Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

>> As a child growing up in rural Arizona, Ina Mapes remembers her mother as a highly discreet woman who rarely expressed her personal feelings except when it came to one particularly incendiary topic: Did Mapes’s father, a raven-haired lawyer, have Native American roots, or did he not? Mapes’s grandmother maintained that he had one-quarter tribal blood. But her mother wanted to hear nothing of it.

“My mother did not approve of Indians, and she insisted that my father was not an Indian,” said Mapes, 77, of Catalina, Ariz. “In those days, it was not a plus to be an Indian, not at all. She said that Granny, my father’s mother, was just making it up and she did not believe it.”

Mapes, a mother of four who volunteers in a clothing bank, is a second cousin to US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren. The two women, who have never met, share more DNA than most second cousins: Not only were their grandmothers sisters, their grandfathers were brothers. Those brothers — a team of carpenters named Harry and Everett Reed who plied their trade in the Indian Territory that would become the state of Oklahoma — are believed by some family members to have roots in the Delaware tribe. Mapes, who said she was unaware of her cousin’s candidacy until contacted by a reporter, said she does not doubt her heritage.

“I think you are what you are,” said Mapes. “And part of us is Indian.”


(Harry Reed, Warren's grandfather)
Both the Reeds and the Crawfords are identified as “white” on federal Census forms in the early 20th century that rely upon self-identification. While that may have been a simple statement of fact, they may also have been trying to obscure their ethnicity. At the time, the federal government was attempting to break up reservations by granting land allotments to individual Native Americans, pressing them to assimilate into white society and leave their tribal ways behind. The goal, as one officer bluntly put it, was to “kill the Indian and save the man.” Those who could pass for white — or convince the census taker that they were — sometimes did.

“If someone was not white, they were a little bit less of a citizen,” said Matt Reed, the curator of the American Indian Collections at the Oklahoma Historical Society in Oklahoma City, whose mother was a Pawnee Indian. “If you had darker skin, you were a lesser human. So, if your skin was light enough to pass as not being Indian, then you just passed as white and your life was a lot better off. A lot more people did that than you might think.”

.... Warren’s brother David, eight years her senior, calls the public controversy over the subject “a bunch of baloney.” He remembers relatives cautioning him when he played cowboys and Indians as a child. “My aunts said, ‘Be careful shooting the Indians because some of them are your relatives.’ ” But most shied away from the subject of the family’s heritage, Herring added, because “it wasn’t something you were proud of.” << --- Boston.com (September 2012)
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
Lack of balls?

All of the above?
>> As a child growing up in rural Arizona, Ina Mapes remembers her mother as a highly discreet woman who rarely expressed her personal feelings except when it came to one particularly incendiary topic: Did Mapes’s father, a raven-haired lawyer, have Native American roots, or did he not? Mapes’s grandmother maintained that he had one-quarter tribal blood. But her mother wanted to hear nothing of it.

“My mother did not approve of Indians, and she insisted that my father was not an Indian,” said Mapes, 77, of Catalina, Ariz. “In those days, it was not a plus to be an Indian, not at all. She said that Granny, my father’s mother, was just making it up and she did not believe it.”

Mapes, a mother of four who volunteers in a clothing bank, is a second cousin to US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren. The two women, who have never met, share more DNA than most second cousins: Not only were their grandmothers sisters, their grandfathers were brothers. Those brothers — a team of carpenters named Harry and Everett Reed who plied their trade in the Indian Territory that would become the state of Oklahoma — are believed by some family members to have roots in the Delaware tribe. Mapes, who said she was unaware of her cousin’s candidacy until contacted by a reporter, said she does not doubt her heritage.

“I think you are what you are,” said Mapes. “And part of us is Indian.”


(Harry Reed, Warren's grandfather)
Both the Reeds and the Crawfords are identified as “white” on federal Census forms in the early 20th century that rely upon self-identification. While that may have been a simple statement of fact, they may also have been trying to obscure their ethnicity. At the time, the federal government was attempting to break up reservations by granting land allotments to individual Native Americans, pressing them to assimilate into white society and leave their tribal ways behind. The goal, as one officer bluntly put it, was to “kill the Indian and save the man.” Those who could pass for white — or convince the census taker that they were — sometimes did.

“If someone was not white, they were a little bit less of a citizen,” said Matt Reed, the curator of the American Indian Collections at the Oklahoma Historical Society in Oklahoma City, whose mother was a Pawnee Indian. “If you had darker skin, you were a lesser human. So, if your skin was light enough to pass as not being Indian, then you just passed as white and your life was a lot better off. A lot more people did that than you might think.”

