FDR- the Icon Hero of the Left

Actually, there was universal agreement at the time it was a good idea. You had a west coast that was undefended in 1942, and they removed the people most likely to provide support.

The Supreme Court heard no less than three cases brought by internees, including Koromatsu vs. US.. In all three cases, they found the government had the authority to remove them from a war zone.
Universal agreement? Three SCOTUS cases about throwing Americans into concentration camps because of their race means thinking Americans who cared about equality and the Constitution were fighting it tooth and nail.

But you prove my point. You leftists have no issue with putting Americans in concentration camps simply because their skin color is different.
So thanUk you
Means nothing of the sort. Simply means some stood up for the Japanese being put into internment camps. ....

Concentration camps.
Unkortare has no idea of why the fear-history of that period, but uses his ignorance to make that period into a racial gambit. The Japanese-Americans seem to understand why the camps existed and hold little grudge.


That’s the most ignorant post on the topic so far.
You have no clue as to the damage you do to Japanese Americans by disparaging Americans of the WWII era. Most Japanese Americans seem to have understood the situation, accepted the government's apology and moved on as American citizens. You, on the other hand, seem to have a need for some kind of vengeance and to vent your hatred of America. One way or the other, you want America to be seen as the bad guys in WWII. You do it with this topic and with the bombings that brought an end to the war.
You should just randomly poke Americans in the eye with your finger every chance you get.
Universal agreement? Three SCOTUS cases about throwing Americans into concentration camps because of their race means thinking Americans who cared about equality and the Constitution were fighting it tooth and nail.

But you prove my point. You leftists have no issue with putting Americans in concentration camps simply because their skin color is different.
So thanUk you
Means nothing of the sort. Simply means some stood up for the Japanese being put into internment camps. ....

Concentration camps.
Unkortare has no idea of why the fear-history of that period, but uses his ignorance to make that period into a racial gambit. The Japanese-Americans seem to understand why the camps existed and hold little grudge.


That’s the most ignorant post on the topic so far.
You have no clue as to the damage you do to Japanese Americans by disparaging Americans of the WWII era. Most Japanese Americans seem to have understood the situation, accepted the government's apology and moved on as American citizens. You, on the other hand, seem to have a need for some kind of vengeance and to vent your hatred of America. One way or the other, you want America to be seen as the bad guys in WWII. You do it with this topic and with the bombings that brought an end to the war.
You should just randomly poke Americans in the eye with your finger every chance you get.
Wow, justifying prison without trial based upon race. This thread shows what the left love still today.
Universal agreement? Three SCOTUS cases about throwing Americans into concentration camps because of their race means thinking Americans who cared about equality and the Constitution were fighting it tooth and nail.

But you prove my point. You leftists have no issue with putting Americans in concentration camps simply because their skin color is different.
So thanUk you
Means nothing of the sort. Simply means some stood up for the Japanese being put into internment camps. ....

Concentration camps.
Unkortare has no idea of why the fear-history of that period, but uses his ignorance to make that period into a racial gambit. The Japanese-Americans seem to understand why the camps existed and hold little grudge.


That’s the most ignorant post on the topic so far.
You have no clue as to the damage you do to Japanese Americans by disparaging Americans of the WWII era. Most Japanese Americans seem to have understood the situation, accepted the government's apology and moved on as American citizens. You, on the other hand, seem to have a need for some kind of vengeance and to vent your hatred of America. One way or the other, you want America to be seen as the bad guys in WWII. You do it with this topic and with the bombings that brought an end to the war.
You should just randomly poke Americans in the eye with your finger every chance you get.
Yes, Americans were happy to sell their homes and businesses for $10 and go to a prison in the desert because they were not white.

Telling Their Stories
Typical leftist, supports sending people to Concentration Camps because of skin color.

Actually, there was universal agreement at the time it was a good idea. You had a west coast that was undefended in 1942, and they removed the people most likely to provide support.

