Everyone knows the US is doing in the Middle East exactly what Israel planned for decades? Right?

In their own words, no one has to make this up. The US is executing Israel's long held plan of regime change across the Arab world, starting with Iraq.

Oded Yinon, Israeli Foreign Ministry, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties":

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon..."

Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Neocons in the George W. Bush administration wrote BEFORE 9/11 in "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (Israel)" 1996:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment...by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."

Feith wrote that paper for Netanyahu. He later became Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, with the highest security clearances and access to the nation's defenses before 9/11.

And General Wes Clark let the cat of of the bag that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. It was part of a bigger plan, driven by the Zionist Neocons in the Bush White House:

"...we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." -General Wesley Clark, 2007

And it all started with 9/11. Who was in NYC cheering and high-fiving the burning towers? Israeli Mossad agents.

It's all in our faces, in black and white. American blood and treasure, national solvency, all gone for Israel. I nominate Americans for the stupidest suckers in world history.

Oded Yinon


How dare those damn Jews not wanting their future progeny glowing in the dark.

Israel has nukes, Iran does not.

And Iran is the top sponsor of terrorism around the world. So......
In their own words, no one has to make this up. The US is executing Israel's long held plan of regime change across the Arab world, starting with Iraq.

Oded Yinon, Israeli Foreign Ministry, "A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties":

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria...Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon..."

Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Neocons in the George W. Bush administration wrote BEFORE 9/11 in "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (Israel)" 1996:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment...by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq..."

Feith wrote that paper for Netanyahu. He later became Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, with the highest security clearances and access to the nation's defenses before 9/11.

And General Wes Clark let the cat of of the bag that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. It was part of a bigger plan, driven by the Zionist Neocons in the Bush White House:

"...we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." -General Wesley Clark, 2007

And it all started with 9/11. Who was in NYC cheering and high-fiving the burning towers? Israeli Mossad agents.

It's all in our faces, in black and white. American blood and treasure, national solvency, all gone for Israel. I nominate Americans for the stupidest suckers in world history.

Oded Yinon


How dare those damn Jews not wanting their future progeny glowing in the dark.

If "those damn Jews" would stop stealing their neighbors' land and water, they wouldn't have to worry about radioactive decay.

When your attacked that kind of shit tends to happen.
This is so amusing !!

The same leftists who laugh at and call the notion of a Deep State in the US government "funny" and "paranoid".....

Run around in their diapers Flailing about a "Jewish Deep State controlling the US"....

Actually the "deep state" is mostly ZOG. Not sure if that is funny, ironic, racist or whatever, but in the information age, cannot be denied.

Tel Aviv?

Jerusalem is, and always will be Israel's eternal capitol

"Cause Yahweh ( a demonic baal -who never existed except in the mind of racist rabbis and who hated everyone on Earth but his chosen - who he also hated most of the time ) said so!
Terrorism and a severe misunderstanding of the Middle East. Bush thought that if we gave them a taste of Freedom it would change the landscape. He failed to understand that the countries in the middle east are ruled by religion............different culture.
When did a military occupation that resulted in the murder,maiming, and displacing of millions of civilians become "a taste of freedom"? Of all the blunders in US History, the invasion of Iraq occupies the pinnacle of arrogance and ignorance.
Terrorists meddle in Israel all the time. They claim Jews and Israel have no right to exist.

We are killing them by the thousands.
Israel was created by terrorists.

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence

"The two most infamous Jewish terror militias were Irgun and Lehi, led respectively by Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, both future Israeli prime ministers.

"Irgun was by far the most prolific of the two terror groups, carrying out a string of assassinations and attacks meant to drive out the British.

"On July 22, 1946, Irgun fighters bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people, including 17 Jews, an attack still celebrated in Israel today.

"They bombed and shot up crowded markets, trains, cinemas and British police and army posts, killing hundreds of men, women and children.

