Hillary: "Anyone see where my missing 1.6 million voters went?"
Debbie The Ramen Noodle Hair Bitch: "Anyone see where our missing 7 million voters went?".
Gee. Isn't this the year 'Queen Hillary' will waddle up to the throne and plant her hippo ass on the throne?
Seven million missing DEM votes. That's seven million DEMs who aren't magically going to bother going the polls to vote in Nov.
She hasn't even got the required number of primary delegates.
Guess Hillary's 'negro firewall' is going to repeat what they did not do in 2014. Maybe Hillary ought to start wearing 'black-face'.
CONFIRMED=> Hillary Clinton Received 1.5 Million FEWER Votes in 2016 than in 2008 -- Democrats Down 7 Million Votes
Debbie The Ramen Noodle Hair Bitch: "Anyone see where our missing 7 million voters went?".
Gee. Isn't this the year 'Queen Hillary' will waddle up to the throne and plant her hippo ass on the throne?
Seven million missing DEM votes. That's seven million DEMs who aren't magically going to bother going the polls to vote in Nov.
She hasn't even got the required number of primary delegates.
Guess Hillary's 'negro firewall' is going to repeat what they did not do in 2014. Maybe Hillary ought to start wearing 'black-face'.
CONFIRMED=> Hillary Clinton Received 1.5 Million FEWER Votes in 2016 than in 2008 -- Democrats Down 7 Million Votes