Experience Reigns, Not 'Change'


*****istrator Emeritus
Mar 13, 2006
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Change my ass.

Experience Reigns, Not 'Change'

WASHINGTON -- President-elect Barack Obama campaigned on the slogan of "change." But his early appointees, including two top choices that emerged Wednesday, show that experience is one of his main criteria.

His choice for secretary of Health and Human Services, officials said, is former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, who has a long Washington résumé. Jacob Lew, one of President Bill Clinton's budget directors, is favored to direct the National Economic Council.

The latest transition news highlighted the three personnel pools supplying Mr. Obama with his picks. Most prominent are Clinton administration veterans -- including, possibly, former first lady Hillary Clinton for secretary of state. Some high-profile appointments are also long-serving members and staff from Capitol Hill. Then there are the influential Chicagoans -- a group that seems smaller than the hometown crowd that usually accompanies a new president to Washington.

Experience Reigns, Not 'Change' - WSJ.com
Change doesn't mean he can only hire people with no politicat background.

Change means that the failing policies of the last 8 years can be changed and they can be done by the people he has so far selected. That is Change.
Change doesn't mean he can only hire people with no politicat background. Change means that the failing policies of the last 8 years can be changed and they can be done by the people he has so far selected. That is Change.
That's right! No Bush equals "Change!"

Umm, but Rayboy doesn't that also mean that John McCain would have equaled "Change" also? :confused:
Change doesn't mean he can only hire people with no politicat background.

Change means that the failing policies of the last 8 years can be changed and they can be done by the people he has so far selected. That is Change.

So why did Obama vote with Bush on the $700 billion bailout? That's an economic policy. That is another failed Bush policy. That was voted by Obama and 2/3 of Democrats and 1/3 of Republicans. I thought Obama was about change. After all, he talked about the failed policy of the last eight years but voted for one that's not going to make anything better. Would you vote (or not vote) for a President has been a failure for the last eight years? Obviously Obama says, "No Way, No How, I vote for the bailout."

Even a blind guy could have seen the bailout (not going to work) from a mile away. When Bush called for the bailout, this was similar to pre-2003 when he called for actions against Iraq. If Obama failed to see where this is heading, i wonder what else is in store.
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