"Meanwhile, Lehi assassinated British minister of state Lord Moyne in Cairo in 1944, while planning to kill Winston Churchill as well."
When your attacked that kind of shit tends to happen.
When thousands of European migrants (including many illegals) began invading Palestine a century ago while proclaiming their intention to replace the indigenous population with a Jewish majority "homeland", the non-Jews understandably resisted their extermination.

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence

"At its core, Zionism is a settler-colonial movement of white, European usurpers supplanting Arabs they often viewed as inferior or backwards.

"Theodore Herzl, father of modern political Zionism, envisioned a Jewish state in Palestine as 'an outpost of civilization opposed to barbarism.' Other early Zionists warned against this sort of thinking.

"The great Hebrew essayist Ahad Ha’am wrote:

"We… are accustomed to believing that Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arabs… see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land. If the time comes that [we] develop to a point where we are taking their place… the natives are not going to just step aside so easily."
When your attacked that kind of shit tends to happen.
When thousands of European migrants (including many illegals) began invading Palestine a century ago while proclaiming their intention to replace the indigenous population with a Jewish majority "homeland", the non-Jews understandably resisted their extermination.

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence

"At its core, Zionism is a settler-colonial movement of white, European usurpers supplanting Arabs they often viewed as inferior or backwards.

"Theodore Herzl, father of modern political Zionism, envisioned a Jewish state in Palestine as 'an outpost of civilization opposed to barbarism.' Other early Zionists warned against this sort of thinking.

"The great Hebrew essayist Ahad Ha’am wrote:

"We… are accustomed to believing that Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arabs… see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land. If the time comes that [we] develop to a point where we are taking their place… the natives are not going to just step aside so easily."
And a billion Arabs couldn’t stop them.
When your attacked that kind of shit tends to happen.
When thousands of European migrants (including many illegals) began invading Palestine a century ago while proclaiming their intention to replace the indigenous population with a Jewish majority "homeland", the non-Jews understandably resisted their extermination.

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence

"At its core, Zionism is a settler-colonial movement of white, European usurpers supplanting Arabs they often viewed as inferior or backwards.

"Theodore Herzl, father of modern political Zionism, envisioned a Jewish state in Palestine as 'an outpost of civilization opposed to barbarism.' Other early Zionists warned against this sort of thinking.

"The great Hebrew essayist Ahad Ha’am wrote:

"We… are accustomed to believing that Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arabs… see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land. If the time comes that [we] develop to a point where we are taking their place… the natives are not going to just step aside so easily."
And a billion Arabs couldn’t stop them.
After the Jews hid behind an iron wall of British bayonets for a generation.

Vladimir Jabotinsky: The Iron Wall - We and the Arabs (1923)

"That the Arabs of the Land of Israel should willingly come to an agreement with us is beyond all hopes and dreams at present, and in the foreseeable future.

"This inner conviction of mine I express so categorically not because of any wish to dismay the moderate faction in the Zionist camp but, on the contrary, because I wish to save them from such dismay.

"Apart from those who have been virtually 'blind' since childhood, all the other moderate Zionists have long since understood that there is not even the slightest hope of ever obtaining the agreement of the Arabs of the Land of Israel to “Palestine” becoming a country with a Jewish majority..."

"In this sense, there are no meaningful differences between our “militarists” and our 'vegetarians.'

"One prefers an iron wall of Jewish bayonets, the other proposes an iron wall of British bayonets..."
When your attacked that kind of shit tends to happen.
When thousands of European migrants (including many illegals) began invading Palestine a century ago while proclaiming their intention to replace the indigenous population with a Jewish majority "homeland", the non-Jews understandably resisted their extermination.

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence

"At its core, Zionism is a settler-colonial movement of white, European usurpers supplanting Arabs they often viewed as inferior or backwards.

"Theodore Herzl, father of modern political Zionism, envisioned a Jewish state in Palestine as 'an outpost of civilization opposed to barbarism.' Other early Zionists warned against this sort of thinking.

