Does Donald Trump have a small penis?

All that Bernie has to do in the Town Hall debate in October, is take off his own jacket. Trump cannot.
Trump has people that can do it. Bernie expects the Department of Jacket Removers to do their job.

No, I mean that Trump doesn't dare present himself without a jacket.

1st post
(CNN) Donald Trump is defending his hands again.

This time around he was responding to comments by Hillary Clinton, who, during her speech at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee gathering on Monday, suggested that Trump's wouldn't be "steady" enough to steer negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians.

"I have the steadiest hands, look at those hands," Trump said, clenching his fist, during an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "Far steadier than hers."

Asked earlier in the day by the Washington Post editorial board if he regretted a past public discussion of those hands -- one he used during a GOP debate as a metaphor to talk up his anatomical dimensions -- Trump referred to provocation by Sen. Marco Rubio and said, "No, I had to do it."

"Look at my hands," he told the Post's editorial page chief Fred Hiatt. "They're fine. Nobody other than Graydon Carter years ago used to use that. My hands are normal hands. During a debate, he was losing, and he said, 'Oh, he has small hands and therefore, you know what that means.' This was not me. This was Rubio that said, 'He has small hands and you know what that means.' Okay? So, he started it."

Trump was only beginning.

He recalled a supporter telling him, "You have good-sized hands."

They are, he continued, actually "slightly large."

"In fact," he noted, "I buy a slightly smaller than large glove."

Trump blamed former GOP primary rival Rubio, who had made teasing suggestions about billionaire's digits, for provoking him.

"(Rubio) wanted to do his Don Rickles stuff and it didn't work out," Trump said. "Obviously, it didn't work too well. But one of the things he said was 'He has small hands and therefore, you know what that means, he has small something else.' You can look it up. I didn't say it."

Donald Trump is defending his hands again -

Trump seems terribly self-conscious about the size of his "hands" - leading one to the obvious conclusion that he must have a small penis. That may help explain his personality - always trying to compensate for his male inadequacy and insecurities.

Left wing moonbats always focus on the matters at hand.
Ms Kelly is a self-promoting diva who has turned her fairly reasonable Fox News show into a non-stop anti-Trump tirade. She has lost all credibility as a news anchor and comes off like a scorned ex-wife out for blood.
A real man would welcome the challenge.
This may be the first time I'd have to agree with you. BUT... This board would be inundated with threads claiming Trump was waging a war on women.
5th post
(CNN) Donald Trump is defending his hands again.

This time around he was responding to comments by Hillary Clinton, who, during her speech at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee gathering on Monday, suggested that Trump's wouldn't be "steady" enough to steer negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians.

"I have the steadiest hands, look at those hands," Trump said, clenching his fist, during an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer. "Far steadier than hers."

Asked earlier in the day by the Washington Post editorial board if he regretted a past public discussion of those hands -- one he used during a GOP debate as a metaphor to talk up his anatomical dimensions -- Trump referred to provocation by Sen. Marco Rubio and said, "No, I had to do it."

"Look at my hands," he told the Post's editorial page chief Fred Hiatt. "They're fine. Nobody other than Graydon Carter years ago used to use that. My hands are normal hands. During a debate, he was losing, and he said, 'Oh, he has small hands and therefore, you know what that means.' This was not me. This was Rubio that said, 'He has small hands and you know what that means.' Okay? So, he started it."

Trump was only beginning.

He recalled a supporter telling him, "You have good-sized hands."

They are, he continued, actually "slightly large."

"In fact," he noted, "I buy a slightly smaller than large glove."

Trump blamed former GOP primary rival Rubio, who had made teasing suggestions about billionaire's digits, for provoking him.

"(Rubio) wanted to do his Don Rickles stuff and it didn't work out," Trump said. "Obviously, it didn't work too well. But one of the things he said was 'He has small hands and therefore, you know what that means, he has small something else.' You can look it up. I didn't say it."

Donald Trump is defending his hands again -

Trump seems terribly self-conscious about the size of his "hands" - leading one to the obvious conclusion that he must have a small penis. That may help explain his personality - always trying to compensate for his male inadequacy and insecurities.

