Find Out Which Candidate Jibes With You!

Yo, Elect one of these period!


Not going to lie to you, I'm a liberal. Find out which is your favorite candidate here. See which one aligns with your positions. Extra questions come from drop-downs below some sections, and rate how much each one matters to you, on the left. It took me about ten minutes to do all questions, to see who you match up with that is running.

America s most popular voting guide for elections political issues candidates and poll data
Any of you Republicans find Sanders crops up higher than you expected?
Yo, look who he is running against, Hillary (what difference does it make) Clinton? No, no surprise here, the imports are mostly Socialist from England!

66% Sanders
61% Santorum
59% Paul
58% Huckabee
57% Cruz
52% Clinton
51% Carson
34% Walker
28% Trump
27% O'Malley
25% Perry
19% Graham
18% Christie
17% Bush
13% Fiorina

Yeahhh no surprise really. I support Sanders on Economic,Education and Healthcare issues but not overwhelmingly and I probably won't vote for anyone.
My top three were Rubio (92%), Santorum (89%), and Cruz (88%). It seems that two of the common points of disagreement with all of them were their support for the Patriot Act and campaign finance by corporations. Most of the other disagreements either weren't of that great of importance to me or they differed due to the semantics of the answers.

I may have to seriously consider Rubio if (and that's a really BIG if) the information on that poll is correct. I had thought that his stance on illegals was more lax, but the only point where my answer and his differed was on anchor babies. On a couple, his answer was even more strict than mine. Interesting.

I thought that I'd be higher on Walker than 74%, but then, there were several topics that came back as "could not determine" with regards to his stance. I might check it again later when hopefully that can be fixed and a more accurate result determined.

On the other end:
Sanders (23%)
Shrillary (20%) (Crap - I need to work on that... way too high)
O' Malley (15%)

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