democrats have no grounds to criticize republicans on covid 19 response !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
for weeks all weve heard is the lefts constant griping about how the Trump handled covid with lies like its Trumps fault not chinas and the biggest lie of all Trump didnt take covid19 seriously ! heck they even fined people and threw them in jail for going back to work and for going to church saying that those people were selfish and irresponsible and that they were spreading the virus! they were claiming this 10 days ago ! well they cant use covid as a political bludgeon anymore ! for the past few days democrats have been massing close together in violent mobs screaming spitting burning and looting ! and they have been gathering in mass with the support of the same left wing leaders that were throwing people in jail for going to work or playing catch in the park with their children ! the left is a joke ! they care only about power ! no talk or criticism from the dem leaders or the msm about not social distancing ! once again the left demonstrates the insane heights of hypocrisy the are capable of reaching .. remember the left said that they not Trump takes covid seriously ! 1590977428691.png
for weeks all weve heard is the lefts constant griping about how the Trump handled covid with lies like its Trumps fault not chinas and the biggest lie of all Trump didnt take covid19 seriously ! heck they even fined people and threw them in jail for going back to work and for going to church saying that those people were selfish and irresponsible and that they were spreading the virus! they were claiming this 10 days ago ! well they cant use covid as a political bludgeon anymore ! for the past few days democrats have been massing close together in violent mobs screaming spitting burning and looting ! and they have been gathering in mass with the support of the same left wing leaders that were throwing people in jail for going to work or playing catch in the park with their children ! the left is a joke ! they care only about power ! no talk or criticism from the dem leaders or the msm about not social distancing ! once again the left demonstrates the insane heights of hypocrisy the are capable of reaching ..
Yep, the ABSOLUTE height of hypocrisy. What a bunch of effing loons!
Trumps leadership failures in COVID 19

Given three months notice, Trump took minimal action to prepare
Trump declared the threat a Democratic Hoax
Trump stopped travel from China and declared victory
Rather than gear the public up for a serious infection, he downplayed the threat
Trump declined to take a leadership role in distributing critical supplies and insisted the states compete for resources
Trump continually reversed himself in giving states power to take action and then told people in those states to revolt
Trump ignored science in favor of his gut feelings
Trump spread misinformation and backed shoddy cures
Trump withdrew from WHO in the middle of a pandemic
Trump turned wearing a mask into a sign of weakness and refused to wear one.
Trumps leadership failures in COVID 19

Given three months notice, Trump took minimal action to prepare
Trump declared the threat a Democratic Hoax
Trump stopped travel from China and declared victory
Rather than gear the public up for a serious infection, he downplayed the threat
Trump declined to take a leadership role in distributing critical supplies and insisted the states compete for resources
Trump continually reversed himself in giving states power to take action and then told people in those states to revolt
Trump ignored science in favor of his gut feelings
Trump spread misinformation and backed shoddy cures
Trump withdrew from WHO in the middle of a pandemic
Trump turned wearing a mask into a sign of weakness and refused to wear one.
aaaaand the left is doing this during the pandemic.....1590987606539.png

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