What should concern us all is this issue is so easily solved if Congress on both sides wasn't a bunch of god damned idiots who are bought and paid for by various lobbies.
It's not that fucking difficult, If you want to legally own a gun, get an FBI background check, if you pass, it is no ones business what you own, if you fail, you can't even own a .22.
If you get caught with a firearm and no background check, 10 years in prison.
Renewed every 5 years at a small fee, say $50 just to cover costs.
Allow for flags that can be placed on a person suspending their ability to buy guns under certain circumstances until the FBI can verify IE you were investigated for domestic violence yeah you can't buy guns again until that's investigated.
That is called a deal. No the NRA won't be happy, and no the gun grabbers won't be happy, but who gives a fuck, it actually helps solve the problem without draconian limitations on the rights of people who have done nothing wrong.