The Supreme Court heard no less than three cases brought by internees, including Koromatsu vs. US.. In all three cases, they found the government had the authority to remove them from a war zone.
Universal agreement? Three SCOTUS cases about throwing Americans into concentration camps because of their race means thinking Americans who cared about equality and the Constitution were fighting it tooth and nail.

But you prove my point. You leftists have no issue with putting Americans in concentration camps simply because their skin color is different.
So thank you
Americans feared the Japanese

They were going to set up a secret cell where they provided the Japanese with vital intelligence on our defenses and engage in sabotage.

We needed to be safe
Many Americans are rightfully concerned about Muslims. You advocating throwing all Americans who have the Muslim faith in prison?

Or is your justification of throwing Americans in concentration camps without trial only based upon skin color?
I am claiming we are a different country than 1942
Typical leftist, supports sending people to Concentration Camps because of skin color.

Actually, there was universal agreement at the time it was a good idea. You had a west coast that was undefended in 1942, and they removed the people most likely to provide support.

The Supreme Court heard no less than three cases brought by internees, including Koromatsu vs. US.. In all three cases, they found the government had the authority to remove them from a war zone.
Universal agreement? Three SCOTUS cases about throwing Americans into concentration camps because of their race means thinking Americans who cared about equality and the Constitution were fighting it tooth and nail.

But you prove my point. You leftists have no issue with putting Americans in concentration camps simply because their skin color is different.
So thank you
Americans feared the Japanese

They were going to set up a secret cell where they provided the Japanese with vital intelligence on our defenses and engage in sabotage.

We needed to be safe
Many Americans are rightfully concerned about Muslims. You advocating throwing all Americans who have the Muslim faith in prison?

Or is your justification of throwing Americans in concentration camps without trial only based upon skin color?
I am claiming we are a different country than 1942
Tell me again about Washington and Jefferson and statues.
Typical leftist, supports sending people to Concentration Camps because of skin color.

Actually, there was universal agreement at the time it was a good idea. You had a west coast that was undefended in 1942, and they removed the people most likely to provide support.

The Supreme Court heard no less than three cases brought by internees, including Koromatsu vs. US.. In all three cases, they found the government had the authority to remove them from a war zone.
Universal agreement? Three SCOTUS cases about throwing Americans into concentration camps because of their race means thinking Americans who cared about equality and the Constitution were fighting it tooth and nail.

But you prove my point. You leftists have no issue with putting Americans in concentration camps simply because their skin color is different.
So thank you
Americans feared the Japanese

They were going to set up a secret cell where they provided the Japanese with vital intelligence on our defenses and engage in sabotage.

We needed to be safe
Many Americans are rightfully concerned about Muslims. You advocating throwing all Americans who have the Muslim faith in prison?

Or is your justification of throwing Americans in concentration camps without trial only based upon skin color?
I am claiming we are a different country than 1942
And no, the left is the same.

I have a lovely collection of posts in this thread of you lefties saying putting Americans in prison without trial simply because of race was a good thing.
FDR is not just an icon hero to liberals....

He is an icon to the world

To racists and fools all over the world.
FDR saved the free world

His actions prove his disregard for “free.”

Japanese were a threat to our freedom


“Our” refers to AMERICANS. The scumbag fdr threw AMERICANS into his concentration camps. That son of a bitch didn’t give a shit about “our” freedom. Quite the contrary.
FDR is not just an icon hero to liberals....

He is an icon to the world
What was his icon moment? Keeping blacks from using guns in the military and using them as cooks or drivers? Imprisoning Asians without trial? Sending Jews back to Hitlerto be executed? Or is it all of the above?

We are looking at 1940s America
FDR did not invent racism and it lingered for decades after his death. FDR had to deal with the society at hand, it was a racist, bigoted society

Still is in many ways
FDR is not just an icon hero to liberals....

