Fauci & Co Are Lying About the utility of Face Masks


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
Fauci and Co continue to insist that WE THE PEOPLE wear face masks. Pelosi has a plan to make federal mask a mandate .

But does science support the wearing of facials masks?

Fuck no.

The CDC ITSELF concluded that face masks are useless:

Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks,
evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.

WHO found NO evidence to mandate face masks

Advice to decision makers on the use of masks for the general public:

Many countries have recommended the use of fabric masks/face coverings for the general public. At the present time, the widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are potential benefits and harms to consider .

The New England Journal of Medicine

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.

So have numerous other scientists

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy

Some doctors have found masks to be detrimental to the health of the wearer

Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy


Remember folks these scientists are under a tremendous pressure to set aside SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS in favor of political correctness.

The Lamestream Media (SEE BS), Fauci & Co and the Democrats have concluded that Trump is a threat to national security . The ONLY way that the Biden-Harris ticket has a chance is by mail-in ballots .

So censorship, outright lying and the politicizing of science will continue.

Wake up folks.
Yes, masks have been SOP in operating rooms for about a century, but clearly ,the past century of medical science is all wrong. All surgeons for the past century have been deliberately helping push the evil socialist plot. Those socialists are patient and crafty. We are truly blessed to have the intellectual giants of the Trump cult busting the conspiracy wide open..

Here's an example of those socialist traitors.

Fauci and Co continue to insist that WE THE PEOPLE wear face masks. Pelosi has a plan to make federal mask a mandate .

But does science support the wearing of facials masks?

Fuck no.

The CDC ITSELF concluded that face masks are useless:

Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks,
evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.

WHO found NO evidence to mandate face masks

Advice to decision makers on the use of masks for the general public:
Many countries have recommended the use of fabric masks/face coverings for the general public. At the present time, the widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are potential benefits and harms to consider .

The New England Journal of Medicine

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.

So have numerous other scientists

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy

Some doctors have found masks to be detrimental to the health of the wearer

Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy


Remember folks these scientists are under a tremendous pressure to set aside SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS in favor of political correctness.

The Lamestream Media (SEE BS), Fauci & Co and the Democrats have concluded that Trump is a threat to national security . The ONLY way that the Biden-Harris ticket has a chance is by mail-in ballots .

So censorship, outright lying and the politicizing of science will continue.

Wake up folks.
Poor lying loon. Feel free to get Covid. Just stay away from decent people
Yes, masks have been SOP in operating rooms for about a century, but clearly ,the past century of medical science is all wrong. All surgeons for the past century have been deliberately helping push the evil socialist plot. Those socialists are patient and crafty. We are truly blessed to have the intellectual giants of the Trump cult busting the conspiracy wide open..

Here's an example of those socialist traitors.


Are you saying that the conditions in an OPERATING ROOM and WALMART are the same?!?!?!??!?

I haven't seen any individual at WalMart with their abdominal cavity exposed , have you?

Fauci and Co continue to insist that WE THE PEOPLE wear face masks. Pelosi has a plan to make federal mask a mandate .

But does science support the wearing of facials masks?

Fuck no.

The CDC ITSELF concluded that face masks are useless:

Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks,
evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.

WHO found NO evidence to mandate face masks

Advice to decision makers on the use of masks for the general public:
Many countries have recommended the use of fabric masks/face coverings for the general public. At the present time, the widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are potential benefits and harms to consider .

The New England Journal of Medicine

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.

So have numerous other scientists

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy

Some doctors have found masks to be detrimental to the health of the wearer

Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy


Remember folks these scientists are under a tremendous pressure to set aside SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS in favor of political correctness.

The Lamestream Media (SEE BS), Fauci & Co and the Democrats have concluded that Trump is a threat to national security . The ONLY way that the Biden-Harris ticket has a chance is by mail-in ballots .

So censorship, outright lying and the politicizing of science will continue.

Wake up folks.
Poor lying loon. Feel free to get Covid. Just stay away from decent people

Lying loon?

Are you referring to Fauci?

‘How Could the CDC Make That Mistake?’

The government’s disease-fighting agency is conflating viral and antibody tests, compromising a few crucial metrics that governors depend on to reopen their economies. Pennsylvania, Georgia, Texas, and other states are doing the same.
Are you saying that the conditions in an OPERATING ROOM and WALMART are the same?!?!?!??!?

Please tell us how a mask that prevents virus droplets from being exhaled in the operating room will fail to do the same in Walmart.

After that, explain why new infections in mask-areas have stabilized, while they're accelerating in non-mask areas. The real world hard evidence -- as opposed to your unsupported theories -- would indicate that masks work.
Are you saying that the conditions in an OPERATING ROOM and WALMART are the same?!?!?!??!?

Please tell us how a mask that prevents virus droplets from being exhaled in the operating room will fail to do the same in Walmart.

After that, explain why new infections in mask-areas have stabilized, while they're accelerating in non-mask areas. The real world hard evidence -- as opposed to your unsupported theories -- would indicate that masks work.

