FBI Makes It Official: Hillary Is Under Investigation

The leftists know that Hildabeast is a corrupt, thieving psychopath....it's what attracts them to her.
If they call her in for an interview, it's all over for the campaign.
I'd like to see the FBI try it. There will be a barrage of attorneys reporting to the dept in a second!

They don't have to. If the FBI recommends indictment and Lynch balks, the facts of the case will be leaked to the press and public, guaranteed.
I saw that there is pressure on Lynch to step aside on the Clinton case.
Pressure on Attorney General Lynch to Step Aside in Clinton Email Probe
Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probeGreg Nash

By Julian Hattem - 02/08/16 07:50 PM EST

Critics of the Obama administration say Attorney General Loretta Lynch should be disqualified from overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server because of the more than $10,000 she has given to Democrats in recent years.

With Republicans already calling for a special prosecutor to monitor the probe, conservatives are pouncing on the past campaign contributions as evidence of bias.

“The latest assertion from her allies that Loretta Lynch is not ‘political’ is totally untrue,” said David Bossie, the president of conservative advocacy organization Citizens United in a statement to The Hill. “In fact, she’s been a regular financial contributor to Democrat candidates, including to her current boss, Barack Obama.”

Former colleagues of Lynch’s described her to The Hill as a hard-nosed lawyer who rarely discussed politics in her previous jobs.

According to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Lynch contributed a total of $10,700 to Democratic candidates between 2004 and 2008.

Of that money, $4,600 went to President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Another $1,000 went to the campaign of the late Rep. Owen Majors (D-N.Y.) and $2,100 went to his son Chris’s unsuccessful 2006 House campaign. Lynch also contributed $1,000 to the failed 2008 campaign of North Carolina investment banker Jim Neal and $2,000 to the fruitless 2008 campaign of Oregon politician Steve Novick.

The contributions are under scrutiny amid increasing calls from some Republicans for Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor to oversee the federal investigation into the security of classified information on the private email server Clinton used as secretary of State.

Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probe

It's true that she is a devout Democrat, but she did not give to the Clinton campaign. She gave to Obama's campaign but we aren't sure how Obama rule on this investigation. Will he put the kibosh on it, or let it go through? He has been silent about an endorsement which is surprising.
The Clintons and the Obamas have so much dirt on each other that it wouldn't surprise me if there were some fatal accidents or suicides. Chicago politics at work.

Clinton Body Count-Clinton friends who've ended up dead-Truth! and Fiction!

A fascinating read. Clinton friends, body guards, sexual harassment victims or witnesses and investment partners, witnesses to possible crimes involving the Clinton's. Nothing proven but amazing number of "suicides" and deaths from plane crashes. Interesting suicide by shotgun (? that's a toughie) and decapitation declared death by natural causes.
I'd like to see the FBI try it. There will be a barrage of attorneys reporting to the dept in a second!

They don't have to. If the FBI recommends indictment and Lynch balks, the facts of the case will be leaked to the press and public, guaranteed.
I saw that there is pressure on Lynch to step aside on the Clinton case.
Pressure on Attorney General Lynch to Step Aside in Clinton Email Probe
Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probeGreg Nash

By Julian Hattem - 02/08/16 07:50 PM EST

Critics of the Obama administration say Attorney General Loretta Lynch should be disqualified from overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server because of the more than $10,000 she has given to Democrats in recent years.

With Republicans already calling for a special prosecutor to monitor the probe, conservatives are pouncing on the past campaign contributions as evidence of bias.

“The latest assertion from her allies that Loretta Lynch is not ‘political’ is totally untrue,” said David Bossie, the president of conservative advocacy organization Citizens United in a statement to The Hill. “In fact, she’s been a regular financial contributor to Democrat candidates, including to her current boss, Barack Obama.”

Former colleagues of Lynch’s described her to The Hill as a hard-nosed lawyer who rarely discussed politics in her previous jobs.

According to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Lynch contributed a total of $10,700 to Democratic candidates between 2004 and 2008.

Of that money, $4,600 went to President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Another $1,000 went to the campaign of the late Rep. Owen Majors (D-N.Y.) and $2,100 went to his son Chris’s unsuccessful 2006 House campaign. Lynch also contributed $1,000 to the failed 2008 campaign of North Carolina investment banker Jim Neal and $2,000 to the fruitless 2008 campaign of Oregon politician Steve Novick.

