Zone1 Democrats' Hispanic Support Is Rapidly Disappearing


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It was bound to happen. If they took us for granted for decades, and went to extremes (as Biden is doing with the Mexican border), trashed our energy industry (thereby creating enormous inflation), eventually it would all be too much. Couple all that with Democrats very un-Christian policies about LBGT, CRT, and softness on crime, and you have a Hispanic revolution that is headed away from Democrats , and right straight toward Hispanic Republicans, like Maya Flores, Anna Paulina Luna, and Marco Rubio.

Now, we have some polling data specifically for Texas Hispanics from which we can judge the size and scope of Democrats' problems. The short version is that they're already in big trouble, but there's a lot more room for their situation to get worse in the coming months and years.

Impacto Group, and well-known pollster Lance Tarrance have released results from a survey of 1,200 Hispanic voters in Texas. First of all, they found the two parties in a dead heat ahead of the election this fall — 43% to 43%.
Only 40% approve of Joe Biden as president, with 57% disapproving, very much in line with the population overall. A large majority of the respondents (57% overall), especially the ones living in South Texas near the border (60%), wanted to see tougher border enforcement.

But here's what may the most interesting result in this poll: When asked how they primarily identify themselves, Hispanic voters in Texas overwhelmingly said they are American (43%) or Texan (23%) first, before Latino or Hispanic (21%). Democrats seem to have overlooked that we Hispanics are AMERICANS.

For now, at least in Texas and with predominantly Mexican American populations, Democrats están subiendo el arroyo, sin una paleta. It's going to get really awkward when they start having to add Hispanics to all the other groups they write off as white supremacists, whenever they lose arguments or elections. :biggrin:

Okay so Texas which is mostly a republican state now has more latino voters who are going to vote republican. Based on Latino conservatives doing there own survey. So why is this a story?
Here's the problem that the Democrats are having with the Latino vote.

The latinos don't want to be a permanent underclass for the most part. They want to rise in American society, their machismo isn't going to allow them to get buried under the Democrat Party's heel and be condemned to rely on government handouts for all eternity.

The late, great Hispanic immigrant, Razor Ramon, put it best. "All I want is what I have coming to me. The world, chico, and everything in it"

They know they can't get that by just relying on government handouts and medicaid. And that puts them at odds with the liberals' vision for the Hispanic Race.

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