That is pure arbitrary BS.

Firstly those studies were conducted by the CDC, The New England Journal of Medicine , WHO and numerous other scientists and medical doctors.

Secondly , Numbers go up wherever Fauci and Company decide that they need to go up to conform with their narrative

We are led to believe that Florida, Texas and Arizona have a gazillion "cases" even though coronavirus is a COLD VIRUS which can not tolerate temperatures above 70 degrees fahrenheit.

study finds high temperatures, humidity, and sunlight kill the coronavirus
I've been wearing my face-mask in public ... it hides my smile ... not near as many beautiful twenty-something girls have been pressing their firm and tender bodies against me ... so that's a good thing ...
Firstly those studies were conducted by the CDC, The New England Journal of Medicine , WHO and numerous other scientists and medical doctors.

And none said masks didn't work.
Secondly , Numbers go up wherever Fauci and Company decide that they need to go up to conform with their narrative

Thanks for playing. As you've resorted to conspiracy theories when confronted with reality, indicating you had no actual reply.
We are led to believe that Florida, Texas and Arizona have a gazillion "cases" even though coronavirus is a COLD VIRUS which can not tolerate temperatures above 70 degrees fahrenheit.

Did Trump tell you that as well?
again, wearing glasses with a face mask on, the glasses fogged. Anyone wonder why?

Can't make up the stupid of fauci.
Please tell us how a mask that prevents virus droplets from being exhaled in the operating room will fail to do the same in Walmart.

After that, explain why new infections in mask-areas have stabilized, while they're accelerating in non-mask areas. The real world hard evidence -- as opposed to your unsupported theories -- would indicate that masks work.
Explain how when one is wearing glasses with a face mask on, the glasses fogged. Anyone wonder why?
Yes, masks have been SOP in operating rooms for about a century, but clearly ,the past century of medical science is all wrong. All surgeons for the past century have been deliberately helping push the evil socialist plot. Those socialists are patient and crafty. We are truly blessed to have the intellectual giants of the Trump cult busting the conspiracy wide open..

Here's an example of those socialist traitors.


Are you saying that the conditions in an OPERATING ROOM and WALMART are the same?!?!?!??!?

I haven't seen any individual at WalMart with their abdominal cavity exposed , have you?

Just their abdomens. Very large abdomens
The OP is a liar!

Florida's out of control numbers went down as soon as mask mandates went into effect on July 15!

Most of Asia halted it with mask.

Florida 's out of control number are FAKE NEWS

Firstly , According to the FDA there are NO TESTS to identify covid19.

This test has not been FDA cleared or approved; @ Page 9

U.S. still falling short on accurate testing, FDA chief says

SO the CDC has left it up to the hospitals and health care providers to identify which individuals are infected by covid19 and is paying them up to $39,000.00 per pop.

Florida Man Killed in Crash Listed as COVID-19 Death, Raising Doubts Over Health Data

Fauci & Co are lying like a rug

Lets us be clear... The Trumpsters are the only major body of people who are anti mask...

Trumpsters don't give a fuck how many people die to serve there orange god...

Dr Fauci is a global expert on epidemiology... What he shits in the morning knows more than this OP will ever know...

He can quote one dodgey study after another, but lets be clear... A mask stops people from touching an infected surface and then touching there mouth or nose... That simply slows the spread... It isn't rocket science but a basic concept. It also reminds people that other people have to be respected.

The virus is not very airborne we think but it seems to transmit a lot through surfaces... People have been using masks to stop infection transmitting for a long time.
The OP is a liar!

Florida's out of control numbers went down as soon as mask mandates went into effect on July 15!

Most of Asia halted it with mask.

Florida 's out of control number are FAKE NEWS

Firstly , According to the FDA there are NO TESTS to identify covid19.

This test has not been FDA cleared or approved; @ Page 9

U.S. still falling short on accurate testing, FDA chief says

SO the CDC has left it up to the hospitals and health care providers to identify which individuals are infected by covid19 and is paying them up to $39,000.00 per pop.

Florida Man Killed in Crash Listed as COVID-19 Death, Raising Doubts Over Health Data

Fauci & Co are lying like a rug.

I know you believe it's all a hoax like 2 of my carpenters who caught Covid & battled for their life for 6 weeks. Their health & job performance were greatly diminished since returning to work. You like they believe PC instead of facts.

Here in Florida the Covid death rates followed the positive infection testing rates up & down. Whoop-strap proved respiratory rates rise in infected people even those who are asymptomatic. Wearing a mask while indoors at public businesses healthy!
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Yes, masks have been SOP in operating rooms for about a century, but clearly ,the past century of medical science is all wrong. All surgeons for the past century have been deliberately helping push the evil socialist plot. Those socialists are patient and crafty. We are truly blessed to have the intellectual giants of the Trump cult busting the conspiracy wide open..

Here's an example of those socialist traitors.

Bacteria are more than twice as large as a virus. Those masks are for Bacteria protection not viral.

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