The contributions are under scrutiny amid increasing calls from some Republicans for Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor to oversee the federal investigation into the security of classified information on the private email server Clinton used as secretary of State.

Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probe

It's true that she is a devout Democrat, but she did not give to the Clinton campaign. She gave to Obama's campaign but we aren't sure how Obama rule on this investigation. Will he put the kibosh on it, or let it go through? He has been silent about an endorsement which is surprising.
The Clintons and the Obamas have so much dirt on each other that it wouldn't surprise me if there were some fatal accidents or suicides. Chicago politics at work.

Clinton Body Count-Clinton friends who've ended up dead-Truth! and Fiction!

A fascinating read. Clinton friends, body guards, sexual harassment victims or witnesses and investment partners, witnesses to possible crimes involving the Clinton's. Nothing proven but amazing number of "suicides" and deaths from plane crashes. Interesting suicide by shotgun (? that's a toughie) and decapitation declared death by natural causes.

Omg man.... I hope you find the help you so desperately need
They don't have to. If the FBI recommends indictment and Lynch balks, the facts of the case will be leaked to the press and public, guaranteed.
I saw that there is pressure on Lynch to step aside on the Clinton case.
Pressure on Attorney General Lynch to Step Aside in Clinton Email Probe
Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probeGreg Nash

By Julian Hattem - 02/08/16 07:50 PM EST

Critics of the Obama administration say Attorney General Loretta Lynch should be disqualified from overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server because of the more than $10,000 she has given to Democrats in recent years.

With Republicans already calling for a special prosecutor to monitor the probe, conservatives are pouncing on the past campaign contributions as evidence of bias.

“The latest assertion from her allies that Loretta Lynch is not ‘political’ is totally untrue,” said David Bossie, the president of conservative advocacy organization Citizens United in a statement to The Hill. “In fact, she’s been a regular financial contributor to Democrat candidates, including to her current boss, Barack Obama.”

Former colleagues of Lynch’s described her to The Hill as a hard-nosed lawyer who rarely discussed politics in her previous jobs.

According to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Lynch contributed a total of $10,700 to Democratic candidates between 2004 and 2008.

Of that money, $4,600 went to President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Another $1,000 went to the campaign of the late Rep. Owen Majors (D-N.Y.) and $2,100 went to his son Chris’s unsuccessful 2006 House campaign. Lynch also contributed $1,000 to the failed 2008 campaign of North Carolina investment banker Jim Neal and $2,000 to the fruitless 2008 campaign of Oregon politician Steve Novick.

The contributions are under scrutiny amid increasing calls from some Republicans for Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor to oversee the federal investigation into the security of classified information on the private email server Clinton used as secretary of State.

Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probe

It's true that she is a devout Democrat, but she did not give to the Clinton campaign. She gave to Obama's campaign but we aren't sure how Obama rule on this investigation. Will he put the kibosh on it, or let it go through? He has been silent about an endorsement which is surprising.
The Clintons and the Obamas have so much dirt on each other that it wouldn't surprise me if there were some fatal accidents or suicides. Chicago politics at work.

Clinton Body Count-Clinton friends who've ended up dead-Truth! and Fiction!

A fascinating read. Clinton friends, body guards, sexual harassment victims or witnesses and investment partners, witnesses to possible crimes involving the Clinton's. Nothing proven but amazing number of "suicides" and deaths from plane crashes. Interesting suicide by shotgun (? that's a toughie) and decapitation declared death by natural causes.

Omg man.... I hope you find the help you so desperately need
Why, thank you! I already found the people to help me move into my new house. But thank you for your kind wishes.
I saw that there is pressure on Lynch to step aside on the Clinton case.
Pressure on Attorney General Lynch to Step Aside in Clinton Email Probe
Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probeGreg Nash

By Julian Hattem - 02/08/16 07:50 PM EST

Critics of the Obama administration say Attorney General Loretta Lynch should be disqualified from overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server because of the more than $10,000 she has given to Democrats in recent years.

With Republicans already calling for a special prosecutor to monitor the probe, conservatives are pouncing on the past campaign contributions as evidence of bias.

