Fake News CBS Caught Using Photo From Latinos For Trump Event in Phoenix and Tagged it as Biden’s Florida Event!

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
This really illustrates what The Donald means by the MSM being Fake News, in the below case it comes from CBS:


The MSM reach yet ANOTHER new LOW in their ATTEMPT to prop up Advanced Senile Dementia Basement Dweller Creepy Joe Biden:


^^^^ CBS hacks are though soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo low IQ they FORGOT to snip out the right hand side of the above picture that CLEARLY SHOWS an "I Love Trump" hat and "Make America Great" placards, here below is the full original shot from the ACTUAL Donald Trump Campaign Event Stop at Latinos For Trump in Phoenix, Arizona:


^^^^ This is how STUPID the MSM Fake News THINK NORMAL PEOPLES are, that NORMAL PEOPLES will NOT NOTICE this disgusting CRAP they are attempting to pull:

That smell you are picking up, is the smell of fear.

As I said from the beginning, there is no way I can see America First being defeated by a global socialist objective outside of a few states.

Trump had better have the best lawyers in the business on his team. Those that love America, capitalism and liberty and do NOT want to see it hurt by mail-out voting, Open Borders and the importing of Communism.

Trump has to keep pounding China and ask his opponents directly about China, put them on the spot. Isolate the key issue for Americas National Security and future.
One day these traitors will be dealt with. You do not have to pull the trigger, just not report anyone that does. Scum like this has been around for all of history. Its part of the disease of humanity.
Trump has to keep pounding China and ask his opponents directly about China, put them on the spot. Isolate the key issue for Americas National Security and future.
While trump is bashing china they are funding the opposition against him in the US

It will a very close election with millions of ballots being slipped in days after the polls close

trump can win, but it not assured
Somebody had a video of a Latinos for Biden car rally the other day.... it was 4 cars.... and 3 sets of jumper cables. I shit you not.

No human being is FOR Pedo Joe and the Ho. They're FOR DJT or HATE DJT and are willing to settle for a vegetable and a marxist fluffer.

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