Does anyone remember "Operation Wetback[sic]?

By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states.
Gee, the U.S. Government obeyed its own laws??? Imagine that!

Another 488,000, fearing arrest, had fled the country.
and an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 illegals had left the Lone Star State voluntarily.
In other words the operation was an unqualified success.

The sea voyage was "a rough trip, and they did not like it,"
Maybe they shouldn't have broken U.S. law.
Yes, it does sound like it was a success. Why they ended it is beyond me. I say we do it again, except have enough patrol agents from ICE to go into every state on the mainland at once. The chance of self deportation is great.

Agreed, but it will need a new, politically correct, name.

Operation Bean Picker?
Operation Dreamer?
Operation Bad Dreamer?
Operation Nightmare for Dreamers?

Operation Aweigh Anchor
"Does anyone remember "Operation Wetback[sic]?"

Yes, it was a manifestation of ignorance and hate, during an era of ignorance and hate, many on the right wish to return to.


don't forget "racist"'re slipping...the DNC will be unhappy about that.
On June 17, 1954, began what was then called "Operation Wetback" . Because political resistance was lower in California and Arizona, the roundup of aliens began there. Some 750 agents swept northward through agricultural areas with a goal of 1,000 apprehensions a day. By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states. Another 488,000, fearing arrest, had fled the country.


Operation Wetback was an immigration law enforcement initiative created by Director of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service Joseph Swing in cooperation with the Mexican government. The program was implemented in May 1954 by the U.S. Attorney General Herbert Brownell, and utilized special tactics to deal with unsanctioned border crossing and residence in the United States by Mexican nationals.[1] It became an issue in Mexico-United States relations. Ultimately, the program came as a result of pressure from the Mexican government to stop illegal entry of Mexican laborers in the United States-based largely on the Bracero Program.[citation needed] After implementation, Operation Wetback was met with allegations of abuse and suspension of certain civil rights of Mexicans who were arrested and deported by U.S. Border Patrol.[2].

Migration and labor demands before World War II

Mexico began discouraging emigration to the U.S. in early 1900s, beginning with President Porfirio Díaz.[3] Diaz, like many others within the Mexican government, realized the laborers leaving for the United States would be needed to industrialize Mexico and expand the economy.[4] While Mexico did not have extensive capital, its biggest asset was abundant, cheap labor, the primary source needed to modernize the country and utilize industrialized agribusiness.[5] The large and continuously growing agricultural industry in the United States created a demand for Mexican labor. From the 1920s onward, with the exception of the depression era, Mexicans served as the primary labor source for much of the agricultural industry in the United States, especially in the Southwest.[6] 62,000 workers entered the United States legally, while over 100,000 entered illegally per year during the 1920s.[7] Pressure from Mexican agribusiness owners to return laborers from the United States to Mexico prompted increased action by the Mexican government. The labor problems grew so bad that crops would rot in Mexican fields because so many laborers had crossed the border into the U.S.[8] Meanwhile, American farms were also transitioning to large scale farms and agribusinesses and continued to recruit illegal Mexican laborers to fulfill the increasing labor demands.[9]
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By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states.
Gee, the U.S. Government obeyed its own laws??? Imagine that!

Another 488,000, fearing arrest, had fled the country.
and an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 illegals had left the Lone Star State voluntarily.
In other words the operation was an unqualified success.

The sea voyage was "a rough trip, and they did not like it,"
Maybe they shouldn't have broken U.S. law.
Yes, it does sound like it was a success. Why they ended it is beyond me. I say we do it again, except have enough patrol agents from ICE to go into every state on the mainland at once. The chance of self deportation is great.

Agreed, but it will need a new, politically correct, name.

Operation Bean Picker?
Operation Dreamer?
Operation Bad Dreamer?
Operation Nightmare for Dreamers?


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By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states.
Gee, the U.S. Government obeyed its own laws??? Imagine that!

Another 488,000, fearing arrest, had fled the country.
and an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 illegals had left the Lone Star State voluntarily.
In other words the operation was an unqualified success.

The sea voyage was "a rough trip, and they did not like it,"
Maybe they shouldn't have broken U.S. law.
Yes, it does sound like it was a success. Why they ended it is beyond me. I say we do it again, except have enough patrol agents from ICE to go into every state on the mainland at once. The chance of self deportation is great.

Agreed, but it will need a new, politically correct, name.

Operation Bean Picker?
Operation Dreamer?
Operation Bad Dreamer?
Operation Nightmare for Dreamers?