“The latest assertion from her allies that Loretta Lynch is not ‘political’ is totally untrue,” said David Bossie, the president of conservative advocacy organization Citizens United in a statement to The Hill. “In fact, she’s been a regular financial contributor to Democrat candidates, including to her current boss, Barack Obama.”

Former colleagues of Lynch’s described her to The Hill as a hard-nosed lawyer who rarely discussed politics in her previous jobs.

According to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Lynch contributed a total of $10,700 to Democratic candidates between 2004 and 2008.

Of that money, $4,600 went to President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Another $1,000 went to the campaign of the late Rep. Owen Majors (D-N.Y.) and $2,100 went to his son Chris’s unsuccessful 2006 House campaign. Lynch also contributed $1,000 to the failed 2008 campaign of North Carolina investment banker Jim Neal and $2,000 to the fruitless 2008 campaign of Oregon politician Steve Novick.

The contributions are under scrutiny amid increasing calls from some Republicans for Lynch to appoint a special prosecutor to oversee the federal investigation into the security of classified information on the private email server Clinton used as secretary of State.

Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probe

It's true that she is a devout Democrat, but she did not give to the Clinton campaign. She gave to Obama's campaign but we aren't sure how Obama rule on this investigation. Will he put the kibosh on it, or let it go through? He has been silent about an endorsement which is surprising.
The Clintons and the Obamas have so much dirt on each other that it wouldn't surprise me if there were some fatal accidents or suicides. Chicago politics at work.

Clinton Body Count-Clinton friends who've ended up dead-Truth! and Fiction!

A fascinating read. Clinton friends, body guards, sexual harassment victims or witnesses and investment partners, witnesses to possible crimes involving the Clinton's. Nothing proven but amazing number of "suicides" and deaths from plane crashes. Interesting suicide by shotgun (? that's a toughie) and decapitation declared death by natural causes.

Omg man.... I hope you find the help you so desperately need
Why, thank you! I already found the people to help me move into my new house. But thank you for your kind wishes.
Congrats :thup:
Citing donations, critics say Lynch shouldn’t decide on Clinton probe

It's true that she is a devout Democrat, but she did not give to the Clinton campaign. She gave to Obama's campaign but we aren't sure how Obama rule on this investigation. Will he put the kibosh on it, or let it go through? He has been silent about an endorsement which is surprising.
The Clintons and the Obamas have so much dirt on each other that it wouldn't surprise me if there were some fatal accidents or suicides. Chicago politics at work.

Clinton Body Count-Clinton friends who've ended up dead-Truth! and Fiction!

A fascinating read. Clinton friends, body guards, sexual harassment victims or witnesses and investment partners, witnesses to possible crimes involving the Clinton's. Nothing proven but amazing number of "suicides" and deaths from plane crashes. Interesting suicide by shotgun (? that's a toughie) and decapitation declared death by natural causes.

Omg man.... I hope you find the help you so desperately need
Why, thank you! I already found the people to help me move into my new house. But thank you for your kind wishes.
Congrats :thup:
Clinton used a private server, not just a private email address.

Thanks for listing 2 things that were not illegal. I bet you don't even know what a server is. What servers had Powell's and Rice's e-mails? Uh-oh......... were the PUBLIC?! :eek:

Old school? one would hope people get smarter with age. You're proof that's not always the case
No response. I'll take that as a concession. Crawl back to the I/P forum now. I heard some Muslims were running around in the sand earlier.

What is exceptionally ILLEGAL and STUPID is that Madam Secretary used a private server and unsecured networks almost EXCLUSIVELY to do her job. Which means -- that since it's illegal to put classified info out there that there are 2 choices..

1) She did not DO her job. Which constantly would require the communication of classified info


2) She a lying conceited player with no regards for security of the nation's secrets.

There are MILLIONS of Americans who have cycled thru security clearances and EVERYONE of them knows that THEY were responsible for every communication they sent or received. The buck STOPS at each end of the communicated information. There is no dolt with a stamp that approves every transmission. Each person is "read into" every clearance they receive and TAUGHT to recognize what is classified and what is not. She's using the public's general ignorance about how this system works to repeatedly lie about "I did not send or receive emails that were MARKED classified"..

When you have a conversation containing classified info --- it is not MARKED. You make certain the sender and receiver are CLEARED for that information and you have your conversation in a SECURE environment..
Oh a journalist's opinion convinced you that Lynch is untrustworthy by saying republican lawmakers don't trust Obama because they want to see Hillary crucified? Wahoo!