"The great Hebrew essayist Ahad Ha’am wrote:

"We… are accustomed to believing that Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arabs… see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land. If the time comes that [we] develop to a point where we are taking their place… the natives are not going to just step aside so easily."
And a billion Arabs couldn’t stop them.
After the Jews hid behind an iron wall of British bayonets for a generation.

Vladimir Jabotinsky: The Iron Wall - We and the Arabs (1923)

"That the Arabs of the Land of Israel should willingly come to an agreement with us is beyond all hopes and dreams at present, and in the foreseeable future.

"This inner conviction of mine I express so categorically not because of any wish to dismay the moderate faction in the Zionist camp but, on the contrary, because I wish to save them from such dismay.

"Apart from those who have been virtually 'blind' since childhood, all the other moderate Zionists have long since understood that there is not even the slightest hope of ever obtaining the agreement of the Arabs of the Land of Israel to “Palestine” becoming a country with a Jewish majority..."

"In this sense, there are no meaningful differences between our “militarists” and our 'vegetarians.'

"One prefers an iron wall of Jewish bayonets, the other proposes an iron wall of British bayonets..."
When your attacked that kind of shit tends to happen.
When thousands of European migrants (including many illegals) began invading Palestine a century ago while proclaiming their intention to replace the indigenous population with a Jewish majority "homeland", the non-Jews understandably resisted their extermination.

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence

"At its core, Zionism is a settler-colonial movement of white, European usurpers supplanting Arabs they often viewed as inferior or backwards.

"Theodore Herzl, father of modern political Zionism, envisioned a Jewish state in Palestine as 'an outpost of civilization opposed to barbarism.' Other early Zionists warned against this sort of thinking.

"The great Hebrew essayist Ahad Ha’am wrote:

"We… are accustomed to believing that Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arabs… see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land. If the time comes that [we] develop to a point where we are taking their place… the natives are not going to just step aside so easily."
And a billion Arabs couldn’t stop them.
After the Jews hid behind an iron wall of British bayonets for a generation.

Vladimir Jabotinsky: The Iron Wall - We and the Arabs (1923)

"That the Arabs of the Land of Israel should willingly come to an agreement with us is beyond all hopes and dreams at present, and in the foreseeable future.

"This inner conviction of mine I express so categorically not because of any wish to dismay the moderate faction in the Zionist camp but, on the contrary, because I wish to save them from such dismay.

"Apart from those who have been virtually 'blind' since childhood, all the other moderate Zionists have long since understood that there is not even the slightest hope of ever obtaining the agreement of the Arabs of the Land of Israel to “Palestine” becoming a country with a Jewish majority..."

"In this sense, there are no meaningful differences between our “militarists” and our 'vegetarians.'

"One prefers an iron wall of Jewish bayonets, the other proposes an iron wall of British bayonets..."
Moron, the British prevented what they considered too many Jews from entering Israel.
Britain, France, Australia and others put the nails in the coffin of the Ottoman Empire.

Just like France and Italy pounded them in Northern Africa.

None of the countries in the Middle East even existed then.
When your attacked that kind of shit tends to happen.
When thousands of European migrants (including many illegals) began invading Palestine a century ago while proclaiming their intention to replace the indigenous population with a Jewish majority "homeland", the non-Jews understandably resisted their extermination.

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence

"At its core, Zionism is a settler-colonial movement of white, European usurpers supplanting Arabs they often viewed as inferior or backwards.

"Theodore Herzl, father of modern political Zionism, envisioned a Jewish state in Palestine as 'an outpost of civilization opposed to barbarism.' Other early Zionists warned against this sort of thinking.

"The great Hebrew essayist Ahad Ha’am wrote:

"We… are accustomed to believing that Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arabs… see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land. If the time comes that [we] develop to a point where we are taking their place… the natives are not going to just step aside so easily."
And a billion Arabs couldn’t stop them.
After the Jews hid behind an iron wall of British bayonets for a generation.

