Democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Escalates Corona Spread


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Escalates Corona Spread

Democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Escalates Corona Spread
April 7, 2020 ~~ By Rabbi Aryeh Spero
How ironic that Bill DeBlasio, New York City’s mayor, who designated his city a sanctuary city, and Governor Andrew Cuomo, who designated New York a sanctuary state, both in defiance of federal orders, have blamed the federal government for not supplying all of their hospital and other state needs. These two, among other prominent Democrat mayors and governors who for many years virtue-signaled and put the rest of the country in jeopardy --- claiming it is not the fed's business what they do in their states --- suddenly have relinquished city and state responsibility for the conditions in their jurisdictions. Virus protection is the federal government’s obligation, they bellow.
These same mayors and governors who proudly stood in the way of ICE, the federal government’s agency for protecting our borders and citizens from illegal immigrant criminality, were blithely willing to endanger the rest of the country by arrogating to themselves all power. Suddenly, they take no personal blame for the lack of preparedness and supplies, or the absence of a game plan in their districts, where heretofore they claimed absolute power and independence.
Some questions: Why hadn’t they stockpiled masks, gowns, gloves, and ventilators? Some have held office for almost ten years. It seems they were not focused on nuts and bolts but exotic projects and trendy politics. Their city and state health departments have budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars. We now see they are all boast but no toast. Instead of serious governing, they have spent the last three years trying, through the courts, do defy President Trump. Who do they blame for what’s happening now in their city and state? Trump and the federal government.
When Trump outlawed the flights from China, DeBlasio immediately accused Trump of racism. His “enlightened” NYC policies have routinely been formulated to be the opposite of Trump. He brags about it, and New Yorkers have cheered him on by crowing about who we are. So, while Trump was closing us down with China and acknowledging that a virus was on its way, DeBlasio was making light of it. He defiantly kept mass subway and bus travel open, declaring the City could handle this minor problem, and was unwilling to close the public schools. Even after Pennsylvania and New Jersey had closed their schools, DeBlasio did not. It was New York’s governor who finally intervened and closed them down. No doubt, it was DeBlasio’s unending war against Trump, Trump the “racist against the Chinese,” that blinded him and inwardly compelled him to be AWOL on Corona until a mere couple of weeks ago. And, the City suffered.
Our country is under attack. Can anyone imagine FDR being attacked in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor by politicians accusing FDR of not leading, of politicians constantly demoralizing the country in her moment of peril, of politicians calling for investigations and impeachment of FDR while trying to lift us out of the ashes of Pearl? Thank God there were no Hillary Clintons, Pelosi, Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Rob Reiner, Bill Kristol or Cher during WW II. Tokyo Rose was enough.
Actually, there was a case in American history where the president and secretary of state were indeed aware of an unfolding tragedy and attack in front of their eyes and yet did nothing, purposely did nothing, and let Americans be murdered and tortured so as to save their own political skins. It was Benghazi! The president was Barack Obama, the secretary of state was Hillary Clinton, and the minority leader was Nancy Pelosi.

Awesome and on target. Unfortunately the Rabbi will catch flak for this. Almost time for the round up of the usual miscreants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists and RINO's to populate their rightful places in DC. hanging from lampposts aplenty in the swampland. Hmm...., Is it still legal to dream?
Personally, the Governors and Mayors of Blue City and State are perfidious at best. They get NO sympathy from me. Hey, the populations of these cities and the state got what they voted for.
While I agree with the author's thesis I have sympathy for the minority of conservatives that are stuck under corrupt Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists. especially those living in the rural areas and upstate. As a former resident New York city and upper New York State, I see the inequality of the voting system in the State.
Democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Escalates Corona Spread

Democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Escalates Corona Spread
April 7, 2020 ~~ By Rabbi Aryeh Spero
How ironic that Bill DeBlasio, New York City’s mayor, who designated his city a sanctuary city, and Governor Andrew Cuomo, who designated New York a sanctuary state, both in defiance of federal orders, have blamed the federal government for not supplying all of their hospital and other state needs. These two, among other prominent Democrat mayors and governors who for many years virtue-signaled and put the rest of the country in jeopardy --- claiming it is not the fed's business what they do in their states --- suddenly have relinquished city and state responsibility for the conditions in their jurisdictions. Virus protection is the federal government’s obligation, they bellow.
These same mayors and governors who proudly stood in the way of ICE, the federal government’s agency for protecting our borders and citizens from illegal immigrant criminality, were blithely willing to endanger the rest of the country by arrogating to themselves all power. Suddenly, they take no personal blame for the lack of preparedness and supplies, or the absence of a game plan in their districts, where heretofore they claimed absolute power and independence.
Some questions: Why hadn’t they stockpiled masks, gowns, gloves, and ventilators? Some have held office for almost ten years. It seems they were not focused on nuts and bolts but exotic projects and trendy politics. Their city and state health departments have budgets of hundreds of millions of dollars. We now see they are all boast but no toast. Instead of serious governing, they have spent the last three years trying, through the courts, do defy President Trump. Who do they blame for what’s happening now in their city and state? Trump and the federal government.
When Trump outlawed the flights from China, DeBlasio immediately accused Trump of racism. His “enlightened” NYC policies have routinely been formulated to be the opposite of Trump. He brags about it, and New Yorkers have cheered him on by crowing about who we are. So, while Trump was closing us down with China and acknowledging that a virus was on its way, DeBlasio was making light of it. He defiantly kept mass subway and bus travel open, declaring the City could handle this minor problem, and was unwilling to close the public schools. Even after Pennsylvania and New Jersey had closed their schools, DeBlasio did not. It was New York’s governor who finally intervened and closed them down. No doubt, it was DeBlasio’s unending war against Trump, Trump the “racist against the Chinese,” that blinded him and inwardly compelled him to be AWOL on Corona until a mere couple of weeks ago. And, the City suffered.
Our country is under attack. Can anyone imagine FDR being attacked in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor by politicians accusing FDR of not leading, of politicians constantly demoralizing the country in her moment of peril, of politicians calling for investigations and impeachment of FDR while trying to lift us out of the ashes of Pearl? Thank God there were no Hillary Clintons, Pelosi, Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Rob Reiner, Bill Kristol or Cher during WW II. Tokyo Rose was enough.
Actually, there was a case in American history where the president and secretary of state were indeed aware of an unfolding tragedy and attack in front of their eyes and yet did nothing, purposely did nothing, and let Americans be murdered and tortured so as to save their own political skins. It was Benghazi! The president was Barack Obama, the secretary of state was Hillary Clinton, and the minority leader was Nancy Pelosi.

Awesome and on target. Unfortunately the Rabbi will catch flak for this. Almost time for the round up of the usual miscreants of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists and RINO's to populate their rightful places in DC. hanging from lampposts aplenty in the swampland. Hmm...., Is it still legal to dream?
Personally, the Governors and Mayors of Blue City and State are perfidious at best. They get NO sympathy from me. Hey, the populations of these cities and the state got what they voted for.
While I agree with the author's thesis I have sympathy for the minority of conservatives that are stuck under corrupt Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists. especially those living in the rural areas and upstate. As a former resident New York city and upper New York State, I see the inequality of the voting system in the State.
ALL very true. Thanks for the post.
As I predicted a month ago, the Wuhan Covid-19 virus is just another Flu epidemic and at that less virulent in death toll as previous influenza types.
Now I'm not saying that Covid-19 is not dangerous. What I'm saying is that we've dealt with Influenza Viruses for ages and they mainly have come from Asia (China). It's time to stop this panic and fear mongering mainly from Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists.
This self imposed national quarantine should end by the middle of April and our economical recovery should begin.
It's up to Trump to make the decision.

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