Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.
And when the Democrat base gets their freebies cut off for lack of funding (compliments of the Democrats), we'll see more than a Republican supermajority....

We'll see a Senate with NO Democrats!!!!
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.
Lol, you do realize they don't have the power to do that? Get ready to have prosperity. The republicans are in charge once again!
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.

Go for it...

2018 your side will lose and 2020 you will be stuck with Trump again, but go for it...
Democrat bills that warranted passing? Ready, GO!

There was one once .. .quite a while ago ..... hmmm.. oh yes now I remember, the one where they proposed to make June 15th National Cheech and Chong day, it was a great idea coming for the Democratic Side of the Aisle , unfortunately it died of loneliness before they could actually vote on it. :(
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.
Dems can't block shit. No prez, no senate, no house, no way.
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.
No, they'll be too busy chasing little boys.
That'd actually make things easier.
I'm more concerned that some cowards in the Republican party will be deceived by the sugar-coated bomb of "unity", which essentially means that "you guys don't do anything we don't like, so everybody is happy".
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.

Dingy Harry did that and look what it got you. It's why we call them libtardos.
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.
So, in these troubled times you're advocating for Congressional obstructionism? I'd say the GOP strike a deal with the dems then. Universal healthcare if the dems agree to not filibuster. Call it the "Hillary Clinton Healthcare Act". Fund it as I have recommended.

Then, get to work saving our nation. We can't afford to play capture the flag for another four years while our Congress needs to be working.
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.
They've been doing that for a decade. Both sides. Compromise is a dead art. However, it will not work any better this time than it did in the last term, since there is still not 60% for a passing vote. The only answer is for both parties to represent a real sea change in their platforms. The ability to work across the aisle has to stop being viewed as a negative. You young idealists need to grow up a bit.
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.
Dems can't block shit. No prez, no senate, no house, no way.
It takes 60% to pass legislation in the house. The Republicans have what--54?
They'll still be at it.
It takes 60% to pass legislation in the house. The Republicans have what--54?
They'll still be at it.
This is an absolute train wreck of information. I can only assume you are patently ignorant or still drowning your sorrows from Tuesday.

I'm sure inner-city public education didn't help.
It takes 60% to pass legislation in the house. The Republicans have what--54?
They'll still be at it.

Uh.. no it doesn't take 60% to pass legislation in the HOUSE, it's 60 votes (out of 100) in the SENATE to break a filibuster which is a parliamentary rule (the Republicans have 51 right now with 2 more open (NH and LA)).

The 60 vote rule can be negated by reconciliation for budgetary questions OR the so called "Nuclear Option" (basically declaring the validity of a Senate Rule to be a Constitutional Question and forcing a simple majority only vote) and since the Senate Democrats set recent precedence for both of those invocations don't be surprised when the Republicans do it.
Democrats need to do what the republicans did to us in the senate. No more going high!!! FIllerbuster every fucking bill they try to pass!!!! Block their judges for years on end. See how they like it.

They chose to be nasty to us...Well, it is time to give them a little bit of their own medicine.

That seems to win them elections!!! We also need to start pushing real socialist and liberal policies like single payer, huge corporations being broke up and Bernie type tax increases on the super rich...Demand that if we don't get what we want then fuck you.
So you're going to be just fine when the Repubs take a bill, gut it entirely, insert what they want in there and pass it with a simple majority like the dems did obiecare. Right? I mean that's what you're saying you want to happen.

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