He is an icon to the world
What was his icon moment? Keeping blacks from using guns in the military and using them as cooks or drivers? Imprisoning Asians without trial? Sending Jews back to Hitlerto be executed? Or is it all of the above?
You are promoting a lot of misinformation to this thread. Japanese were not interned because of skin color. They were interned if they lived on the west coast and were Japanese. Black soldiers were not banned or prevented from using guns in WWII. They were in fact issued and carried weapons. They were also issued fighter aircraft and tasked with protecting bombers and shooting down German fighter aircraft. And Asians were not imprisoned. Only the Japanese were imprisoned. Finally, those Jews were nor sent back to Hitler. They were sent on the ship that was denied entry back to Britain. Britain was the one that sent some of them back to Germany.
Actually, there was universal agreement at the time it was a good idea. You had a west coast that was undefended in 1942, and they removed the people most likely to provide support.

The Supreme Court heard no less than three cases brought by internees, including Koromatsu vs. US.. In all three cases, they found the government had the authority to remove them from a war zone.
Universal agreement? Three SCOTUS cases about throwing Americans into concentration camps because of their race means thinking Americans who cared about equality and the Constitution were fighting it tooth and nail.

But you prove my point. You leftists have no issue with putting Americans in concentration camps simply because their skin color is different.
So thank you
Americans feared the Japanese

They were going to set up a secret cell where they provided the Japanese with vital intelligence on our defenses and engage in sabotage.

We needed to be safe
Many Americans are rightfully concerned about Muslims. You advocating throwing all Americans who have the Muslim faith in prison?

Or is your justification of throwing Americans in concentration camps without trial only based upon skin color?
I am claiming we are a different country than 1942
And no, the left is the same.

I have a lovely collection of posts in this thread of you lefties saying putting Americans in prison without trial simply because of race was a good thing.
From a 2018 perspective it was a horrible thing to do. So was Jim Crow and other discrimination

From a 1942, Post PearlHarbor perspective, interning Japanese was an expected reactionto an attack on America
UK surely should learn some history of that period, perhaps beginning with, what country bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941?

It is all but certain that I have studied the period more and in greater depth than the likes of you ever will.
UK surely should learn some history of that period, perhaps beginning with, what country bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941?

It is all but certain that I have studied the period more and in greater depth than the likes of you ever will.
He lived through it you dope.
You are been arguing with at least two people who lived through the era.
Universal agreement? Three SCOTUS cases about throwing Americans into concentration camps because of their race means thinking Americans who cared about equality and the Constitution were fighting it tooth and nail.

But you prove my point. You leftists have no issue with putting Americans in concentration camps simply because their skin color is different.
So thank you
Americans feared the Japanese

They were going to set up a secret cell where they provided the Japanese with vital intelligence on our defenses and engage in sabotage.

We needed to be safe
Many Americans are rightfully concerned about Muslims. You advocating throwing all Americans who have the Muslim faith in prison?

Or is your justification of throwing Americans in concentration camps without trial only based upon skin color?
I am claiming we are a different country than 1942
And no, the left is the same.

I have a lovely collection of posts in this thread of you lefties saying putting Americans in prison without trial simply because of race was a good thing.
From a 2018 perspective it was a horrible thing to do. So was Jim Crow and other discrimination

From a 1942, Post PearlHarbor perspective, interning Japanese was an expected reactionto an attack on America
Yet Jefferson statues must be torn down because he owned slaves.

So either you’re a liar or hypocrite.
Which one?
Universal agreement? Three SCOTUS cases about throwing Americans into concentration camps because of their race means thinking Americans who cared about equality and the Constitution were fighting it tooth and nail.

But you prove my point. You leftists have no issue with putting Americans in concentration camps simply because their skin color is different.
So thanUk you
Means nothing of the sort. Simply means some stood up for the Japanese being put into internment camps. ....

Concentration camps.
Unkortare has no idea of why the fear-history of that period, but uses his ignorance to make that period into a racial gambit. The Japanese-Americans seem to understand why the camps existed and hold little grudge.


