Democrats "Investigation" agenda


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Well, here it comes....and Cheney and Halliburton are dead-center in their sights. I'm sure that will please the anti-war crowd...

Democrats' agenda may create division
Incoming House committee chief announces a slate of oversight investigations
November 27, 2006

WASHINGTON -- The incoming chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee is promising an array of oversight investigations that could provoke sharp disagreement with Republicans and the White House.

Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., pledged that Democrats, swept to power in the Nov. 7 elections, would govern "in the middle" next year. But the veteran lawmaker has a reputation as one who has never avoided a fight, and he did not back away from that reputation Sunday.

Among the investigations he said he wants the committee to undertake:

The new Medicare drug benefit. "There are lots and lots and lots of scandals," he said, without citing specifics.

Spending on government contractors in Iraq, including Halliburton Co., the Texas-based oil services conglomerate once led by Vice President Dick Cheney.

An energy task force overseen by Cheney. It "was carefully cooked to provide only participation by oil companies and energy companies," Dingell said.

A review of food and drug safety, particularly in the area of nutritional supplements.

Meanwhile, the incoming chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee said his committee would not take on contentious issues, such as extending expiring tax cuts or overhauling Social Security, at the beginning of the year. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said Democrats do not want a fight with the president and want to prove they can govern.

"The first thing we're going to do is try to work together on things we know we can accomplish," Rangel said, "rather than have the committee against the president -- it's not going to happen."

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., set to lead the House Financial Services Committee, said issues such as raising the minimum wage will be popular.

Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., who will become the Senate's second-ranking GOP leader, said Republicans still have enough clout to block legislation "if it's really bad." But he also said he wanted to find areas where the two sides can compromise.

The lawmakers appeared on "Fox News Sunday."
And? The Republicans neo-conservative, radical right wing Christian agenda created divisions, too. The questions that are finally going to be asked have needed to be asked for the past six years. If that's a problem for the right-wingers, perhaps they should have remembered that things are cyclical and Karl Rove's dream of a permanent Repub majority based on pandering to "the base" was only a pipedream.

Don't worry, though. It could be worse, I don't think Dubya got a BJ in the oval office.... right?
And? The Republicans neo-conservative, radical right wing Christian agenda created divisions, too. The questions that are finally going to be asked have needed to be asked for the past six years. If that's a problem for the right-wingers, perhaps they should have remembered that things are cyclical and Karl Rove's dream of a permanent Repub majority based on pandering to "the base" was only a pipedream.

Don't worry, though. It could be worse, I don't think Dubya got a BJ in the oval office.... right?

It's been tough to live with that boiling hatred over the years, right jillian? Maybe now you guys will get a chance to lance that boil. :p:
It's been tough to live with that boiling hatred over the years, right jillian? Maybe now you guys will get a chance to lance that boil. :p:

I don't hate anyone. I just think when absolute power corrupts, it should be held accountable. Before you talk about "boiling hatred", you really need to read your own posts.

Laterz... I'm back to work now.
I don't hate anyone. I just think when absolute power corrupts, it should be held accountable. Before you talk about "boiling hatred", you really need to read your own posts.

Laterz... I'm back to work now.

Well, I do agree with the general sentiment, however, what "absolute power" are you referring to in this case? You mean something like the "absolute power" Nancy Pelosi has to pass over a well-qualified Harmon to possibly appoint a not-well-qualified Hastings as chairman of the sensitive Intelligence Committee? Or "absolute power" such as when Clinton used his Presidential pardon to pardon people like Mark Rich? You're quite full of hateful generalities yourself...not uncommon to liberals...and which, btw, you started :p:
It's been tough to live with that boiling hatred over the years, right jillian? Maybe now you guys will get a chance to lance that boil. :p:

Bingo--now they will do exactly what the GOP did except call it something different. The party of paybacks and obstructionism.
and everyone fiddles, name calls, and diverts, while the world burns. Everyone feeling toasty? :beer:
What? Are there some issues that need to be addressed ?

Where ????:shocked:
Oh there are one or two pressing problems, but wtf, there are so many diversions. I wonder, has the left considered how concerned they'll be about the 'global warming' or the horned toad, when they are paying the subjugation tax? (jizya)

Perhaps they like the alternatives better?

