Democrat Writes Powerful “Career Suicide Note” on Why He is Voting for Donald Trump

Let me attempt to explain this to you, like you are five. Rashida Tlaib has been a rep for a pretty long time now. I've never met her, and probably never will. I don't see her as her ideas. I see her as what our founders were thinking of when they created the electoral college. We are not a democratic republic, we are a representative government, like we're supposed to be.
She is representing the folks from her hood.
That’s a fair point. So I’m curious why Liberals lose their shit when people from a Conservative hood want a policy that they favor? I guess the message for all of us is you can’t have it both ways.
Interesting that nearly ALL of the party crossovers are leaving the Democrats. Tulsi, RFK Jr, Blacks, Latinos are moving en mass over to the GOP. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
Imagine that, Democrats don't want socialism.
welcome to the age of enlightenment.

viral voting misinformation

before people just wrote article, repeated stories, and made jokes amongst themselves.

now we have cellphone and video cams, Photoshop, and social media

is it real or is it Memorex
Things That Make You Go Hmmm...


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Democrat Writes Powerful “Career Suicide Note” on Why He is Voting for Donald Trump

5 Oct 2024 ~~ By Margaret Flavin

The prospect of Democrats continuing to embrace censorship, warmongering, and lawfare has led many to a Ronald Reagan’s “I didn’t leave the Democratic party, the Democratic Party left me” moment of their own.
Author M.C. Armstrong wrote The Mysteries of Haditha about his time as an embedded journalist with Joint Special Operations Forces in Al Anbar Province, Iraq, in 2008. His story was nominated for “Best Memoir” at the 2021 American Book Festival.
On Friday, Armstrong wrote a powerful statement, which he refers to as a “career suicide note,” on what drove him from the Democrat party and why he will vote for Donald Trump in November.
You can read his entire message on X:

Democrat Neo-Marxists are not the least bit worried about the office of POTUS. IF their fraudulent voting is not enough to take that office they are planning on the steal of the House and the Senate as was done in 2022.
Within six months of POTUS Trump's inauguration he will be impeached, tried in the senate found guilty and imprisoned. VPOTUS Vance will fall to the same tactic shortly after that.
Jamie Raskin will use every underhanded trick he can think of, Democrats will use every gesture and word say's and didm't say to persecute him.
It's just insanity that the decision to vote a person's conscience puts their career in jeopardy? That, alone, is indicative of how far off course the Democrats Neo-Marxist party has strayed. Dissent is unallowable and unacceptable.

I read his first paragraph. It was filled with lies and misinformation. Whoever this guy is, he is an idiot, who is easily fooled.
I read his first paragraph. It was filled with lies and misinformation. Whoever this guy is, he is an idiot, who is easily fooled.
Great! you parrot the Democrat Neo-Marxist talking points. You and KJP went to the same school of indoctrination...

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