Democrats Suppressing Republican Vote in Virginia By Illegally Turning Away Voters For Not Wearing Masks


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
You are not required to wear a mask to vote. Voting cannot be denied. The article at RedState has a link to the Virginia government's website which says that masks are encouraged, but not required, for in-person voting.

They know only left wing Karen’s will comply.
Democrats are trying to steal this election also.

Can you show up armed at a polling place, to protect your right to vote?
Democrats know that most who cannot afford such masks are minorities as well as most who have not gotten the vaccination
Makes sense that thinkers won’t wish to needlessly virtue signal and fearful liberal cheaters would use that as a way to cheat
You are not required to wear a mask to vote. Voting cannot be denied. The article at RedState has a link to the Virginia government's website which says that masks are encouraged, but not required, for in-person voting.

They know only left wing Karen’s will comply.
Democrats are trying to steal this election also.

All the Democrats are showing up with masks on? Only Republicans aren't?
Friggin Trumpists are such snowflakes. We know they will scream fraud no matter the outcome. It's in their DNA.

If a mask is required wear a friggin mask.
How many leftists are anti mask? 2?

I live in Nevada which is state that leans slightly Democratic. More particularly, I live in Clark County which is majority Democratic. When our mask mandate was temporarily lifted for a few months this past summer and it was strictly voluntary very few people were still wearing them in grocery stores or any other public place I went which pretty much pours water all over your bullshit. If you have evidence only Republicans are being turned away then present it. Otherwise, save your whining. Furthermore, the simple solution in those situations is to go put a mask on, get back in line, and vote. Nobody is being oppressed.
You are not required to wear a mask to vote. Voting cannot be denied. The article at RedState has a link to the Virginia government's website which says that masks are encouraged, but not required, for in-person voting.

They know only left wing Karen’s will comply.
Democrats are trying to steal this election also.

I knew this shit would be starting even before the polls are closing. LOL believing a guy tweeting just because he's tweeting.
Those are illegal. care to find another irrelevant link?
No, would you like to find another link? Like one that states that one is required to have a mask to vote and if you don't have one, one will be provided or do you want to play stupid and claim that non-mask wearers are not getting to vote at all?
No, would you like to find another link? Like one that states that one is required to have a mask to vote and if you don't have one, one will be provided or do you want to play stupid and claim that non-mask wearers are not getting to vote at all?

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