Donald Trump broke the conservative media


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Really good article.

Donald Trump broke the conservative media


In fact, throughout the election season, it has appeared that Republicans have fielded more attacks from their supposed friends on the right than their political opponents on the left. It's an incidental twist, considering how Republicans helped foster the growth of the conservative news media in order to avoid the skewering of mainstream journalists.

Instead, it appears their plan of using friendly pundits to tap directly into the vein of red-blooded Americans sympathetic to their political views has backfired. That has boosted the candidacy of Donald Trump, who last week named Steve Bannon, the former chair of the Trump-friendly Breitbart News, as his campaign's CEO.

"The analogy that I think of is somebody who has a baby alligator in their bathtub and they keep feeding it and taking care of it," said Charlie Sykes, a popular conservative talk show host in Wisconsin. "And it's really cute when it's a baby alligator — until it becomes a grown-up alligator and comes out and starts biting you."

"There's a certain sense that these guys were empowered, but they were empowered when these guys thought they were on the same side. There was a time when Breitbart was edgy, but on the mainstream of conservative," he said, referring to the website founded by the late Andrew Breitbart. "And people actually thought we were all pulling in roughly the same direction."

"I think that, in retrospect, they really did empower the instruments of their own destruction," Sykes said of the GOP.

The roots of the conservative news media industrial complex came in the 1990s with the rise of three key forces: Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Matt Drudge.

All broke ground and revolutionized their respective platforms: Fox News opinion programming on TV, Limbaugh on radio, and Drudge on the web.

In the years that followed, many emulated their successes. What Limbaugh did with talk radio paved the way for hosts like Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, and more. And what Drudge did with the internet helped spawn a slew of conservative websites. Breitbart, TheBlaze, The Daily Caller, Hot Air, and Townhall came online to serve a right-leaning audience with an insatiable appetite for news told through a conservative lens.

But in the 1990s, the conservative press was not very hostile to politicians on the right. In its formative era, the conservative-media movement mostly played friendly with Republicans. It instead spent its energy zeroing in on President Bill Clinton. Perhaps the peak came with the Monica Lewinsky scandal, during which the conservative media relentlessly hammered the president.

For the most part, Republicans and the conservative media existed symbiotically. Republicans used their newfound apparatus as a vehicle to drive home their message to supporters. Simultaneously, the conservative news media sought to lock in its audience by characterizing the mainstream press as an industry comprising dishonest liberals — something with which the GOP was more than happy to go along.

"What it became, essentially, was they were preaching this is the only place you can get news. This is the only place you can trust. All other media outlets are lying to you. So you need to come to us," said Ted Newton, president of Gravity Strategic Communications and former communications adviser to 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

"And so in an attempt to capture an audience, they almost made them slaves to those news outlets. So there is a whole group of people who will only watch Fox, who will only read Breitbart. And they are living in a bubble," he added.


Fast forward to the beginning of the 2016 election cycle. To avoid being called a RINO (Republican in name only), a Republican would have to take a hardline conservative position on nearly every issue. If, say, they were to hold conservative positions on 90% of the issues, the conservative press would focus on the 10% where there was disagreement.

It appeared that, for conservative media, only one candidate could be conservative enough to support for president: Cruz.

The Texas senator had carefully struck a balance between the various facets of the GOP, positioning himself as traditionally conservative on most issues, but one with a libertarian streak. That made him wildly popular with the conservative press leading up to 2016, and it appeared he had checked all the necessary boxes to easily win approval from its members.

But something went awry. The most aggressive right-wing members of the conservative press — the members who constantly lambasted certain Republicans for not toeing the hard-right line on every issue — got behind perhaps the most unlikely candidate of all: Donald Trump.

"America is a great place to make a living off an identity crisis. I mean, these guys just sold out to the highest bidder," said Rick Tyler, the former communications director for Cruz's presidential campaign. "If you're a conservative, you couldn't have possibly gotten on board with Trump. It's not reconcilable."


"We have reached the bizarro-world point where, for all intents and purposes, conservatives are RINOs," said John Ziegler, a nationally syndicated conservative talk show host who called Andrew Breitbart a friend. "There is no place now for real conservatives. We've also reached the point, I say, we've left the gravitational pull of the rational Earth, where we are now in a situation where facts don't matter, truth doesn't matter, logic doesn't matter."

Newton echoed that sentiment.

