Democrat poll worker ejected for pre-selecting 'straight Dem ticket' on voting machines

With selfie sticks! The horror!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

You may want to get your head out of your ass and read the criminal charges, especially the seditious conspiracy.

It was attempt to overthrow the result of the election, to prevent Biden's presidency and instead install a second term for Trump.

If you don't understand it then you are dumber then a box of rocks.

No guns, no overthrow attempt. No matter how much you try and claim it.

It is an asinine claim put forward by asses.
It was attempt to overthrow the result of the election, to prevent Biden's presidency and instead install a second term for Trump.

If you don't understand it then you are dumber then a box of rocks.

Lets get this straight, a VERY small group of unarmed and unorganized protesters were going to overthrow the government of the most powerful country in the world by breaking into Congress.

You folks aren’t too bright.
You may want to get your head out of your ass and read the criminal charges, especially the seditious conspiracy.

'And they did ALL THAT with selfie sticks! Go figure!

What if the GOP wins, are Dems allowed to voice concerns over who is cheating then. if the Gop wins they are not cheating, if the dems win they are cheating. See how that works.
No, that's not how 'this' works. THIS libtard criminal was CAUGHT committing election fraud ... BEFORE the election.

If ... WHEN ... Demo rats loae they can voice any concern they want to over possible election fraud. It should then be investigated. THAT is hiw 'this' is supposed to work.
The dems will not be able to do what they did in 2020.... those days are over libtards....
I don't agree.Granted we have seen progress ins some election
areas.Like how Polling has changed quite significantly.Maybe because
it wasn't adding up and we've been there done that before.
Also this is Not a General Election but a mere Midterm.
The difference being in that SO many Senate seats are up.
So No Popular vote is relevant.Just Statewide results.
So even in California,the Democrat machine is gonna have
real competition.Plus there is the slight possibility that Nancy
Pelosi could lose her seat because she wasn't voted-in.
Basically running unopposed except for a named Democrat
Socialist { Shahid Buttar }. Who ran against her before in { 2020 }.
In 2020 there were two Republican challengers.
I'm still curious as to why Biden made a big deal about
This Election is about Democracy.And that we must make sure
and count all votes and that we need to take our time.
That was the bugaboo in 2020.
Where in key Battleground states { Florida,Ohio & Texas ,}
The winner was decided Early and w/o cause for any alarm.
Another fraudster caught
Maybe we can have a display as in 2012 where Cincinnati Pol worker
Melowese Richardson was taken to task.She went vocal and
made the claim{ proudly } that she voted TWICE for Obama.
Well someone or ones decided to look into that braggadocio.
Turned out she did just that and a whole lot more.
Had a history of voting more than once.As a Poll worker.
Got taken to court and given 5 years.Got early release.
Not long after she was cheered on in Ohio at an event
where Al Sharpton appeared.Her name came up to huge
That's STILL what we're dealing with here ... Folks.
The Lying,Corrupt,say anything do anything Cheating Democrats.
The overwhelming majority of Fraud Machinery is still in place. Do not take your vote for granted. The New World Order DemStooges are out to make it count for nothing.
Only overwhelming turnout can overwhelm Election Fraud.
If found guilty they should be charged for election tampering.

Unless we start punishing people for stuff like this, regardless of which party they are in, it will just continue and get worse.
If found guilty they should be charged for election tampering.

Unless we start punishing people for stuff like this, regardless of which party they are in, it will just continue and get worse.
However it depends on the players.The bigger the players the faster the
step-down.Take for example the case of Virginia Congressman Jim Moran.
A powerful player in the Democrat House.Well what happened was quirky.
Moran's son Patrick ran Jim's home Campaign Office.
One day Project Veritas decided to call that Campaign Office that
Patrick Moran ran.Project Veritas used an alias.Acted like a concerned
Female who just wanted to quickly register and either couldn't or
didn't want to expose her true self .She acted as if a streetwalker.
Dint stop Patrick from going into detail explaining just how she
could work around that by stretching a few pertinent legalities.
Right there ... Vote and Registration Fraud.No finer example.
It didn't take long for Project Veritas to advertise the Phone call.
It was damnable.There was no way for Father Jim to clear his son
and not further damage his own skin.So Jim Moran just decided to
not talk any longer { He was a regular on - Hardball - throughout
the 2000's }. And quietly retired from Congress.
I don't agree.Granted we have seen progress ins some election
areas.Like how Polling has changed quite significantly.Maybe because
it wasn't adding up and we've been there done that before.
Also this is Not a General Election but a mere Midterm.
The difference being in that SO many Senate seats are up.
So No Popular vote is relevant.Just Statewide results.
So even in California,the Democrat machine is gonna have
real competition.Plus there is the slight possibility that Nancy
Pelosi could lose her seat because she wasn't voted-in.
Basically running unopposed except for a named Democrat
Socialist { Shahid Buttar }. Who ran against her before in { 2020 }.
In 2020 there were two Republican challengers.
I'm still curious as to why Biden made a big deal about
This Election is about Democracy.And that we must make sure
and count all votes and that we need to take our time.
That was the bugaboo in 2020.
Where in key Battleground states { Florida,Ohio & Texas ,}
The winner was decided Early and w/o cause for any alarm.
Nothing is as bad as the covid rules from the last election... state legislatures under republican rule have done a lot to secure their election process.... the blue states can cheat all they want it won't change the fact that the GOP will win the house and senate despite McConnell....
For months leading up to the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, false claims about potential voter fraud have been common on the political right (Lytvynenko & Silverman, 2020a; Zadrozny, 2020a). These claims only seemed to increase once Donald Trump’s early lead on election night started to decrease as mail-in ballots were counted, ultimately leading the election to be called in Biden’s favor several days later (Lytvynenko & Silverman, 2020b; Zadrozny, 2020b). Trump himself was responsible for dozens of false and misleading claims about the prevalence of election fraud in the U.S. and the outcome of the 2020 election in the days preceding this survey (Funke et al., 2020; Kessler & Rizzo, 2020). Examples included false claims that voting machines fraudulently switched votes to Biden, that large numbers of Trump ballots were destroyed, and that Republican election officials were unduly restricted from observing polling stations (leading to malfeasance). Furthermore, although the “news” branch of Fox News followed other mainstream media outlets and called the election for Biden, several of the hosts in the “opinion” branch of Fox News (such as Sean Hannity) parroted Trump’s false election fraud claims (Darcy, 2020) as did news sources further on the right (e.g., Breitbart, Newsmax, One America News Network). As of this writing, no evidence for systemic election fraud has been produced and the various legal challenges have all been rejected by courts (Williams, 2020). Thus, these false claims constitute misinformation – that is, as information that is false, inaccurate, or misleading (Wardle, 2018).
Nothing is as bad as the covid rules from the last election... state legislatures under republican rule have done a lot to secure their election process.
Like stopping the use of drop boxes and rejecting undated ballots (even though they were signed, dated by a postal stamp, and received on time) despite there being no evidence of widespread fraud in 2020?

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