No, Lynch convinced me that she is untrustworthy by this sort of nonsense.

Joint Statement By Attorney General Loretta Lynch And Secretary Of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson | Homeland Security
Oh so you're dull and don't know anything. I thought so.

You are free to support your opinion with facts.
Wow if you're going to demand facts instead of opinions then you should probably start with facts of your own. Otherwise you're... what's the word.... a hypocrite :cool:
Thats his M.O. He calls you a liar based on nothing then demands you prove otherwise. A lazy conservative if you will.


Prove otherwise.

Also, I am not a conservative.
You are free to support your opinion with facts.
Wow if you're going to demand facts instead of opinions then you should probably start with facts of your own. Otherwise you're... what's the word.... a hypocrite :cool:

The fact that she admits to using a private server to store classified material and that she is under investigation by the FBI for doing so are all the facts I need.
The FBI has never said that, and if they did her using a private server was not illegal anyways. Otherwise Colin Powell and Condi would also be under investigation.

I didn't say the FBI said that. Why are Democrats so hallucinatory?

They did not do what Hillary has done. Try again.
Well at least you admitted the FBI has never said Hillary is under investigation. That's the first honest thing you've said. Baby steps.

I did not say that.
Maybe this will finally shut Liberals, like JS (nothing personal, Jake), who have been falsely declaring 'there is no investigation' up!

The other day the WH Press rep declared there was no investigation and Hillary was NOT the target of an investigation. That reportedly pissed the FBI off because the WH spoke out of turn - they don't represent or speak for the FBI. So the FBI just gave a big, fat middle finger to the WH and to Liberals in denial by announcing, YES, there IS an investigation, and Hillary is being investigated.

Hillary was BUSTED for lying as well, trying to claim it wasn't an investigation but was instead a 'security review'. One ex-FBI agent responded by clarifying that the FBI doesn't do 'security reviews' - it conducts investigations. The FBI made that fact official:

"The timing on this development could not be worse for Hillary Clinton, who insisted on Thursday night that the FBI was simply conducting “a security review”:

Er, yeah … not exactly. Note the last line in the letter, emphasis mine: “[W]e remain unable to provide the requested information without affecting on-going law enforcement efforts.”

Oh, but a 'security review' was conducted:

"A “security review” is not a law-enforcement effort; a law enforcement effort would follow a security review. In fact, the security review has been conducted by the Inspectors General at State and the intelligence community, which has found more than 1500 instances of classified information transmitted through and retained by the unauthorized and non-secure system Hillary personally put in place for her electronic communications."

Hillary says she is confident nothing will come of this....yeah, more 'false bravado' in front of the media / voters:

"...one of the FBI’s senior agents responsible for counterintelligence matters, Charles H. Kable IV, is working the Clinton case, another indicator the intelligence source said that the FBI probe is “extremely serious, and the A-team is handling.”

In the end it's pretty sad that the FBI is declaring Hillary's actions to be extremely serious and to the point where it put our national security in extreme danger yet Liberals are cheering and hoping she gets away with it, obviously because the Democratic Party, and specifically Hillary Clinton, is more important than our national security!
Maybe this will finally shut Liberals,

are you joking ?? there is nothing that will shut up a libertard.., well maybe an injection of lead to the head, or as their muslime pals do..., chop off their heads, i am NOT suggesting either method, but i would like to slap them sillier. :lmao:
Maybe this will finally shut Liberals,

are you joking ?? there is nothing that will shut up a libertard.., well maybe an injection of lead to the head, or as their muslime pals do..., chop off their heads, i am NOT suggesting either method, but i would like to slap them sillier. :lmao:
Maybe this will finally shut Liberals,

are you joking ?? there is nothing that will shut up a libertard.., well maybe an injection of lead to the head, or as their muslime pals do..., chop off their heads, i am NOT suggesting either method, but i would like to slap them sillier. :lmao:
if Hillary is so innocent on this matter, then why wont she ever take candid interviews? god, she may as well just be interviewed by George Pappacropolis and Stewart Smalley.
Not only is nothing going to happen to Hillary but nothing will happen to anyone. I'm not saying she doesn't belong in prison but she's running for President and the FBI isn't going to go after her or anyone else linked to her during a campaign.

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