"Don't Play Games With Me Kid"


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
That's what Biden said to a young girl, on the campaign trail, when she asked him how many genders there are. He said 3. Then she asked him to name them and he said "don't play games with me kid." She said he also grabbed her elbow.

"Joe Biden Says There Are Three Genders; Grabs Student's Arm When She Asks 'What Are They?"

"In answer to a student's question at the Iowa State Fair on Friday, former Vice President Joe Biden proclaimed that there are "at least three" genders. When asked to explain what they were, Biden dismissed the young woman's question. "Don't play games with me, kid," he said irritably. Then he grabbed her arm forcefully and added "by the way, the first one to come out for marriage was me."

Joe Biden Says There Are Three Genders; Grabs Student's Arm When She Asks 'What Are They?'

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