Vladimir Jabotinsky: The Iron Wall - We and the Arabs (1923)

"That the Arabs of the Land of Israel should willingly come to an agreement with us is beyond all hopes and dreams at present, and in the foreseeable future.

"This inner conviction of mine I express so categorically not because of any wish to dismay the moderate faction in the Zionist camp but, on the contrary, because I wish to save them from such dismay.

"Apart from those who have been virtually 'blind' since childhood, all the other moderate Zionists have long since understood that there is not even the slightest hope of ever obtaining the agreement of the Arabs of the Land of Israel to “Palestine” becoming a country with a Jewish majority..."

"In this sense, there are no meaningful differences between our “militarists” and our 'vegetarians.'

"One prefers an iron wall of Jewish bayonets, the other proposes an iron wall of British bayonets..."

The War to End All Wars?

"The Battle of Beersheba (Turkish: Birüssebi Muharebesi, German: Schlacht von Birüssebi)[Note 1] was fought on 31 October 1917, when the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) attacked and captured the Yildirim Army Group garrison at Beersheba, beginning the Southern Palestine Offensive of the Sinai and Palestine campaign of World War I."

Battle of Beersheba (1917) - Wikipedia
When your attacked that kind of shit tends to happen.
When thousands of European migrants (including many illegals) began invading Palestine a century ago while proclaiming their intention to replace the indigenous population with a Jewish majority "homeland", the non-Jews understandably resisted their extermination.

The Dark Side of Israeli Independence

"At its core, Zionism is a settler-colonial movement of white, European usurpers supplanting Arabs they often viewed as inferior or backwards.

"Theodore Herzl, father of modern political Zionism, envisioned a Jewish state in Palestine as 'an outpost of civilization opposed to barbarism.' Other early Zionists warned against this sort of thinking.

"The great Hebrew essayist Ahad Ha’am wrote:

"We… are accustomed to believing that Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arabs… see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land. If the time comes that [we] develop to a point where we are taking their place… the natives are not going to just step aside so easily."
And a billion Arabs couldn’t stop them.
After the Jews hid behind an iron wall of British bayonets for a generation.

Vladimir Jabotinsky: The Iron Wall - We and the Arabs (1923)

"That the Arabs of the Land of Israel should willingly come to an agreement with us is beyond all hopes and dreams at present, and in the foreseeable future.

"This inner conviction of mine I express so categorically not because of any wish to dismay the moderate faction in the Zionist camp but, on the contrary, because I wish to save them from such dismay.

"Apart from those who have been virtually 'blind' since childhood, all the other moderate Zionists have long since understood that there is not even the slightest hope of ever obtaining the agreement of the Arabs of the Land of Israel to “Palestine” becoming a country with a Jewish majority..."

"In this sense, there are no meaningful differences between our “militarists” and our 'vegetarians.'

"One prefers an iron wall of Jewish bayonets, the other proposes an iron wall of British bayonets..."

The War to End All Wars?

"The Battle of Beersheba (Turkish: Birüssebi Muharebesi, German: Schlacht von Birüssebi)[Note 1] was fought on 31 October 1917, when the Egyptian Expeditionary Force (EEF) attacked and captured the Yildirim Army Group garrison at Beersheba, beginning the Southern Palestine Offensive of the Sinai and Palestine campaign of World War I."

Battle of Beersheba (1917) - Wikipedia

That charge took Gaza..............and flanked the Turks.............Was the beginning of the end of the Turks there. Allied forces then moved through the region and took Jerusalem..............

It had been a stalemate for quite some time. The light Horse did what the armies could not do in No mans land strategy.

Bottom Line.......Ottomans lost.............and the Empire was in it's final Stages........After WWI the Greco Turkish War nearly ended Turkey......but Turkey eventually drove the Greeks out. Seems countries still wanted some pay back for the hundreds of years of Ottoman Rule.
Bottom Line.......Ottomans lost.............and the Empire was in it's final Stages........After WWI the Greco Turkish War nearly ended Turkey......but Turkey eventually drove the Greeks out. Seems countries still wanted some pay back for the hundreds of years of Ottoman Rule.