You all do realize that a country becomes 'Islamic' not at 50.1%, but rather at the beginning of Sharia law being implemented? It's in the Koran.
Well, I do agree with the general sentiment, however, what "absolute power" are you referring to in this case? You mean something like the "absolute power" Nancy Pelosi has to pass over a well-qualified Harmon to possibly appoint a not-well-qualified Hastings as chairman of the sensitive Intelligence Committee? Or "absolute power" such as when Clinton used his Presidential pardon to pardon people like Mark Rich? You're quite full of hateful generalities yourself...not uncommon to liberals...and which, btw, you started :p:

How about "Absolute power" in having the executive, the congress and the courts all joined together and singing Kumbaya. Or planning "energy policy" in secret and refusing to disclose who was present. Or, if you want to talk about pardons, and since you're going back more than six years, how about daddy bush pardoning the Iran Contra folks? You can do better than Mark Rich.

Like I said, get your own house in order
How about "Absolute power" in having the executive, the congress and the courts all joined together and singing Kumbaya. Or planning "energy policy" in secret and refusing to disclose who was present. Or, if you want to talk about pardons, and since you're going back more than six years, how about daddy bush pardoning the Iran Contra folks? You can do better than Mark Rich.

Like I said, get your own house in order

Investigate away if you really think thats the best use of your time---
And? The Republicans neo-conservative, radical right wing Christian agenda created divisions, too. The questions that are finally going to be asked have needed to be asked for the past six years. If that's a problem for the right-wingers, perhaps they should have remembered that things are cyclical and Karl Rove's dream of a permanent Repub majority based on pandering to "the base" was only a pipedream.

Don't worry, though. It could be worse, I don't think Dubya got a BJ in the oval office.... right?

Liberal witch hunting, nothing more or less.
How about "Absolute power" in having the executive, the congress and the courts all joined together and singing Kumbaya. Or planning "energy policy" in secret and refusing to disclose who was present. Or, if you want to talk about pardons, and since you're going back more than six years, how about daddy bush pardoning the Iran Contra folks? You can do better than Mark Rich.

Like I said, get your own house in order

There is/was no "absolute power" created by the Administration. IF it exists at all, it was a product of the VOTERS.

You Dems are cracking me up. Right back to your same old bullshit. Guess you didn't figure out you got put out on your asses before for doing the same damned thing. Enjoy your moment .... unless you change tact, it WILL be fleeting.
It's just picking up where the Clintonistas left off. You have no agenda, well at least not one you know the American people will buy so you just attack the party WITH ideas.. Distract, distort, obfuscate, and always, always, always bring your friends/cohorts/fellow travellers, the press in with you. Investigate away dimorats becuase you have no ideas. The next two years will be painful as our country weakens while the enemy gains strength in our divisiveness.

"Saigon... shit; I'm still only in Saigon... Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the jungle. When I was home after my first tour, it was worse. I'd wake up and there'd be nothing. I hardly said a word to my wife, until I said "yes" to a divorce. When I was here, I wanted to be there; when I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle. I'm here a week now... waiting for a mission... getting softer; every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker, and every minute Charlie squats in the bush, he gets stronger. Each time I looked around, the walls moved in a little tighter."

Willard had it right: We will grow weaker under the dims and the jihadists will grow stonger..."the horror, the horror..."
The Administration has nothing to hide, right? So let the investigations go on and prove that. If they haven't done anything illegal, we can all point and laugh at the Democrats for wasting their time. If the Administration has done illegal things, then people who wanted an investigation can simply say "I told you so."
The Administration has nothing to hide, right? So let the investigations go on and prove that. If they haven't done anything illegal, we can all point and laugh at the Democrats for wasting their time. If the Administration has done illegal things, then people who wanted an investigation can simply say "I told you so."

They're wasting time that could be spent doing good for this country, and more importantly, they'll waste MY money.
They're wasting time that could be spent doing good for this country, and more importantly, they'll waste MY money.

They don't care about that.....
Let them go on a feeding frenzy......I'm sure the American people will get tired of it all, by 08....

This will be a great campaign ad in 08...

Look how much TIME and MONEY the Democrats wasted in a WITCHHUNT....
They don't care about that.....
Let them go on a feeding frenzy......I'm sure the American people will get tired of it all, by 08....

This will be a great campaign ad in 08...

Look how much TIME and MONEY the Democrats wasted in a WITCHHUNT....
I think you see the point in what I said, though I didn't clearly state the issue of money.

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