Fellow Democrats try to rein in Ocasio-Cortez

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Please don't!!.....She SHOWCASES THE EXTREME LEFT DEMONRAT.....AND SOOO MANY MEME'S she has created!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already making enemies in the House Democratic Caucus — and some of its members are mounting an operation to bring the anti-establishment, democratic socialist with 2.2 million Twitter followers into the fold.

Just one week into her congressional tenure, freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ruffling feathers within her own party — which is now mounting a behind-the-scenes effort to rein in the social media star.

The Bronx-born Democratic socialist has racked up a bevy of complaints from her colleagues, including incumbents who aren’t pleased that she is backing a campaign to mount primary challenges against moderate Democrats, Politico reported.

“I’m sure Ms. Cortez means well, but there’s almost an outstanding rule: Don’t attack your own people,” Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) told the site. “We just don’t need sniping in our Democratic Caucus.”

Politico spoke to nearly 20 Democratic lawmakers and aides who said there’s a two-fold effort from within to rein in Ocasio-Cortez — warning that she could wind up isolating herself, but also trying to harness her star power to unite the party in its fight against Republicans.

Read more at nypost.com ...

I was amazed she was willing to openly say that it doesn't matter if her facts are wrong, because she was morally right.

At least some dumb left-wing trash was willing to admit that is how left-wingers think.
Occasional Cortex could split the Democrats and make winning elections impossible for a generation.
AOC is the result the dems never thought about. An indoctrinated fool that might actually challenge the party elites.
They planned to carefully groom those who they would choose to join their elite club. Much like Clinton was brought along. Bill was not an anomaly that came out of nowhere. He was noticed, groomed and promoted along the way.
He was also taught how to wield power, how to solidify a base and he was damned good at it.

Barry Obama was entirely a creation of those around him. He had no desire to work but was malleable by his controllers. He was their perfect creation: an entirely controlled fool without free will who would sell his soul for fleeting power and fame.
Unfortunately for the dems Barry is too lazy do the work necessary to keep the machine working.

Along comes AOC, one of the brain dead , indoctrinated, soulless drones the party elites expected to use to keep themselves in power. Not only does she get elected but she acts exactly like she was taught to act. I Want It Now!
She has no concept of seniority or the slow game because she wasn’t taught that. She wasn’t expected to be one of the Select.
Certainly not one of the Inner Circle.

Frankenstein’s monster has come back to bite his azz off!
Go for it Sandy!
Don’t let those old white people keep the poor brown girl down!
Kick that door in!

We need more popcorn.
She is freakishly stupid, that's for sure. However she seems to be a "true believer" in regressive dogma.

I'd LOVE...

to see her actually go after the rich DNC donor class and steal 70% of their shit. Those assholes DESERVE it. Along with some serious prison time in many cases.

So you can bet she and many Bernie turds like her are going to have to be marginalized if not "disappeared" by the DNC mafia before they start getting into well connected pockets that keep the DNC in control of the marxist puke zealots.

I hope they lose control of their monsters and are consumed by them.
She's the future. She's the bright and shining star of the new Socialist democrats.

Dems fuck with her at their peril
I was amazed she was willing to openly say that it doesn't matter if her facts are wrong, because she was morally right.

At least some dumb left-wing trash was willing to admit that is how left-wingers think.

Hell, that's Rump's whole spiel. And y'all Rumpbots drool when he does it.
She had no idea how to pay rent, but she's qualified to restructure the US economy.

They should shut her up. She's a big embarrassment for them.

They should stick her on the lowest rung of some committee out in the south forty.

I'd be embarrassed if I were them.
She's the future. She's the bright and shining star of the new Socialist democrats.

Dems fuck with her at their peril

She's a putz but not everything she says about the left is wrong. Ohhhhh man are they in trouble. Hope she has better luck than Seth Rich!

She had no idea how to pay rent, but she's qualified to restructure the US economy.


Again, Rump had no idea Mexico would not pay for the wall.

THERE you jolly well are (whew) .... aren't you.

So are you saying she is as dump as Trump and those that voted for her are as dumb as Trump voters?

I'm saying the previous poster's observation fits Rump like the proverbial glove. And then I'm punctuating it with a Lord Buckley quote that nobody noticed.

I actually said nothing regarding "those that voted for her", which if I had would have had to be based on accepting the previous poster's premise (which I didn't) and which is not my district to judge anyway.


The reason we say that the acceleration of the collapse of Iran’s economy is much higher than Venezuela is because it took two years for Venezuela’s inflation rate to increase from 57% to 254%, but in Iran it took only five months

“Will Iran become the next Venezuela?” Almost every Iranian has faced this question. In truth, Iran has not only become the next Venezuela, but the acceleration of its economic collapse is much higher than that of Venezuela.