Why am I not surprised to see such a leftist troll thread from the likes of you, oh great heyókȟa.
this reminded me of the ny post's headlines back in 1990 where it quoted Marla Maples saying sex with donald trump was the ''Best sex she ever had...'', doubted a small wee wee would have produced that statement...

so I looked for her statement and found some interesting things...turns out she never said that to any reporter or in public.... (I didn't know that back then)

The Donald had that put in the newspaper, or did nothing to stop it from running, the day after ivana's 41st birthday where trump spent the day celebrating with Ivana and the kids in Florida...long story, read all about marla and their affair that put her in the limelight....
Ooh-La-La Marla! :

but then I found this article about the statement 20 years afterwards with Marla being interviewed...looks like trump set it up...he was playing the same antics back then as he is now...

and also found out while marla was the mistress and ivana the wife he also slept around with a penthouse mag girl...she said sex was great with him too...;) small wee wee is becoming more unlikely...

Marla Maples Speaks Out On Sex With The Donald – ‘The Best’ She’s Ever Had?
January 5, 2011 7:52 AM PST

It’s been 20 years since the New York Post proclaimed in a headline that Marla Maples had dubbed sex with Donald Trump “the best she’s ever had,” and now the 47-year-old stunner is speaking out.

“I want to know — I know Donald has connections everywhere — did he plant that?” Billy Bush asked Marla of the juicy headline during an interview on Access Hollywood Live on Wednesday. “Did you ever say that?”

“Let’s put it this way — I think [Donald] had an opportunity to [take] that story out of the papers and he chose not to,” Marla told Billy and Kit Hoover. “That was pretty awful at the time. Now it’s funny to look back on, but at the time it was so humiliating!”

“So you never said it?” Billy continued.

“Did I ever say it? I don’t want to destroy him!” Marla laughed. “Maybe I whispered it somewhere along the way? But not for public domain.”

Marla Maples Speaks Out On Sex With The Donald – ‘The Best’ She’s Ever Had?

Last edited:
this reminded me of the ny post's headlines back in 1990 where it quoted Marla Maples saying sex with donald trump was the ''Best sex she ever had...'', doubted a small wee wee would have produced that statement...

so I looked for her statement and found some interesting things...turns out she never said that to any reporter or in public.... (I didn't know that back then)

The Donald had that put in the newspaper, or did nothing to stop it from running, the day after ivana's 41st birthday where trump spent the day celebrating with Ivana and the kids in Florida...long story, read all about marla and their affair that put her in the limelight....
Ooh-La-La Marla! :

but then I found this article about the statement 20 years afterwards with Marla being interviewed...looks like trump set it up...he was playing the same antics back then as he is now...

and also found out while marla was the mistress and ivana the wife he also slept around with a penthouse mag girl...she said sex was great with him too...;) small wee wee is becoming more unlikely...

Marla Maples Speaks Out On Sex With The Donald – ‘The Best’ She’s Ever Had?
January 5, 2011 7:52 AM PST

It’s been 20 years since the New York Post proclaimed in a headline that Marla Maples had dubbed sex with Donald Trump “the best she’s ever had,” and now the 47-year-old stunner is speaking out.

“I want to know — I know Donald has connections everywhere — did he plant that?” Billy Bush asked Marla of the juicy headline during an interview on Access Hollywood Live on Wednesday. “Did you ever say that?”

“Let’s put it this way — I think [Donald] had an opportunity to [take] that story out of the papers and he chose not to,” Marla told Billy and Kit Hoover. “That was pretty awful at the time. Now it’s funny to look back on, but at the time it was so humiliating!”

“So you never said it?” Billy continued.

“Did I ever say it? I don’t want to destroy him!” Marla laughed. “Maybe I whispered it somewhere along the way? But not for public domain.”

Marla Maples Speaks Out On Sex With The Donald – ‘The Best’ She’s Ever Had?

Yeah, money can make even dry humping seem like great sex.
10th post
No, I mean that Trump doesn't dare present himself without a jacket.
Why? He's running for president, not your sugar daddy. Hard to believe, I know.

He would never recover from the snickers of the audience, as they realize where the term "fat cat" comes from.
Your problem is all he needs to do is stand next to Hillary on the stage. Cankles will make him look trim.
No, I mean that Trump doesn't dare present himself without a jacket.
Why? He's running for president, not your sugar daddy. Hard to believe, I know.

He would never recover from the snickers of the audience, as they realize where the term "fat cat" comes from.
Your problem is all he needs to do is stand next to Hillary on the stage. Cankles will make him look trim.


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