Democrats vs. Republicans

Gop guy

Apr 17, 2004
West Reading PA
We all know one party will eventually become the dominant one.

My question is the which party will go by the wayside?

You all know what I'm going to say!
Originally posted by Gop guy
We all know one party will eventually become the dominant one.

My question is the which party will go by the wayside?

You all know what I'm going to say!

Republicans will die out.
this is nothing more than a continuation of the pendulum.

republicans will get more power for awhile and then after several years it will slide the other way towards democrats again.

back and forth, back and forth.
Actually......are we talking within the US, or is this a broader question of worldwide?
If the scope of republicans vs democrats were worldwide in scope being Capitalism vs socialism, I would say my answer stands that socialism is the eventual overtaking force. If we are talking within the nation, I agree with DK, but I still think the US will be overwhelmed by outside influence and rendered incapacitated within 20 or less years.
Originally posted by NewGuy
If the scope of republicans vs democrats were worldwide in scope being Capitalism vs socialism, I would say my answer stands that socialism is the eventual overtaking force. If we are talking within the nation, I agree with DK, but I still think the US will be overwhelmed by outside influence and rendered incapacitated within 20 or less years.

We gotta fight the power.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
We gotta fight the power.

I had to laugh. That is also a "song" by Public Enemy and they are a popular group who claim to be islamic in faith.

Odd, no?
Originally posted by NewGuy
I had to laugh. That is also a "song" by Public Enemy and they are a popular group who claim to be islamic in faith.

Odd, no?

oh man,you really went into the old school bag for that one.
Originally posted by cptpwichita
oh man,you really went into the old school bag for that one.

I know.....made you look twice though, didn't it?
:D :cof:
I think once the democrats and republicans run this country into the ground everyone will turn to the third parties.:p:
Within 25 -30 years, the Democrats will be conservative, and the Republicans will be regarded as liberal. Remember you heard it here first. No one can deny GBushII is spending like a drunken liberal, to maintain important constentuencies. The Dems, wanting to get back into power, will soon begin to appeal to the masses they are the party of fiscal restraint <puke>.

The argument isnt over Dem vs Repub, its a matter of CONSERVATIVE vs LIBERAL. The US, as a whole remains conservative. The people are conservative. They become closet liberals when their pocketbooks are threatened and we begin to look at our short span of life on this earth. What will ultimately defeat this nation will be the dependence on government those of the liberal mindset have whether they claim Dem or Repub.

Lets be honest, neither party truly serves the interest of the American public or the American continent. The ability of the congress to perpetuate itself, and corrupt incoming freshmen no matter how incredible their integrity is amazing.

Money does that to people, individuals. It tears at the heart of families and government. Lincoln had the answer over hundred years ago; TO REMOVE POLITICS FROM GOVERNMENT, REMOVE THE MONEY. How true.

So, we continue to elect the lessers of the evils in our leadership. Sad but true.

All evil needs in order to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
Originally posted by boss13
Within 25 -30 years, the Democrats will be conservative, and the Republicans will be regarded as liberal. Remember you heard it here first. No one can deny GBushII is spending like a drunken liberal, to maintain important constentuencies. The Dems, wanting to get back into power, will soon begin to appeal to the masses they are the party of fiscal restraint <puke>.

The argument isnt over Dem vs Repub, its a matter of CONSERVATIVE vs LIBERAL. The US, as a whole remains conservative. The people are conservative. They become closet liberals when their pocketbooks are threatened and we begin to look at our short span of life on this earth. What will ultimately defeat this nation will be the dependence on government those of the liberal mindset have whether they claim Dem or Repub.

Lets be honest, neither party truly serves the interest of the American public or the American continent. The ability of the congress to perpetuate itself, and corrupt incoming freshmen no matter how incredible their integrity is amazing.

Money does that to people, individuals. It tears at the heart of families and government. Lincoln had the answer over hundred years ago; TO REMOVE POLITICS FROM GOVERNMENT, REMOVE THE MONEY. How true.

So, we continue to elect the lessers of the evils in our leadership. Sad but true.

All evil needs in order to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

You're right, it is really conservative vs. liberal. The stuggle is also a worldwide one.

It's so easy to be a liberal, just lack the moral clarity to see evil and believe that there should be one world government, oh and all religion causes dangerous thoughts because it promotes individualism and self-responsibility.

I know we will triumph in the end though.
The Bible claims there will be one world government under the anti-Christ. The liberals will "win," 7 years before God shows them what's what.
Originally posted by Hobbit
The Bible claims there will be one world government under the anti-Christ. The liberals will "win," 7 years before God shows them what's what.

Yes, I know that prophecy too well....
Similar to another thread i posted in, I will say; "Is one really better than the other?"

I don't know what it is like where you guys live but where i live, It seems to be a Democrat you are smarter, but more importantly stupid if you are Republican. Im am NOT saying that this is the case, but i thought that was interesting...

If I had to choose from the two would vote Democrat, but this is only the case because with the Republican party sprouted the Tea Party Which an Insult to everyone who was,is, and will be American. Taking away public services? Public Schools (which are the base import of all success of our Country)? Are they insane? How about taxing the super rich including huge companies? cutting military? I see people posting what i am saying right now, Hundreds of people, yet; nothing. Why? Greed.

Somehow, Somewhere in our country's history corporations have taken over. Taken over at such a degree, laws in our fine government are passed to screw its own citizens. likewise, I doesn't pass laws to help its citizens. Why? Helping Citizens doesn't help the corporations. it is that simple people. Please open your eyes! Republicans and Democrats are the same!

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