Dubbyuh's foreign policy comes hone to roost.


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Jan 7, 2004
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Columbus, OH
<center><h1><a href=http://tompaine.com/feature2.cfm/ID/10278>Humiliating Our Friends</a></h1></center>

Marc Lynch is assistant professor of political science at Williams College and the author of State Interests and Public Spheres: The International Politics of Jordan's Identity.

<blockquote>Two years ago, George Bush stunned and outraged virtually the entire Arab world by warmly describing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a "man of peace" at the height of the brutal Israeli reoccupation of the West Bank. Last week, Bush did it again, endorsing Sharon’s demands to end the right of Palestinian return and legitimizing decades' worth of illegal West Bank settlements. He did so even as Israeli assassinations of Hamas leaders and the bloody American campaign in Iraq had Arab anger at an almost unprecedented pitch. And he did so without any coordination with moderate Arab leaders or any attempt to explain himself to Arab audiences. When the final damage is calculated, the greatest victims of Bush’s latest episode of public non-diplomacy may well be a group which Bush himself claims to most want by his side: Arab moderates.

The impact of the furious humiliation of Arab moderates has already begun to surface. King Abdullah II of Jordan—probably the most friendly of all Arab leaders—postponed a scheduled meeting at the White House. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak warned that Arab views of the United States had plummeted to unprecedented depths. Even more ominously, independent Arab moderates who had tentatively embraced Bush’s calls for democratic reform—often at great personal and political risk—spoke with one voice about their humilitation and outrage. The Arab media now routinely equates the American occupation of Iraq with the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, and it has become a consensus view that America has lost all credibility in the region.</blockquote>

Dubbyuh could have capitalized on the outrage the world felt about the Fall of the World Trade Center. Instead he's pissed away every bit of good will that the world extended to our country on that day. The US's moderate Arab allies are distancing themselves from the Administration, and the US. It's time to bust his dumb ass out of office before he sparks WW III.
Please provide a link.

Do you ever deal in anything factual, or do you only read op/ed articles?
Originally posted by jimnyc
Please provide a link.

Do you ever deal in anything factual, or do you only read op/ed articles?

Link provided, the facts are there...Read them.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Link provided, the facts are there...Read them.

Thanks for the link.

Sure, there are some facts in there. But the rest is opinion. Take out the opinions and you're left with practically nothing.
I have yanked out all the opinion and left just the facts, this is what you're left with:

King Abdullah II of Jordan—probably the most friendly of all Arab leaders—postponed a scheduled meeting at the White House. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak warned that Arab views of the United States had plummeted to unprecedented depths.

Satellite television stations such as Al Jazeera have been the most powerful and potent voices demanding democratic reform in the Middle East since the late '90s, long before the Iraq war.
<center><h1><a href=Idea for Tackling Inequality Number 27,653: Stop Subsidizing It>Humiliating Our Friends</a></h1></center>

Marc Lynch is assistant professor of political science at Williams College and the author of State Interests and Public Spheres: The International Politics of Jordan's Identity.

<blockquote>Two years ago, George Bush stunned and outraged virtually the entire Arab world by warmly describing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon as a "man of peace" at the height of the brutal Israeli reoccupation of the West Bank. Last week, Bush did it again, endorsing Sharon’s demands to end the right of Palestinian return and legitimizing decades' worth of illegal West Bank settlements. He did so even as Israeli assassinations of Hamas leaders and the bloody American campaign in Iraq had Arab anger at an almost unprecedented pitch. And he did so without any coordination with moderate Arab leaders or any attempt to explain himself to Arab audiences. When the final damage is calculated, the greatest victims of Bush’s latest episode of public non-diplomacy may well be a group which Bush himself claims to most want by his side: Arab moderates.

The impact of the furious humiliation of Arab moderates has already begun to surface. King Abdullah II of Jordan—probably the most friendly of all Arab leaders—postponed a scheduled meeting at the White House. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak warned that Arab views of the United States had plummeted to unprecedented depths. Even more ominously, independent Arab moderates who had tentatively embraced Bush’s calls for democratic reform—often at great personal and political risk—spoke with one voice about their humilitation and outrage. The Arab media now routinely equates the American occupation of Iraq with the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, and it has become a consensus view that America has lost all credibility in the region.</blockquote>

Dubbyuh could have capitalized on the outrage the world felt about the Fall of the World Trade Center. Instead he's pissed away every bit of good will that the world extended to our country on that day. The US's moderate Arab allies are distancing themselves from the Administration, and the US. It's time to bust his dumb ass out of office before he sparks WW III.

He's going to have to change that last name, Lynch is offensive to the snowflakes you know.

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