The economic situations of Venezuela and Iran can be compared by examining the inflation rate and the conversion rate of USD to Bolivars (Venezuela currency) and the inflation rate and conversion rate of Iranian Rials to U.S. Dollars.

Almost all of Venezuela’s income is from the oil industry. In 2015, the oil-dependent economy contracted 5.7% and the inflation rate, which was at 57% in 2014, suddenly reached 181%. In 2016, oil revenues fell by 12.7%, and Venezuela's non-oil revenues fell by 19.5%, which in turn brought the inflation rate to 254%.

In 2017, this trend continued. The inflation rate reached 741%, and now a country that once was prosperous because of high oil prices suddenly faced economic disaster. Venezuelans reduced their meals, formed long queues for food and toilet paper, and were forced to eat garbage from dumpsters.

Maduro’s government blamed the situation on an “economic war” led by the country's political adversaries with the help of the United States. That’s exactly what President Rouhani and Ayatollah Khamenei say today. In August 2018, Iran’s Parliament summoned President Hassan Rouhani to answer questions about the country’s economic crisis. Rouhani blamed U.S. sanctions, not government mismanagement, for his country’s troubles.

In September 2018, President Rouhani and his cabinet met with the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. During their conversation, Khamenei mentioned even the shortage of baby diapers, blamed it on "the enemy" (U.S.) who "wants the Iranian people to be angry with their own government."

Read more at americanthinker.com .


The reason we say that the acceleration of the collapse of Iran’s economy is much higher than Venezuela is because it took two years for Venezuela’s inflation rate to increase from 57% to 254%, but in Iran it took only five months

“Will Iran become the next Venezuela?” Almost every Iranian has faced this question. In truth, Iran has not only become the next Venezuela, but the acceleration of its economic collapse is much higher than that of Venezuela.

The economic situations of Venezuela and Iran can be compared by examining the inflation rate and the conversion rate of USD to Bolivars (Venezuela currency) and the inflation rate and conversion rate of Iranian Rials to U.S. Dollars.

Almost all of Venezuela’s income is from the oil industry. In 2015, the oil-dependent economy contracted 5.7% and the inflation rate, which was at 57% in 2014, suddenly reached 181%. In 2016, oil revenues fell by 12.7%, and Venezuela's non-oil revenues fell by 19.5%, which in turn brought the inflation rate to 254%.

In 2017, this trend continued. The inflation rate reached 741%, and now a country that once was prosperous because of high oil prices suddenly faced economic disaster. Venezuelans reduced their meals, formed long queues for food and toilet paper, and were forced to eat garbage from dumpsters.

Maduro’s government blamed the situation on an “economic war” led by the country's political adversaries with the help of the United States. That’s exactly what President Rouhani and Ayatollah Khamenei say today. In August 2018, Iran’s Parliament summoned President Hassan Rouhani to answer questions about the country’s economic crisis. Rouhani blamed U.S. sanctions, not government mismanagement, for his country’s troubles.

In September 2018, President Rouhani and his cabinet met with the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. During their conversation, Khamenei mentioned even the shortage of baby diapers, blamed it on "the enemy" (U.S.) who "wants the Iranian people to be angry with their own government."

Read more at americanthinker.com .

Iran is a well educated nation.... The people are not stupid.. They won't buy that story for long.

Please don't!!.....She SHOWCASES THE EXTREME LEFT DEMONRAT.....AND SOOO MANY MEME'S she has created!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already making enemies in the House Democratic Caucus — and some of its members are mounting an operation to bring the anti-establishment, democratic socialist with 2.2 million Twitter followers into the fold.

Just one week into her congressional tenure, freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is ruffling feathers within her own party — which is now mounting a behind-the-scenes effort to rein in the social media star.

The Bronx-born Democratic socialist has racked up a bevy of complaints from her colleagues, including incumbents who aren’t pleased that she is backing a campaign to mount primary challenges against moderate Democrats, Politico reported.

“I’m sure Ms. Cortez means well, but there’s almost an outstanding rule: Don’t attack your own people,” Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) told the site. “We just don’t need sniping in our Democratic Caucus.”

Politico spoke to nearly 20 Democratic lawmakers and aides who said there’s a two-fold effort from within to rein in Ocasio-Cortez — warning that she could wind up isolating herself, but also trying to harness her star power to unite the party in its fight against Republicans.

Read more at nypost.com ...

she really just needs a full body massage.

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