Elementary students forced to recite gender neutral declaration of independence


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Students at an elementary school in Mesa, Arizona, were forced to recite a “gender neutral” revision of the Declaration of Independence, local news reports.
Elementary Students Forced to Recite Gender Neutral ‘Declaration of Independence’


https://www.regent.edu/acad/schlaw/...cs/issues/v14n2/Vol. 14, No. 2, 3 Baldwin.pdf

Psychological abuse right under your pathetic noses, and you morons don't want to see it because your authoritarian school parents tell you it's ok to do. You leftist are so mental gone it's sickening.

Parents with a normal brain left should refuse to pay school taxes for this mental abuse school system.
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People only do to you what you ALLOW them to do. All the kids had to do if they didn't want to, was sit down, tell mom and dad, and wait for the fallout.
And..after clicking the link..I see the school did something about it. Teachers are there to teach, not teach THEIR OPINIONS. jeez.
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And..after clicking the link..I see the school did something about it. Teachers are there to teach, not teach THEIR OPINIONS. jeez.

it's all being done to normalize what isn't normal. Don't worry they'll try again lol. Just like the trannies going in telling stories to the kids.
And..after clicking the link..I see the school did something about it. Teachers are there to teach, not teach THEIR OPINIONS. jeez.
Amen to this. If the teachers do not like how things were done back in the day, they should find another subject to teach if not a whole different field of work all together.

God bless you and the kids always!!!



Infowars you are a real cop out loser that follows the rest of the brain less sheep too. Little to lazy to research the brain a little to small to see how psychological warfare works and how it's used..

THIS BELOW has nothing to do with infowars wait until societies dumbasses see the light AFTER they've destroyed their own kid from being on the stupid iq level.


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