Democrats...thank you for activating the strongest contingent in conservative politics, gun owners..

Spare us the sanctimonious leacture . Your kind was busy using that lady who was killed by an illegal in San Francisco as a rally cry to build a wall .

"Speaking of Wall, I promise I'm picking up the check from Mexico this weekend. Believe me!"
----------------------------------------------- just so the WALL is built i don't care who pays for it . My view has always been , build barriers of whatever kind for third world 'mex' and other third worlders if only to insult them . Money from the 'mex' can be collected as we financialy crush their nutz YKnow .
Mexico is one step removed from Venezuela. Debt forgiven and they still can't get their shit together.
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Spare us the sanctimonious leacture . Your kind was busy using that lady who was killed by an illegal in San Francisco as a rally cry to build a wall . control illegals from crossing into our country...which makes sense....
Gun owners comprise 25% of all Americans and 50% of guns are owned by a mere 3%. Hear you roar...


And you buy that nonsense? Gun owners no longer answer poll questions from anonymous callers.........especially after newspapers outed the private addresses of gun owners after Sandy Hook.......

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