FDA Hydroxychloroquine Ban, Fake Science, and Political Agendas


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Giving doses out of all proportion seems destined to guarantee failure.

Suddenly, the FDA revoked its emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), hard on the heels of the Lancet’s retraction of a significant study on HCQ that turned out to be a complete fraud – the handiwork of science hucksters in lab coats. The fake study shook the medical world internationally and hoisted a red flag of caution over the “science” represented in prestigious journals like The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine going forward. All of which makes the FDA’s timing on withdrawing hydroxychloroquine highly conspicuous, based, as it was, on two more very suspect HCQ studies.

Lethal Overdose?

French doctor Didier Raoult, who has treated over 3,000 patients with HCQ – with a 99.25% success rate and a case fatality rate of .75%, all of whom were over age 74 – used 600 mg of hydroxychloroquine with his patients daily. But the dosing protocol for the Recovery Study recommended that 2.4 grams of hydroxychloroquine be administered in the first 24 hours to patients with COVID-19.

These levels – four times (4X) what Didier Raoult used – were set by the WHO. They were used in both the Recovery and the Solidarity trials. There are no medical conditions for which these doses would be prescribed. Canadian and Norwegian trials also administered 1.55 grams of HCQ in the first 24 hours to COVID-19 patients. At such alarming dosing levels, the Recovery trial’s mortality rates were 34 times higher than those in Didier Raoult’s study.

For context, it’s important to note that the recommended dosage for treating lupus or arthritis with HCQ is 200-400 mg, and for acute malaria, it is 600 mg. The amounts used in the Solidarity, Recovery, Norwegian, and Canadian trials constitute a potentially lethal dose, according to a 1979 study commissioned by the WHO. In that study, consultant, H. Weniger looked at 335 episodes of adult poisoning by chloroquine drugs. He determined that a single dose of 1.5-2.0 grams of hydroxychloroquine “may be fatal.”

Why did the WHO establish these massive doses of HCQ for trials around the world when they knew from their own study that it could be lethal?


The term 'hydroxychloroquine' should not anywhere be in proximity to the term 'fake science.' In the Snake meat thread, on 10 Feb 2020, we showed the connection of chloroquine to bungarotoxin, a venom from one of the suspected vectors of COVID-19, which was a 1988 report from the U.S. Army's Medical Research facility at Frederick, Md.

Chloroquine / Bungarotoxin
'....chloroquine increased the LD50 of beta-bungarotoxin 17-fold.'
I like it how the Fake News somehow forgets Trump being under hydroxychloroquine last month. He's been fine ever since, there's something being held from us to develop the treatment.
We've already mentioned on another thread that amounts of glycosylation of ACE2 are just as important as the number of ACE2 receptors. High glycosylation in a patient on admittance to the hospital is a poor prognosis.
We must then add the binding of gangliosides to the complexity:

France May 2020 Hydroxychloroquine / ACE2
In the Snake Meat thread from post #630 on, was the mention of interferon. Hydroxychloroquine stimulates interferon production and is a direct antagonism to coronavirus antagonism of innate immunity:

'....leads to the production of interferon.'
Yeah, amazing they have now restarted the trial, but did you hear about it here in msm? Of course not.
Giving doses out of all proportion seems destined to guarantee failure.

Suddenly, the FDA revoked its emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), hard on the heels of the Lancet’s retraction of a significant study on HCQ that turned out to be a complete fraud – the handiwork of science hucksters in lab coats. The fake study shook the medical world internationally and hoisted a red flag of caution over the “science” represented in prestigious journals like The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine going forward. All of which makes the FDA’s timing on withdrawing hydroxychloroquine highly conspicuous, based, as it was, on two more very suspect HCQ studies.​
Lethal Overdose?
French doctor Didier Raoult, who has treated over 3,000 patients with HCQ – with a 99.25% success rate and a case fatality rate of .75%, all of whom were over age 74 – used 600 mg of hydroxychloroquine with his patients daily. But the dosing protocol for the Recovery Study recommended that 2.4 grams of hydroxychloroquine be administered in the first 24 hours to patients with COVID-19.​
These levels – four times (4X) what Didier Raoult used – were set by the WHO. They were used in both the Recovery and the Solidarity trials. There are no medical conditions for which these doses would be prescribed. Canadian and Norwegian trials also administered 1.55 grams of HCQ in the first 24 hours to COVID-19 patients. At such alarming dosing levels, the Recovery trial’s mortality rates were 34 times higher than those in Didier Raoult’s study.​
For context, it’s important to note that the recommended dosage for treating lupus or arthritis with HCQ is 200-400 mg, and for acute malaria, it is 600 mg. The amounts used in the Solidarity, Recovery, Norwegian, and Canadian trials constitute a potentially lethal dose, according to a 1979 study commissioned by the WHO. In that study, consultant, H. Weniger looked at 335 episodes of adult poisoning by chloroquine drugs. He determined that a single dose of 1.5-2.0 grams of hydroxychloroquine “may be fatal.”
Why did the WHO establish these massive doses of HCQ for trials around the world when they knew from their own study that it could be lethal?

Banning and already approved FDA drug is fake science...

Don't say so...

It is obvious the far left is pulling all stops to defeat the God-Emperor. I was expecting the civil war around 2030, but at this rate, we won't have until November.

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