Demon Rats Implement Judicial Activism By Corrupting Senate Rules


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Demon Rats Implement Judicial Activism By Corrupting Senate Rules "

* Government Stupidity And The Purpose Of Naming It Congress Is To Slow Down Progress *

Unlike the House, which prioritizes action and does everything by simple majority, the Senate emphasizes deliberation and first requires a supermajority to end debate, or invoke cloture. A filibuster occurs when an attempt to end debate fails — Rule 22 today requires 60 votes.

On Nov. 21, 2013, Senate Democrats deployed the “nuclear option,” so named because of its explosive impact on Senate rules and traditions. They voted 52-48 to reinterpret the words “three-fifths” in Rule 22 to mean “simple majority.” As Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, would later explain, 52 senators made 60 equal 51.

The fight over the role that judges should play in our system of government is monumentally important. Rather than be worthy combatants in that fight, presenting and defending their activist vision for the judiciary, Democrats changed the rules to rig the fight.
" Demon Rats Implement Judicial Activism By Corrupting Senate Rules "

* Government Stupidity And The Purpose Of Naming It Congress Is To Slow Down Progress *

Unlike the House, which prioritizes action and does everything by simple majority, the Senate emphasizes deliberation and first requires a supermajority to end debate, or invoke cloture. A filibuster occurs when an attempt to end debate fails — Rule 22 today requires 60 votes.

On Nov. 21, 2013, Senate Democrats deployed the “nuclear option,” so named because of its explosive impact on Senate rules and traditions. They voted 52-48 to reinterpret the words “three-fifths” in Rule 22 to mean “simple majority.” As Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, would later explain, 52 senators made 60 equal 51.

The fight over the role that judges should play in our system of government is monumentally important. Rather than be worthy combatants in that fight, presenting and defending their activist vision for the judiciary, Democrats changed the rules to rig the fight.

Republicans will spend today in an effort to overrule an election that has no evidence of fraud simply because their candidate didn't win. There is no evidence or logical reason why their desires should be granted, and they freely admit there is no evidence for their claims, but that their accusations are so horrendous till they should be given credibility. How low will the right go before they become disgusted with themselves?
" Promoting The Political Circus Of Faux Pas Audacity "

* Fostering The Spectacle Of Absurdity *

A basic fact of modern American lawmaking at the federal level is that most bills can only pass if they have 60 or more votes in the Senate—unless the bill is subject to special procedures. Without 60 votes, any senator can block most bills using a procedure known as the filibuster.

At its core, the filibuster is a rule that makes it harder for Congress to pass laws. For senators in the minority, this is an advantage; they can prevent their opponents from passing bills that they do not like or force the majority to negotiate changes, provided they have the 41 votes needed to sustain a filibuster.

But with the country persistently split along party lines, today there is often a vast, unbridgeable divide between the 51st and 60th vote in the Senate. And that means that the filibuster effectively stymies most major legislation. When coupled with the rapid increase in its use, the filibuster has had a substantial effect on policymaking over the past few decades.
" Populism Ass Clowns Promoting Theft "

* Congress Is Far More Wise Than Progress For Government *

Republicans will spend today in an effort to overrule an election that has no evidence of fraud simply because their candidate didn't win. There is no evidence or logical reason why their desires should be granted, and they freely admit there is no evidence for their claims, but that their accusations are so horrendous till they should be given credibility. How low will the right go before they become disgusted with themselves?
First , it is amazing how a belief that coddling people too lazy to vote at the poles , and usually too stupid in the first place , is a triumph of reason for a republic , considering that a median iq of 90 is theorized as necessary for a stable democracy .

Second , pull your head out your ass , this is not a thread about the election , rather it is a thread about the blathering idiocy of the demon rat party to change the rules and purposes of congress in the name of progress .

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