Donald claims his dog ate his health care plan!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s promise to release a long-delayed health-care plan hit a snag when his dog ate the only existing copy of the plan, the President disclosed.​
“I left the plan on my desk, and somehow the dog got up there and ate it,” he said. “It’s a bad dog, quite frankly.”​
Trump’s explanation met with raised eyebrows from the White House press corps, none of whom had been previously aware that the President had a dog.​
Asked to describe the dog, Trump said, “It has, you know, paws, and fur, and that head that dogs have. It’s a very basic dog that you would see.”​
Pressed to reveal the dog’s name, Trump said, “I didn’t name it, because I don’t name dogs unless they do a good job. I’m not like Obama, who named every dog he got. I wish Obama’s dog had eaten Obamacare. We wouldn’t be in this mess.”​
The White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, later announced that Trump’s dog would be taking an indefinite leave of absence.​


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s promise to release a long-delayed health-care plan hit a snag when his dog ate the only existing copy of the plan, the President disclosed.​
“I left the plan on my desk, and somehow the dog got up there and ate it,” he said. “It’s a bad dog, quite frankly.”​
Trump’s explanation met with raised eyebrows from the White House press corps, none of whom had been previously aware that the President had a dog.​
Asked to describe the dog, Trump said, “It has, you know, paws, and fur, and that head that dogs have. It’s a very basic dog that you would see.”​
Pressed to reveal the dog’s name, Trump said, “I didn’t name it, because I don’t name dogs unless they do a good job. I’m not like Obama, who named every dog he got. I wish Obama’s dog had eaten Obamacare. We wouldn’t be in this mess.”​
The White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, later announced that Trump’s dog would be taking an indefinite leave of absence.​


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s promise to release a long-delayed health-care plan hit a snag when his dog ate the only existing copy of the plan, the President disclosed.​
“I left the plan on my desk, and somehow the dog got up there and ate it,” he said. “It’s a bad dog, quite frankly.”​
Trump’s explanation met with raised eyebrows from the White House press corps, none of whom had been previously aware that the President had a dog.​
Asked to describe the dog, Trump said, “It has, you know, paws, and fur, and that head that dogs have. It’s a very basic dog that you would see.”​
Pressed to reveal the dog’s name, Trump said, “I didn’t name it, because I don’t name dogs unless they do a good job. I’m not like Obama, who named every dog he got. I wish Obama’s dog had eaten Obamacare. We wouldn’t be in this mess.”​
The White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, later announced that Trump’s dog would be taking an indefinite leave of absence.​

If you want a health care plan buy one there are tons available....or get a job and your company will help pay for it.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s promise to release a long-delayed health-care plan hit a snag when his dog ate the only existing copy of the plan, the President disclosed.​
“I left the plan on my desk, and somehow the dog got up there and ate it,” he said. “It’s a bad dog, quite frankly.”​
Trump’s explanation met with raised eyebrows from the White House press corps, none of whom had been previously aware that the President had a dog.​
Asked to describe the dog, Trump said, “It has, you know, paws, and fur, and that head that dogs have. It’s a very basic dog that you would see.”​
Pressed to reveal the dog’s name, Trump said, “I didn’t name it, because I don’t name dogs unless they do a good job. I’m not like Obama, who named every dog he got. I wish Obama’s dog had eaten Obamacare. We wouldn’t be in this mess.”​
The White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, later announced that Trump’s dog would be taking an indefinite leave of absence.​

If you want a health care plan buy one there are tons available....or get a job and your company will help pay for it.
:clap2: :clap2:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s promise to release a long-delayed health-care plan hit a snag when his dog ate the only existing copy of the plan, the President disclosed.​
“I left the plan on my desk, and somehow the dog got up there and ate it,” he said. “It’s a bad dog, quite frankly.”​
Trump’s explanation met with raised eyebrows from the White House press corps, none of whom had been previously aware that the President had a dog.​
Asked to describe the dog, Trump said, “It has, you know, paws, and fur, and that head that dogs have. It’s a very basic dog that you would see.”​
Pressed to reveal the dog’s name, Trump said, “I didn’t name it, because I don’t name dogs unless they do a good job. I’m not like Obama, who named every dog he got. I wish Obama’s dog had eaten Obamacare. We wouldn’t be in this mess.”​
The White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, later announced that Trump’s dog would be taking an indefinite leave of absence.​

this borowitz guy sure has a bad case of TDS,,,

maybe we can get together and send him a case of butthurt creme,,,

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s promise to release a long-delayed health-care plan hit a snag when his dog ate the only existing copy of the plan, the President disclosed.​
“I left the plan on my desk, and somehow the dog got up there and ate it,” he said. “It’s a bad dog, quite frankly.”​
Trump’s explanation met with raised eyebrows from the White House press corps, none of whom had been previously aware that the President had a dog.​
Asked to describe the dog, Trump said, “It has, you know, paws, and fur, and that head that dogs have. It’s a very basic dog that you would see.”​
Pressed to reveal the dog’s name, Trump said, “I didn’t name it, because I don’t name dogs unless they do a good job. I’m not like Obama, who named every dog he got. I wish Obama’s dog had eaten Obamacare. We wouldn’t be in this mess.”​
The White House press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, later announced that Trump’s dog would be taking an indefinite leave of absence.​

If you want a health care plan buy one there are tons available....or get a job and your company will help pay for it.
Why do you want to put a higher cost burden on American employers?
Good. The federal government shouldn't be involved in such things anyway. Especially given the fascist nature of modern American governance. The pharma lobbyists woud end up penning any such legislation and we'd all be forced to consume their products and undergo intrusive medical procedures at the barrel of a government gun. That's what fascism is. Patently.

Btw, I hope his dog got the runs afterward, haha. I can se him scooting his ass across the oval office carpet now.


No, he's too busy fighting all the obstruction and violence perpetrated by shit stains such as yourself.
If you want a health care plan buy one there are tons available....or get a job and your company will help pay for it.

My company won't pay for my health insurance. I'm a self employed independent contractor. Priced that out have ya? Well, before Obamacare the policies sucked and I could barely afford them.

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The changes Trump already made to the ACA has improved healthcare for millions of the GOP is ready to release its plan...a plan people can afford and a choice in plans from all over the longer will the people be forced into an overpriced insufficient healthcare plan....

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