Fair Catch

Isaac Brock

Active Member
Sep 28, 2003
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Okay i have to admitt, I'm a student of the Canadian Football League. You know the one that has a 110 yard field, larger ball, 3 downs and different rules here and there.

I think I watched my first NFL game in years today and was astonished by this "fair catch" rule. What's the deal with that?
Normally on a punt the receiver has free run of the field for as long as he can return the punt, and he's also game to being taken out by the opposing team.

With a fair catch the ball is dead where he catches it and the opposing team cannot touch him.

Of course all bets are off should he drop the ball!

College football is even worse, when the receiver calls for a fair catch the opposing players aren't allowed to come within a few yards of the player for fear of making him drop the ball.

Too many protections have been built into the game over the years. Let them play the way the game was designed, if they can't hang they shouldn't be in the NFL!!
Originally posted by jimnyc
Normally on a punt the receiver has free run of the field for as long as he can return the punt, and he's also game to being taken out by the opposing team.

With a fair catch the ball is dead where he catches it and the opposing team cannot touch him.

Of course all bets are off should he drop the ball!

College football is even worse, when the receiver calls for a fair catch the opposing players aren't allowed to come within a few yards of the player for fear of making him drop the ball.

Too many protections have been built into the game over the years. Let them play the way the game was designed, if they can't hang they shouldn't be in the NFL!!

Hmm! All i can say is... wussies! :P just kidding.
Keep in mind these are the guys making millions whether they win or lose; dance in the endzone when they do what they are paid those millions for; and are not punished for their criminal behavior (what other profession besides athlete can you assault your teammates, competitors and coaches and not land in jail??).

I used to love football, but I cannot watch it anymore because of all the showboating and stupid stuff.
pros are the pits....NCAA is doing its damnest to screw up college ball..rugby is starting to look good
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