That’s the most ignorant post on the topic so far.
You have no clue as to the damage you do to Japanese Americans by disparaging Americans of the WWII era. Most Japanese Americans seem to have understood the situation, accepted the government's apology and moved on as American citizens. You, on the other hand, seem to have a need for some kind of vengeance and to vent your hatred of America. One way or the other, you want America to be seen as the bad guys in WWII. You do it with this topic and with the bombings that brought an end to the war.
You should just randomly poke Americans in the eye with your finger every chance you get.

Now I know you’ve completely given up, because you have been reduced to blatant , shameless dishonesty in misrepresenting me utterly. You’re a disgrace.
UK surely should learn some history of that period, perhaps beginning with, what country bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941?

It is all but certain that I have studied the period more and in greater depth than the likes of you ever will.
He lived through it you dope.
You are been arguing with at least two people who lived through the era.
Millions thought owning people was a good idea too.
Means nothing of the sort. Simply means some stood up for the Japanese being put into internment camps. ....

Concentration camps.
Unkortare has no idea of why the fear-history of that period, but uses his ignorance to make that period into a racial gambit. The Japanese-Americans seem to understand why the camps existed and hold little grudge.


That’s the most ignorant post on the topic so far.
You have no clue as to the damage you do to Japanese Americans by disparaging Americans of the WWII era. Most Japanese Americans seem to have understood the situation, accepted the government's apology and moved on as American citizens. You, on the other hand, seem to have a need for some kind of vengeance and to vent your hatred of America. One way or the other, you want America to be seen as the bad guys in WWII. You do it with this topic and with the bombings that brought an end to the war.
You should just randomly poke Americans in the eye with your finger every chance you get.

Now I know you’ve completely given up, because you have been reduced to blatant , shameless dishonesty in misrepresenting me utterly. You’re a disgrace.
Nothing is dishonest about my opinion of what you have been doing.
Americans feared the Japanese

They were going to set up a secret cell where they provided the Japanese with vital intelligence on our defenses and engage in sabotage.

We needed to be safe
Many Americans are rightfully concerned about Muslims. You advocating throwing all Americans who have the Muslim faith in prison?

Or is your justification of throwing Americans in concentration camps without trial only based upon skin color?
I am claiming we are a different country than 1942
And no, the left is the same.

I have a lovely collection of posts in this thread of you lefties saying putting Americans in prison without trial simply because of race was a good thing.
From a 2018 perspective it was a horrible thing to do. So was Jim Crow and other discrimination

From a 1942, Post PearlHarbor perspective, interning Japanese was an expected reactionto an attack on America
Yet Jefferson statues must be torn down because he owned slaves.

So either you’re a liar or hypocrite.
Which one?
Thomas Jefferson never took up arms against his country to enforce slavery
Many Americans are rightfully concerned about Muslims. You advocating throwing all Americans who have the Muslim faith in prison?

Or is your justification of throwing Americans in concentration camps without trial only based upon skin color?
I am claiming we are a different country than 1942
And no, the left is the same.

I have a lovely collection of posts in this thread of you lefties saying putting Americans in prison without trial simply because of race was a good thing.
From a 2018 perspective it was a horrible thing to do. So was Jim Crow and other discrimination

From a 1942, Post PearlHarbor perspective, interning Japanese was an expected reactionto an attack on America
Yet Jefferson statues must be torn down because he owned slaves.

So either you’re a liar or hypocrite.
Which one?
Thomas Jefferson never took up arms against his country to enforce slavery
No, he took up arms against his country to escape taxes.
UK surely should learn some history of that period, perhaps beginning with, what country bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941?

It is all but certain that I have studied the period more and in greater depth than the likes of you ever will.
He lived through it you dope.
You are been arguing with at least two people who lived through the era.
Millions thought owning people was a good idea too.
Neither of those two has said internment was a good idea. They have expressed the rationale for how people felt during the period.

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