.... Warren’s brother David, eight years her senior, calls the public controversy over the subject “a bunch of baloney.” He remembers relatives cautioning him when he played cowboys and Indians as a child. “My aunts said, ‘Be careful shooting the Indians because some of them are your relatives.’ ” But most shied away from the subject of the family’s heritage, Herring added, because “it wasn’t something you were proud of.” << --- Boston.com (September 2012)

You asked, 'Repeat yourself?'

Dear girl, I dont expect you to keep up, but at lest try to remember what you yourself ahve stated.

I did type that. Maybe you should read your post that I was responding to and you'd know I didn't accuse you of repeating yourself. Seriously, you're not bright.

Lol you obviously asked my if I repeated myself as a backhanded way of suggesting that I did.

Do you ever speak honestly?

Read the post, boyscout. Read it all back to yourself, absorb the knowledge of being mistaken.

Thats how it reads to me.

Why are yo so judgmental?

i never claimed you repeat yourself, you're the one who said you dont' have time to repeat yourself and that was what I was questioning because all you do is post memes of somebody else's work, how can you repeat yourself if your not even original in the first place? That was my point, boy genius.
lol, OK, whatever

You are boring me, conversation is over.
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
I havent googled any of these images. I save them to photobucket when I come across them here and on FB.

I know it must hurt to be a libtard loser, but you dont have to get all pissy about it.
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
Political satire needs a person with a 3 digit IQ to understand the nuance of the humor, OCDPogo Girl hasn't got past "Heather has 2 Mommies"!
I did type that. Maybe you should read your post that I was responding to and you'd know I didn't accuse you of repeating yourself. Seriously, you're not bright.

Lol you obviously asked my if I repeated myself as a backhanded way of suggesting that I did.

Do you ever speak honestly?

Read the post, boyscout. Read it all back to yourself, absorb the knowledge of being mistaken.

Thats how it reads to me.

Why are yo so judgmental?

i never claimed you repeat yourself, you're the one who said you dont' have time to repeat yourself and that was what I was questioning because all you do is post memes of somebody else's work, how can you repeat yourself if your not even original in the first place? That was my point, boy genius.
lol, OK, whatever

You are boring me, conversation is over.

Yeah, must be boring when it's pointed out you are wrong. And don't worry, this totally doesn't look like you are walking away with your tail tucked between your legs and trying to make the best of it even though it's obvious you're a clueless moron.
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
I havent googled any of these images. I save them to photobucket when I come across them here and on FB.

I know it must hurt to be a libtard loser, but you dont have to get all pissy about it.

Oh, that's like totally a different fucking thing. <---sarcasm
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
Political satire needs a person with a 3 digit IQ to understand the nuance of the humor, OCDPogo Girl hasn't got past "Heather has 2 Mommies"!

Your memes are mostly just striaght up stupid. They aren't hiding any nuggets of satire, their message is clear, often times based on misinformation and always overly used. You are making USMB the graveyard for lame and moronic memes.
Last edited:
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
I havent googled any of these images. I save them to photobucket when I come across them here and on FB.

I know it must hurt to be a libtard loser, but you dont have to get all pissy about it.

Oh, that's like totally a different fucking thing. <---sarcasm
Well, maybe I would know if it had actually happened yet, lol
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
Lack of balls?

All of the above?
None of the above, genius,lol, never had to google any of it.
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
I havent googled any of these images. I save them to photobucket when I come across them here and on FB.

I know it must hurt to be a libtard loser, but you dont have to get all pissy about it.

Oh, that's like totally a different fucking thing. <---sarcasm
Well, maybe I would know if it had actually happened yet, lol

Riiiight, you go on not making sense and shit, you're good at it.
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
Political satire needs a person with a 3 digit IQ to understand the nuance of the humor, OCDPogo Girl hasn't got past "Heather has 2 Mommies"!

You're memes are mostly just striaght up stupid. They aren't hiding any nuggets of satire, their message is clear, often times based on misinformation and always overly used. You are making USMB the graveyard for lame and moronic memes.
Thank you LOW 2 digit IQ'd TROLL for telling me! I see by those that THANKED you for an interesting and agreed with post, that FEW, but other Liberal TROLLS, go along with what you say! BUT you making an "utter" fool of yourself, as OCDGirl Pogo does every time she mixes it up with people of intelligence, is the ENTERTAINMENT in USMB for a Sat. night! Keep it coming, I enjoy the giggles and shits you supply!
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
Lack of balls?

All of the above?
None of the above, genius,lol, never had to google any of it.

Look at you, so butt hurt you're replying to the same post multiple times. Someone got your goat and murdered it.:badgrin:
Here is your previous..... This candidate married the guy who deferred Vietnam and the National Guard AND went to London and Russia to protest against those serving in Vietnam.