"You look at someone who a few cycles might have been derided as a right-wing lunatic, now they aren't conservative enough," he said. "People who were darlings of the conservative movement are now RINOs. I consider myself a fairly conservative person on most issues, and you wouldn't believe the kind of hate that is being spewed at me on Twitter. The pendulum has definitely swung."


Hannity in particular has faced criticism from some colleagues in the conservative-media sphere who allege he has been too cozy with Trump. Ziegler, the conservative radio host, said there's "there's no question" a "monetary element" drove coverage overall.

"Hannity is desperate for every ratings crumb on the Fox News Channel. ... It's all about ratings," he said. "Hannity is not particularly talented, he's not a smart guy — he used to just be a Republican talking points talk show host who happened to be in the right place at the right time. So he's very vulnerable at any time. He's not entertaining, so he constantly has to make sure his ratings are at the top of the Fox News primetime schedule. So when he started doing Trump material and his ratings go up, he benefited."


That has left conservatives who oppose Trump in a tricky position when trying to get their message to supporters. No longer can Ryan or Cruz turn to Hannity for a softball interview. They can't work with Breitbart or rely on Drudge to help with their legislative agenda.

These Republicans have effectively been exiled from the conservative news media, leaving them with a problem.

"They don't have any place to go. How else do you get your message out? You can't do it in the mainstream. This is the way you reach conservatives," Ziegler said. "We have taught conservatives for many years to trust nothing other than what they hear in conservative media. Yet the conservative media has now proven to be untrustworthy."

"You have to go to the old mainstream media and at the end of the day, you will be the only reasonable, rational conservative standing," Sykes said. "That would be the best-case scenario."


One of the chief problems, Sykes said, was that it had become impossible to prove to listeners that Trump was telling falsehoods because over the past several decades, the conservative news media had "basically eliminated any of the referees, the gatekeepers."

"There's nobody," he lamented. "Let's say that Donald Trump basically makes whatever you want to say, whatever claim he wants to make. And everybody knows it's a falsehood. The big question of my audience, it is impossible for me to say that, 'By the way, you know it's false.' And they'll say, 'Why? I saw it on Allen B. West.' Or they'll say, 'I saw it on a Facebook page.' And I'll say, 'The New York Times did a fact check.' And they'll say, 'Oh, that's The New York Times. That's bulls---.' There's nobody — you can't go to anybody and say, 'Look, here are the facts.'"

"And I have to say that's one of the disorienting realities of this political year. You can be in this alternative media reality and there's no way to break through it," Sykes continued. "And I swim upstream because if I don't say these things from some of these websites, then suddenly I have sold out. Then they'll ask what's wrong with me for not repeating these stories that I know not to be true."

Ziegler said he faced much of the same problem.

"If you are a conservative talk show host, which I am, if you don't accept that it's likely Hillary Clinton has taken part in multiple murders, or that Barack Obama is a Muslim extremist sympathizer who was probably born outside this country — if you don't accept those two things, it's almost as if you're a sellout. You're a RINO. You're somehow part of the liberal elite. It's nuts. It's making my own show very difficult to do. It's almost where to the point where we are not able to function."

He continued: "It's almost like it's a disease, and it's taken over people. I don't remember this being the case four years ago. But something has happened. Something snapped. But now all of a sudden, if a story comes out, and it's not on Breitbart or endorsed by Drudge, it can't be true. Especially if it's about Donald Trump. Which is flat-out ludicrous."
Did you read who the article is by?

Yeah, not very trustworthy.

Oliver Darcy

Erick Erickson Website “Resurgent” Paid By Pro-Cruz/Anti-Trump “Our Principles PAC”…
Erick Erickson Website “Resurgent” Paid By Pro-Cruz/Anti-Trump “Our Principles PAC”…

The Chairman of Glenn Beck’s Mercury One charity, David Barton, jointly running the Pro-Ted Cruz Super-PAC “Keep The Promise”; also never put into the sunlight by Glenn Beck or his various media enterprises so the consuming audience could filter presented political opinion through the filter of fiduciary connections. More Pesky Sunlight

Yes, it appears there’s another conservative voice who can be added to the list of those whose opinions are conveniently tied to a financial incentive therein.

In addition to all of those in the Salem Media Communications network, along with Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, Erick Erickson and anyone who is hosted upon the various media enterprises they front for…. all paid shrills dependent upon political graft.

Interesting indeed how the intersection of financial dependency drives the political ideology of these modern “conservative voices”. However, this does increasingly explain how those same voices will stand and cheer for Mr. No-Budget/Omnibus, House Speaker Paul Ryan.

