long ago. I wish I had a link to it.
Don't forget the white woman shot ......she was from Australia! The Aussie are in shocked, she was engaged to be married but she was shot dead by some trigger happy Republican voting police officer. SAD. Perhaps you guy will wake up when a white child is shot by police officers for having a TOY gun. We see.
Tamir Rice was shot because the cops didn't know his gun was a toy. It looked real. And the culprits in that case were Tamir's parents who should have supervised him better, to keep a gun like that out of his hands. Rather than give a kid a dangerous "toy" like that, maybe they should/could have given him a violin or a guitar.
My Father and my husband both served in the Military so that these people CAN KNEEL in protest (if they want to) when the Anthem is being played.

END OF STORY comrade!
FALSE! They didn't serve so that the football players could disrespect the country and thousands of military who died in wars..(which the national anthem represents)
Don't worry the NFL will thrive and survive once the flag waving hawks dissappear from the NFL.
Don't forget the white woman shot ......she was from Australia! The Aussie are in shocked, she was engaged to be married but she was shot dead by some trigger happy Republican voting police officer. SAD. Perhaps you guy will wake up when a white child is shot by police officers for having a TOY gun. We see.
Tamir Rice was shot because the cops didn't know his gun was a toy. It looked real. And the culprits in that case were Tamir's parents who should have supervised him better, to keep a gun like that out of his hands. Rather than give a kid a dangerous "toy" like that, maybe they should/could have given him a violin or a guitar.
We only kill black people!!!
They are protesting in a very respectful way. In fact, they take the pose of someone paying respect to someone or something. The fact that someone else has tried to make it about smearing the flag does not actually change the truth.

roflmao, there are defined ways to show respect to the US Flag and the Republic, and you can try and defend these America hating cretins all you want by re-imagining the world, if you want, but that is all it is; your fantasy.

Showing disrespect to our flag is their whole intention from the start.
Kneeling is disrespect eh? So all those church-goers kneeling are disrepecting their god every Sunday. That's an interesting fact to know.
Meh! The player have a RIGHT to disrespect the god dam national anthem. Especially if it pisses off those flag waving so-called patriotic MOUTH BREATHERS!!!

I get it now it's tit for tat , Trump pisses off his fellow liberals and you strike back at pissing on, taking a crap on military graves..

You must be proud to lower the bar some more..


Try harder ..
My Father and my husband both served in the Military so that these people CAN KNEEL in protest (if they want to) when the Anthem is being played.

END OF STORY comrade!
FALSE! They didn't serve so that the football players could disrespect the country and thousands of military who died in wars..(which the national anthem represents)

Yes, they did. They served so that others might have the freedoms guaranteed by the US Constitution. The fact that you and others want to make ths about dead veterans and the flag does not change the fact that the protests are about something completely different. Kapernick believes that racism is systemic and allowed by many in positions of power.
You sanctimonious prick. I have never disrespected the flag, national anthem, my country or anyone who died in service of our nation. Not once. But because I do not believe patriotism should be forced, you accused me of heinous acts? Fuck you.I earned my freedom too. But, unlike you, I do not demand that everyone think and believe the way I do.

Would kneel during the anthem? Never. Will I defend the rights of others to kneel during the anthem. Every single time!! That is one of the many differences between us. For you it is all about you. For me it is all about what is right.

I don't see any of this as being about me. I see it as doing what is right. Deliberately kneeling during the national anthem is a lowlife, scummy act, done by spoiled brat idiots, which you wrongly condone.

This isn't an issue of > "patriotism should be forced" It's an issue of the opposite of patriotism not being tolerated.- where that is insult and disrespect for the country, and its military, past & present.

As for your childish tantruming, you need to work on your apparent problem with self-control, This forum is for controlled, civil discussion, not profane ravings, that sound like they're from uncivilized, barbaric, savages. Now take 4 of these and hit the sack. :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:


"This isn't an issue of > "patriotism should be forced" It's an issue of the opposite of patriotism not being tolerated.- where that is insult and disrespect for the country, and its military, past & present."

Can you not see the lunacy of your statement? You say it is not about forced patriotism, but you will not tolerate a lack of patriotism. WTF?
You sanctimonious prick. I have never disrespected the flag, national anthem, my country or anyone who died in service of our nation. Not once. But because I do not believe patriotism should be forced, you accused me of heinous acts? Fuck you.I earned my freedom too. But, unlike you, I do not demand that everyone think and believe the way I do.

Would kneel during the anthem? Never. Will I defend the rights of others to kneel during the anthem. Every single time!! That is one of the many differences between us. For you it is all about you. For me it is all about what is right.

I don't see any of this as being about me. I see it as doing what is right. Deliberately kneeling during the national anthem is a lowlife, scummy act, done by spoiled brat idiots, which you wrongly condone.

This isn't an issue of > "patriotism should be forced" It's an issue of the opposite of patriotism not being tolerated.- where that is insult and disrespect for the country, and its military, past & present.

As for your childish tantruming, you need to work on your apparent problem with self-control, This forum is for controlled, civil discussion, not profane ravings, that sound like they're from uncivilized, barbaric, savages. Now take 4 of these and hit the sack. :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill: :chillpill:

YOu said "What is sad is your disrespect for the country, its flag, its national anthem, and military members who died, so you can mouth off, as you're doing here now.", and expect me to thank you for it? You make accusations based on your own delusions or fantasies, and then demand that our exchanges be controlled & civil? lmao Too funny.

I will post with as much or as little profanity as I think the situation calls for. I certainly do not look to you for guidance on civil behavior.
No, I am neither. I am also not a snowflake like you. I don't break down into a puddle of tear when someone disagrees with me.

And just by way of an FYI, you and I see our nation in very different ways.

You apparently see our country as weak, and afraid. And you see our veterans ( alive and deceased) as delicate, fearful people who are clueless about our nation.

I see our nation as strong and independent. Not threatened by differences but made stronger by them.
I see our veterans as proud men & women who did what they did out of honor and a sense of pride in their nation. People who are unafraid of following the path they took. People who do not require the adoration of others for their acts. People who see our freedoms as wonderous, not something to be afraid of or to control.

1. No, you just break down into a tantrum of what might have got your mouth washed out with soap, when you were a kid.:rolleyes:

2. I don't see the USA as weak and afraid (although sensible fear is legitimate - like worrying about vulnerability of Seoul, South Korea, when dealing with NK) The weak in our country left when Obama left.

3. What "differences" are you referring to ? I see some differences as threatening (if they are), and others not so (if they aren't)

4. Our freedoms are always in need of control. That could be LAWS, or just common decent behavior (of which deliberate insult to the national anthem doesn't conform)


So insulting the nation should be illegal, in your view?
.[/QUOTE]So insulting the nation should be illegal, in your view?[/QUOTE]

What should be illegal is those under color of law in this nation insulting the American public, where after more than 24 US Constitutions had been stolen & in all probability burned along with a couple absentee voting ballots then having some supreme swastika up Uranus court super ego of a suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality dictate one must vote while to more than 24 old glories which had been stolen & also in all probability burned; be told one must pray in a house of worship, since one nation under God only exists there.
So insulting the nation should be illegal, in your view?[/QUOTE]

What should be illegal is those under color of law in this nation insulting the American public, where after more than 24 US Constitutions had been stolen & in all probability burned along with a couple absentee voting ballots then having some supreme swastika up Uranus court super ego of a suicidal Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality dictate one must vote while to more than 24 old glories which had been stolen & also in all probability burned; be told one must pray in a house of worship, since one nation under God only exists there.[/QUOTE]

Is english not your native language?

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