Operation gather up the criminals that snuck over the border and send them back where they came from.

Why do you insist on coddling criminals?
Why do you insist on coddling criminals?

To some Native Americans YOU are also a "criminal" invaded this country without their permission, right?

Now, you can say that, "well, us whites beat those Indians into submission and took their land......" and that would make you feel all tingly inside, but perhaps to some Mexicans, having their land stolen from them because of the Alamo may still be sticking in their craw.
Why do you insist on coddling criminals?

To some Native Americans YOU are also a "criminal" invaded this country without their permission, right?

Now, you can say that, "well, us whites beat those Indians into submission and took their land......" and that would make you feel all tingly inside, but perhaps to some Mexicans, having their land stolen from them because of the Alamo may still be sticking in their craw.

Did they have immigration laws in place when my ancestors came here in the early 1700s, preventing them from staying here legally?

Are there now immigration laws in effect making them crossing the border without proper paperwork illegal?
By the end of July, over 50,000 aliens were caught in the two states.
Gee, the U.S. Government obeyed its own laws??? Imagine that!

Another 488,000, fearing arrest, had fled the country.
and an estimated 500,000 to 700,000 illegals had left the Lone Star State voluntarily.
In other words the operation was an unqualified success.

The sea voyage was "a rough trip, and they did not like it,"
Maybe they shouldn't have broken U.S. law.
Yes, it does sound like it was a success. Why they ended it is beyond me. I say we do it again, except have enough patrol agents from ICE to go into every state on the mainland at once. The chance of self deportation is great.

Agreed, but it will need a new, politically correct, name.

Operation Bean Picker?
Operation Dreamer?
Operation Bad Dreamer?
Operation Nightmare for Dreamers?


Operation gather up the criminals that snuck over the border and send them back where they came from.

Why do you insist on coddling criminals?



In late 1875, thousands of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians left their reservations, outraged over the intrusion of whites into their sacred lands in the Black Hills, despite treaties to the contrary. They gathered in Montana with Sioux Chiefs Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, to fight for their lands.

Gee, the U.S. Government obeyed its own laws??? Imagine that!

In other words the operation was an unqualified success.

Maybe they shouldn't have broken U.S. law.
Yes, it does sound like it was a success. Why they ended it is beyond me. I say we do it again, except have enough patrol agents from ICE to go into every state on the mainland at once. The chance of self deportation is great.

Agreed, but it will need a new, politically correct, name.

Operation Bean Picker?
Operation Dreamer?
Operation Bad Dreamer?
Operation Nightmare for Dreamers?


Operation gather up the criminals that snuck over the border and send them back where they came from.

Why do you insist on coddling criminals?



In late 1875, thousands of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians left their reservations, outraged over the intrusion of whites into their sacred lands in the Black Hills, despite treaties to the contrary. They gathered in Montana with Sioux Chiefs Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, to fight for their lands.

not me,

Never been to the Black Hills
Gee, the U.S. Government obeyed its own laws??? Imagine that!

In other words the operation was an unqualified success.

Maybe they shouldn't have broken U.S. law.
Yes, it does sound like it was a success. Why they ended it is beyond me. I say we do it again, except have enough patrol agents from ICE to go into every state on the mainland at once. The chance of self deportation is great.

Agreed, but it will need a new, politically correct, name.

Operation Bean Picker?
Operation Dreamer?
Operation Bad Dreamer?
Operation Nightmare for Dreamers?


Operation gather up the criminals that snuck over the border and send them back where they came from.

Why do you insist on coddling criminals?



In late 1875, thousands of Sioux and Cheyenne Indians left their reservations, outraged over the intrusion of whites into their sacred lands in the Black Hills, despite treaties to the contrary. They gathered in Montana with Sioux Chiefs Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, to fight for their lands.

That's what happens when you have uncontrolled immigration and don't secure your borders.
Did they have immigration laws in place when my ancestors came here in the early 1700s, preventing them from staying here legally?

Well, in a way there were "laws"......Breaching those laws were euphemistically called the French and Indian wars and the Indian wars and the Mexican War.......
What you left out is that this operation was successful for two main reasons.

We worked WITH mexico, who actually wanted workers back.

And most of these immigrants sent back were immediately given jobs. This would most certainly not be the case today
What you left out is that this operation was successful for two main reasons.

We worked WITH mexico, who actually wanted workers back.

And most of these immigrants sent back were immediately given jobs. This would most certainly not be the case today
Who fricking cares what mexico "wants"? mexico can pound sand on this one.
they actively HELPED all these 3rd world peasants sneak in..
What you left out is that this operation was successful for two main reasons.