“Smaller government”? Yeah, sure.

Here is the truth of the matter. . .

Trump vs. the Establishment
Trump vs. the Establishment

One of the most recent anti-Trump hit pieces by the CFR’s “Republocrats” came in the form of a letter to the New York Times (for nearly a century the CFR’s prime propaganda transmission belt) on August 8, from, as the Times put it, “Fifty of the nation’s most senior Republican national security officials.”

The letter, signed by former officials of the National Security Council and the Departments of State, Defense, and Homeland Security, accuses Donald Trump of lacking the “character, values, and experience” to be president, and charge that he would “put at risk our country’s national security and well-being.”

“We know the personal qualities required of a President of the United States,” the letter states, and continues: “None of us will vote for Donald Trump.” The letter by ostensible Republicans reads like a rip-and-read press statement from Team Hillary, utilizing all the Clintonian buzzwords about Trump’s “temperament” and “ignorance,” and his “dangerous” and “reckless” tendencies. The list of signatories to the letter is a veritable Who’s Who of Rockefeller Republicans from the past several GOP administrations. Among the prominent CFR members who signed on are John B. Bellinger III, Robert Blackwill, Eliot A. Cohen, Richard Fontaine, Jendayi Frazer, Aaron Friedberg, Brian Gunderson, Michael Hayden, Carla A. Hills, John Negroponte, Nicholas Rostow, Shirin R. Tahir-Kheli, William H. Taft IV, Dov Zakheim, Philip Zelikow, and Robert Zoellick.

Trump responded to the attack, charging that the letter’s signers are “the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is a mess, and we thank them for coming forward so everyone in the country knows who to blame for making the world such a dangerous place.” These supposedly important critics, he said, are “nothing more than the failed Washington elite looking to hold onto their power.” It is difficult to dispute Trump on this key point, which is why the CFR-aligned media focus instead on trumped up stories, such as the “crying baby fiasco,” and his supposed “Second Amendment threat” against Hillary.

Another member of the “failed Washington elite,” Maine Senator Susan M. Collins (CFR), penned a similar anti-Trump letter for the Washington Post (another longtime CFR transmission belt) on the same day, August 8, entitled “Why I Cannot Support Donald Trump.” Senator Collins, who has an abysmal 40 percent rating on this magazine’s Freedom Index, says in her letter that she is “a lifelong Republican.” “But Donald Trump,” she insists, “does not reflect historical Republican values nor the inclusive approach to governing that is critical to healing the divisions in our country.” Apparently, in Collins’ view, “historical Republican values” include supporting bigger government, more taxes, more debt, more regulation (except when it comes to auditing the unaccountable Federal Reserve, a common-sense proposal she opposes), more undeclared wars, and more surveillance-state measures, as well as support for the militant pro-abortion and LGBTQ agendas.


Many more of the CFR Republican elite can be expected to make highly public defections in the coming days and weeks. Maybe not all the way over to an endorsement of Hillary, but certainly condemning Trump and warning voters of the grave “dangers” he would pose if he occupied the White House. Between now and November 8, we can be sure there will be coordinated waves of RINO Rockefeller Republicans attacking Trump and embracing Clinton, all in a scripted effort to cripple and defeat the Republican nominee.

The Team Hillary message is, “See, Trump is so toxic and unpresidential that even all these famous Republicans are fleeing him.” That message will work — and is working — with ill-informed voters. For truly informed voters, however, the RINO exodus is a good thing to cheer, and one of the best endorsements for Donald Trump. Yes, from a solid, constitutionalist perspective, he has many faults, warts, and deficiencies. However, it should be clear from the unprecedented magnitude and ferocity of the attacks leveled against him that Trump represents an existential threat to the CFR insiders’ grand schemes for a New World Order. And it should be equally clear that Hillary Clinton is viewed by these same globalists as the chosen one to further extend their subversive schemes. Whatever his faults, Trump is seen by the globalists as their adversary, because they see in him a nationalist, a patriot, who will stand athwart their schemes for global empire. Moreover, due to his independent wealth, he is uniquely positioned to challenge and monkey-wrench their schemes. And for these reasons, between now and election day, their attacks on him will be relentless and ever more vicious.
Yep the conservative media created Trump, and now they have to watch as the Trumpster fire takes them down with it.

Yeah ... proof of The Great Liberal Media Conspiracy, right?

Trump is the inevitable next step in the death of true conservatism. It looks like true conservatism doesn't even bother to show up any more.
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