Present both pictures to the American People and ask who they want taking the call at 3 AM.

God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
Lack of balls?

All of the above?
None of the above, genius,lol, never had to google any of it.

Look at you, so butt hurt you're replying to the same post multiple times. Someone got your goat and murdered it.:badgrin:

Meh, you are just boring. You repeat ed the same inane accusations what about twenty times now?

And you have the same complete lack of support for those claims with the last one as yo had with the first one.

I think I would rather go eat broken shards of glassware than reply to any more of your humorless, idiotic posts.

Welcome to my ignore list.
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
Political satire needs a person with a 3 digit IQ to understand the nuance of the humor, OCDPogo Girl hasn't got past "Heather has 2 Mommies"!

You're memes are mostly just striaght up stupid. They aren't hiding any nuggets of satire, their message is clear, often times based on misinformation and always overly used. You are making USMB the graveyard for lame and moronic memes.
Thank you LOW 2 digit IQ'd TROLL for telling me! I see by those that THANKED you for an interesting and agreed with post, that FEW, but other Liberal TROLLS, go along with what you say! BUT you making an "utter" fool of yourself, as OCDGirl Pogo does every time she mixes it up with people of intelligence, is the ENTERTAINMENT in USMB for a Sat. night! Keep it coming, I enjoy the giggles and shits you supply!

I see, so it's a popularity contest for you?

So, you getting one or two "thanks" and "agrrees" or whatever is all you need? I would think independent thought would be more important but no one could expect that from the meme king.

Also, this thread is so convulted I wouldn't expect liberals to just pop in and start auto-agreeing with every post without getting the context. Truly, without other wingnuts here on this board your life would appear to be completely invalidated. Nice try though, but an obvious beg for help from others.
God, I love seeing these dumbassed libs get all worked up. These next few months are going to provide me with the best comedy. The asshats couldn't find their ass using both hands in a mirrored room. They are so full of hate and leftist bullshit rhetoric that they can't see straight any longer.

These pages are worthless except to argue with them and piss them off. They respond with the same denials, the same arguments, and the same deflected responsibility statements in nearly ever argument. It doesn't matter what points you post to show them the truth as they will just deny it, call you names, or tell you lies. I love pissing them off.
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
Lack of balls?

All of the above?
None of the above, genius,lol, never had to google any of it.

Look at you, so butt hurt you're replying to the same post multiple times. Someone got your goat and murdered it.:badgrin:

Meh, you are just boring. You repeat ed the same inane accusations what about twenty times now?

And you have the same complete lack of support for those claims with the last one as yo had with the first one.

I think I would rather go eat broken shards of glassware than reply to any more of your humorless, idiotic posts.

Welcome to my ignore list.

What lack of support?

I'm still waiting for you to demonstrate the humor of your self proclaimed funny post. You also said you were done, but so easily do you get dragged back in. You're just my little yoyo, aren't you?
Oh yeah, they can dish it out but they cant take it in return.

Poor little thin skinned darlings. They need a safe space.

Ummmm..... it's you and Pissyante despearately searching Googly Images for any kind of cartoon on regardless what subject in a vain attempt to bury the actual topic.

Why is that exactly? Scared?
Political satire needs a person with a 3 digit IQ to understand the nuance of the humor, OCDPogo Girl hasn't got past "Heather has 2 Mommies"!

You're memes are mostly just striaght up stupid. They aren't hiding any nuggets of satire, their message is clear, often times based on misinformation and always overly used. You are making USMB the graveyard for lame and moronic memes.
Thank you LOW 2 digit IQ'd TROLL for telling me! I see by those that THANKED you for an interesting and agreed with post, that FEW, but other Liberal TROLLS, go along with what you say! BUT you making an "utter" fool of yourself, as OCDGirl Pogo does every time she mixes it up with people of intelligence, is the ENTERTAINMENT in USMB for a Sat. night! Keep it coming, I enjoy the giggles and shits you supply!

I see, so it's a popularity contest for you?

So, you getting one or two "thanks" and "agrrees" or whatever is all you need? I would think independent thought would be more important but no one could expect that from the meme king.

Also, this thread is so convulted I wouldn't expect liberals to just pop in and start auto-agreeing with every post without getting the context. Truly, without other wingnuts here on this board your life would appear to be completely invalidated. Nice try though, but an obvious beg for help from others.
Independent thought is what's being rated...that's why YOU FAIL...sorry to break the news to you, but you can now head to the basement of mom's house and sulk over it! ...BTW, I'm pulling a LIBERAL HERE...the word is convoluted! Try SPELLCHECK so you don't look convulted..............................................:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana:

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