We worked WITH mexico, who actually wanted workers back.

And most of these immigrants sent back were immediately given jobs. This would most certainly not be the case today
Who fricking cares what mexico "wants"? mexico can pound sand on this one.
they actively HELPED all these 3rd world peasants sneak in..
What you left out is that this operation was successful for two main reasons.

We worked WITH mexico, who actually wanted workers back.

And most of these immigrants sent back were immediately given jobs. This would most certainly not be the case today
Who fricking cares what mexico "wants"? mexico can pound sand on this one.
they actively HELPED all these 3rd world peasants sneak in..
And you really think shipping 11 million people into Mexico and not caring how Mexico reacts will work well? They stayed in Mexico last time because Mexico had JOBS for them, you think it matters how deep into Mexico you drive them? Most immigrants today are coming from south america, you think Mexico will build us a wall after we fill their country with 11 million homeless, many of whom aren't Mexican? Let's piss off our closest neighboring nation, I'm sure they'll build us the wall then. We don't needs allies, they can suck it, murica!
What you left out is that this operation was successful for two main reasons.

We worked WITH mexico, who actually wanted workers back.

And most of these immigrants sent back were immediately given jobs. This would most certainly not be the case today
Who fricking cares what mexico "wants"? mexico can pound sand on this one.
they actively HELPED all these 3rd world peasants sneak in..

this has been going on for YEARS...are you telling me you're unaware of it? mexico also allows easy passage of south american illegal immigrants as long as they are heading north...c'mon, can you NOT know about this stuff?..go look around for yourself...

Here's one example.
Mexican Government Sanctions Illegal Border Crossing With Comic Book Instructions [ pics and links ] : Diggers Realm
In December the Mexican government officially released a comic book that sanctions illegal aliens crossing our southern border. They claim it is to help migrant worker with the title The Guide for the Mexican Migrant, but upon viewing the comic book it shows illegal aliens crossing the Rio Grande, trapsing through Arizona,avoiding border patrol agents and instructs them on how to hide in American society so they aren't caught.

Here's a quick excerpt from the Free Republic translation:

Crossing the river can be very risky, especially if you cross alone and at night..

Thick clothing increases your weight when wet and makes it hard to swim or float.

If you cross in the desert, try to travel when the heat is not so intense.

Highways and towns are very far apart, so that it could take you several days to find roads and you will not be able to carry food or water for that long; you could even get lost.

Salted water helps you retain body fluids. Although you get more thirsty, if you drink salted water the risk of dehydration is lessened.


Avoid calling attention to yourself, at least while you are arranging your residence papers to live in the United States

The slap in the face is the last page which says: This consular protection guide is not promoting the crossing [of the border] of Mexicans without legal documentation required by the government of the United States; its objective is to make known the risks implied and to inform about the rights of migrants regardless of their legal residence. So after instructing on how to cross without getting caught and/or injured illegally they then state that the comic book is all about legally migrating. There's not much in the comic about legally migrating other than a sentence or two at the beginning which then quickly disolves into the ins and outs of getting across illegally.
Arizona Republic

The 32-page book, The Guide for the Mexican Migrant, was published in December by Mexico's Foreign Ministry. Using simple language, the book offers safety information for border crossers, a primer on their legal rights and advice on living unobtrusively in the United States.
Dramatic drawings show undocumented immigrants wading into a river, running from the U.S. Border Patrol and crouching near a hole in a border fence. On other pages, they hike through a desert with rock formations reminiscent of Arizona and are caught by a stern-faced Border Patrol agent.
What you left out is that this operation was successful for two main reasons.

We worked WITH mexico, who actually wanted workers back.

And most of these immigrants sent back were immediately given jobs. This would most certainly not be the case today
Who fricking cares what mexico "wants"? mexico can pound sand on this one.
they actively HELPED all these 3rd world peasants sneak in..
And you really think shipping 11 million people into Mexico and not caring how Mexico reacts will work well? They stayed in Mexico last time because Mexico had JOBS for them, you think it matters how deep into Mexico you drive them? Most immigrants today are coming from south america, you think Mexico will build us a wall after we fill their country with 11 million homeless, many of whom aren't Mexican? Let's piss off our closest neighboring nation, I'm sure they'll build us the wall then. We don't needs allies, they can suck it, murica!

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
If they want better jobs go fix their own countries. We don't need third world peasants here illegally.

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