"Annotation: On January 22, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson addressed the Senate and appealed for 'peace without victory' to settle the conflict in Europe. This plea occurred a little more than two months before the U.S. entered the war against Germany. Wilson addressed the U.S. Congress on April 2, 1917 to request permission to declare war upon Germany. A formal declaration of war followed four days later, on April 6, 1917."
Digital History

Had the US stayed out of that war, the same revolutions that toppled the Russian Czar and his family of useless eaters would have happened in England and Germany.
Trump is nothing but an international puppet to any leader willing to kiss his fat white ass...this country is gonna rule the day, they allowed this mad man in the white house....and I pray to God, I live long enough to see it suffer as a result of it. We are all over do for a reckoning and God has never liked ugly
Bottom Line.......Ottomans lost.............and the Empire was in it's final Stages........After WWI the Greco Turkish War nearly ended Turkey......but Turkey eventually drove the Greeks out. Seems countries still wanted some pay back for the hundreds of years of Ottoman Rule.

"Annotation: On January 22, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson addressed the Senate and appealed for 'peace without victory' to settle the conflict in Europe. This plea occurred a little more than two months before the U.S. entered the war against Germany. Wilson addressed the U.S. Congress on April 2, 1917 to request permission to declare war upon Germany. A formal declaration of war followed four days later, on April 6, 1917."
Digital History

Had the US stayed out of that war, the same revolutions that toppled the Russian Czar and his family of useless eaters would have happened in England and Germany.
Muslims never surrender in war; they need to be exterminated.
Bottom Line.......Ottomans lost.............and the Empire was in it's final Stages........After WWI the Greco Turkish War nearly ended Turkey......but Turkey eventually drove the Greeks out. Seems countries still wanted some pay back for the hundreds of years of Ottoman Rule.

"Annotation: On January 22, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson addressed the Senate and appealed for 'peace without victory' to settle the conflict in Europe. This plea occurred a little more than two months before the U.S. entered the war against Germany. Wilson addressed the U.S. Congress on April 2, 1917 to request permission to declare war upon Germany. A formal declaration of war followed four days later, on April 6, 1917."
Digital History

Had the US stayed out of that war, the same revolutions that toppled the Russian Czar and his family of useless eaters would have happened in England and Germany.
Muslims never surrender in war; they need to be exterminated.
Some Muslims surrender.

Battle of Beersheba (1917) - Wikipedia


The XX Corps captured 419 prisoners while Desert Mounted Corps captured 1,528 Ottoman soldiers.[205] Ottoman casualties were believed to be about half that number,[1] while around 500 dead were found on the battlefield."
Bottom Line.......Ottomans lost.............and the Empire was in it's final Stages........After WWI the Greco Turkish War nearly ended Turkey......but Turkey eventually drove the Greeks out. Seems countries still wanted some pay back for the hundreds of years of Ottoman Rule.

"Annotation: On January 22, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson addressed the Senate and appealed for 'peace without victory' to settle the conflict in Europe. This plea occurred a little more than two months before the U.S. entered the war against Germany. Wilson addressed the U.S. Congress on April 2, 1917 to request permission to declare war upon Germany. A formal declaration of war followed four days later, on April 6, 1917."
Digital History

Had the US stayed out of that war, the same revolutions that toppled the Russian Czar and his family of useless eaters would have happened in England and Germany.
Muslims never surrender in war; they need to be exterminated.
Some Muslims surrender.

Battle of Beersheba (1917) - Wikipedia


The XX Corps captured 419 prisoners while Desert Mounted Corps captured 1,528 Ottoman soldiers.[205] Ottoman casualties were believed to be about half that number,[1] while around 500 dead were found on the battlefield."
Mazal Tov!
Too bad for all the others.
I also remember Muslims surrendering to Napolean, who allowed them to leave after they took an oath not to attack again.
They came back and attacked Napolean and Napolean had to exterminate the lying mother fuckers.

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